
  • 网络National Essential Drug;national essential medicines
  1. 结果:2年中,头孢菌素的使用品种、金额、DDDs均逐年增加,其中,国家基本药物的DDDs所占比例在65%以上。

    Result : During the 2 years , the varieties , purchase sum of money and DDDs of cephalosporins antibiotics were in - creasing yearly . The proportion of national essential drugs was above 65 percent in terms of DDDs .

  2. 我国制订与实施《国家基本药物目录》的进展

    The Progress in Establishing and Implementing National Essential Drugs List in China

  3. 1998年TCS注射剂作为计划生育类用药被国家基本药物品种目录收录(NO.676),可直接用于临床。

    In 1998 , TCS was accepted by our National Basic Drugs Catalog as an agent for birth control .

  4. 在DDDs排序中,居前20位的药品均为国家基本药物。

    The top 20 chemical drugs on DDDs list were all national Basic Drugs in China .

  5. 20所乡镇卫生院国家基本药物供应状况的抽样调查

    Sampling Survey on Provision of Essential Drug in Township Health Clinics

  6. 目的:为了更好地宣传和推广国家基本药物。

    Objectives : To better propaganda and extend the national essential drugs .

  7. 基于层次分析法的国家基本药物遴选

    Selection of national essential drugs based on analytic hierarchy process

  8. 建立与完善国家基本药物政策的研究

    Research of Constructing and Improving National Essential Drug Policy

  9. 政府主导建立国家基本药物制度机制研究

    Studying on the Mechanism of Developing the Government-Led National System for Basic Pharmaceuticals

  10. 基层医疗机构实施国家基本药物目录情况的调查

    Investigation on the Implement of National Essential Drug List in Basic Health Care Institutions

  11. 医生处方行为干预与使用国家基本药物的相关性

    Correlation Between the Prescribing Behavior intervention in Doctors and Use of National Essential Drugs

  12. 试论推行国家基本药物政策应遵循的基本原则

    An Elementary Discussion on the Basic Principles for Carry out National Essential Drug Policy

  13. 浅谈新医改下的国家基本药物供需问题

    Explore the Supply and Demand about National Essential Drugs in the Medical System Reform

  14. 结论完善国家基本药物目录;

    CONCLUSION Refine national essential medicine list ;

  15. 阐述国家基本药物制度在我国医疗体制改革中的重要性。

    The importance of national essential drugs system in the medical system reform was elaborated .

  16. 试论新医改形势下我国国家基本药物制度的建设

    Discussion on Construction of National Essential Drug Policy under the Circumstances of New Health Reform

  17. 如何实施国家基本药物清单

    How to excute national essential medicine list

  18. 国家基本药物政策实效弱化的后果分析与强化推行的对策探讨

    Analysis on Aftereffects of Weak Implementation of National Essential Drug Policy and Measures for Strengthened Implementation

  19. 完善国家基本药物工作,推进国家药物政策的制定和实施

    Improving National Essential Drug Related Work and Pushing the Development and Implementation of National Drug Policies

  20. 一是在基层全面实施国家基本药物制度。

    First , we will fully implement the national system for basic drugs at the primary level .

  21. 浅谈建立国家基本药物制度保证群众基本用药

    The Establishment of National System of Essential Drug , To Ensure the Public Basic Demand for Drug

  22. 安徽省综合医院医务人员国家基本药物认知情况研究

    A Study on the Awareness of National Essential Medicines of Medical Professionals in General Hospitals of Anhui Province

  23. 结果:通过介绍使广大医药工作者能更好地理解和贯彻执行国家基本药物,并促进我国国家基本药物制度的推广和实施。

    Result : Through the introduction , medical and pharmaceutical staffs can better understand and implement the national essential drugs .

  24. 2002年版《国家基本药物目录》中药注射剂类药品不良反应文献调查分析

    Adverse drug reaction reports of traditional chinese materia medica injection in National Essential Medicines List ( 2002 edition ) by systematic analysis

  25. 结果与讨论:探索、分析和解决国家基本药物政策推行实效问题是当务之急、迫在眉睫的一个重大课题。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : Discussion , Analysis , solution of implementary effect of National Essential Drug Policy is the urgent affairs .

  26. 研究背景国家基本药物政策是国家公共卫生政策的重要组成部分,也是国家药物政策的核心内容之一。

    Background National essential medicine policy is one of the key components of national pharmaceutical policy and national public health policy at large .

  27. 前言:目的:探讨推行国家基本药物政策的方法与途径,以实现其制约与导向功能。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the ways of implementing national essential drug policy in order to actualize its function of restriction and orientation .

  28. 目的:探讨在新医改条件下保障国家基本药物供需的重要性。

    Objective : To explore the importance of protection to the supply and demand about national essential drugs in the medical system reform .

  29. 目的:回顾、分析我国制订与实施《国家基本药物目录》的进展与面临的问题。

    OBJECTIVE : To review and analyse the progress and problems in establishing and implementing national es ˉ sential drugs list in our country .

  30. 落实国家基本药物目录的使用,强化处方管理,促进临床合理用药。

    Thirdly , national essential medicines list usage should be also implemented and prescription management should be enhanced to promote rational clinical drug use .