
  • 网络national economic structure
  1. 发挥国有商业银行优势加快国民经济结构调整

    Give Full Play to State-owned Commercial Banks ' own Advantage ; Speed up the Adjustment of National Economic Structure

  2. 构建了我国国民经济结构、产业结构体系图;

    The authors first construct the graph of China ′ s national economic structure and industrial structure system first .

  3. 目前,中国正面临着国民经济结构战略性调整的繁重任务。

    China now faces arduous tasks of economic strategic restructuring .

  4. 国民经济结构仍处于比较落后的状态;

    The structure of national economy is also relatively backward ;

  5. 同质的国民经济结构

    Homogeneous structure in the national economy

  6. 目前,我国的饲料产业在整个国民经济结构中,已经成为一个重要的支柱产业。

    At present , feed industry has become an important part in the whole national economy .

  7. 调整西部地区的国民经济结构;优化西部地区的资源配置。

    Thirdly , adjusting economic structure of west region and finally updating resource allocation for the west region .

  8. 随着国民经济结构调整,国有经济战略重组,一部分劳动力必然要游离出原有劳动岗位,即下岗。

    With the adjustment of national economy and state-owned stragetic realignment , part of labour-force will be unemployed .

  9. 宏观经济反映在总量上的矛盾,实际上是由国民经济结构不合理所引起的。

    The contradiction reflected in aggregate for macro economy is in effect resulted from irrational national economy structure .

  10. 核心外围论对中国的分析贸易条件贸易结构国民经济结构分析

    The Nucleus-Periphery Perspective to China Analysis & The Trade Conditions , Trade Structure , and Structural Analysis of National Economy

  11. 工业化是世界各国走上现代化之路的助推器,是推动国民经济结构不断优化升级的火车头。

    Industrialization is the booster to realize modernization for all the countries and the locomotive to promote national economy structure unceasingly .

  12. 是推动我国国民经济结构调整和企业重组改造的有力杠杆;

    It is a powerful lever to promote the structural adjustment of our national economy and the restructure of our enterprises ;

  13. 土地供需不协调往往会国民经济结构失衡,也会导致土地资源的破环和浪费。

    The demand imbalance in the structure of national economy , would lead to the break ring and waste of land resources .

  14. 在衰落和被淘汰的部门就业的劳动者,随着国民经济结构的变化,需要另谋职业,转移工作部门。

    With the national economic structure changing constantly , those working in languishing or failed industries need to find new jobs elsewhere .

  15. 交通运输业是整个国民经济结构中一个重要部门,在综合运输系统中发挥着巨大的作用。

    The transportation is an important department in the whole national economy framework , which develop the enormous function in synthetically transportation system .

  16. 随着国民经济结构的调整和经济增长方式的转变,我国物流业得到了较快的发展。

    With the adjustment of the national economic structure and the transformation of economic growth mode , logistics industry develops rapidly in China .

  17. 城市经济结构是国民经济结构的主体组成部分,城市经济结构相对于国民经济结构而言具有先导性。

    Urban economic structure is the main body of the national economic structure , and it is the precursor of the national economic structure .

  18. 高新技术产业的健康快速和可持续发展,对我国实现国民经济结构调整和产业升级起着重要的作用。

    The healthy , rapid and sustainable development of Hi-tech industry can play an important role in the national economic structure adjustment and industries upgrading .

  19. 改革开放以来,创业企业日益成为中国国民经济结构中的重要组成部分,在改革发展的大潮中充当着先锋的角色。

    Since reform and opening of China , entrepreneurial enterprises have become an important component of chinese economy , and acted as pioneer in the reforming trends .

  20. 其次,虽然我国高新技术产业有了相当发展,但国民经济结构的构成中仍以传统产业为主。

    Secondly , though hi-tech industry advanced rapidly in these years , but occupation probability of traditional industry still is big in the integral structure of national economy .

  21. 房地产业在二十年来的发展中,逐步上升成为我国国民经济结构中的支柱产业之一。

    The real estate progressively rises and becomes one of the pillar industry in national economic structure of our country in the development over the past 20 years .

  22. 产业结构是国民经济结构极为重要的组成部分,是实现社会总供给和总需求相平衡的关键。

    Industrial structure is the essential part in the National Economic Structure , and is the key point to keep the balance between the social supply and demand .

  23. 物流企业是国民经济结构中的基础行业,其对国民经济的发展起着重要的支持保障作用。

    The logistics industry is the basic industries in the national economic structure , it plays an important supporting role in safeguarding the development of the national economy .

  24. 我国正处于经济转型时期,优化国民经济结构,促进产业优化升级,是我国提高经济增长质量和效益的有效手段。

    China is in economic transition , optimize the economic structure , promoted industrial upgrading , which is the effective means to improve quality and efficiency of its economic .

  25. 社会经济技术的发展和国民经济结构的调整使各产业之间的联系越来越紧密,彼此之间相互渗透、相互融合的趋势日趋明显。

    Under the background of technology development and economic adjustment , the relationship among industries becomes closer . And the trend of industry penetration and industry convergence becomes more and more evidently .

  26. 传统农业向现代农业的转化不是一个孤立的过程,而必须在整个国民经济结构的转换与升级的大框架内完成;

    The transform from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is not an isolated process , the process deepen step by step along with the transform and upgrade of whole struction of national economy ;

  27. 它作为服务业中的高端行业,无论是在发达国家还是发展中国家,对国民经济结构的提升和国家就业率的拉动都有着决定性的作用。

    Since it is one of the advanced industries in services , KISI has a decisive role in upgrading economic structure and raising national employment rate both in developed countries and developing ones .

  28. 抗战时期,特别是抗战前期,甘肃传统的农业、手工业和商业在稳步发展,国民经济结构发生了明显的变化。

    During the Anti-Japanese War , particularly the former of war , there was a stabile development of traditional agriculture , handicraft industry and trade , and national economical structure took place obvious changes .

  29. 构建中国合意银行业市场结构应遵循的一个基本准则是要与国民经济结构要相适应,从市场主体和市场环境两方面着手构建。

    Construction of banking market structure in China should agree to follow a basic principle , which is to be compatible with the national economic structure , and start from market players and market environment .

  30. 国内外研究成果及我国市场经济发展和国民经济结构调整深化的实践表明,制度因素对民营经济的影响是至关重要的。

    Through the domestic and international , achievements and practice of market economy in our country , we can draw the conclusion that the institution is one of the most important factors to the private economy .