
  • 网络terrain analysis;Topographic Analysis
  1. GIS地形分析技术在小范围土地利用规划中的应用

    Application of GIS Topographic Analysis Technique on Small Scale Land Planning

  2. 结果表明:利用DEM地形分析与GIS空间分析,可以很好地将物种适宜性的空间变化表现出来;

    Here high frequency means the higher suitability of a site for re-vegetation . The result showed that with combination of topographic analysis based on DEM and GIS functions the spatial changes of vegetation suitability can be modeled .

  3. 基于组件GIS的造林小班地形分析的研究&以造林小班坡向为例

    Approach of terrain analysis of the compartment based on the component GIS

  4. GIS面向用户的模型库及其管理系统的设计与实现&以GIS中地形分析为例

    Realization of Client Orientation Model Base and Model Base Manage System of GIS

  5. 水下地形分析中基于TIN的土方量计算方法

    Algorism Based on TIN for Earthwork in Spatial Analysis of Underwater Terrain

  6. 基于DEM的GIS地形分析的实现方法研究

    Implementation Methods of DEM-based GIS Terrain Analysis Functions

  7. 基于HLA的地形分析联邦成员设计与实现

    Research and Realization on Terrain Analysis Federation Based on HLA

  8. 可视性分析是数字地形分析的重要组成部分,也是GIS空间分析中不可或缺的内容。

    Visibility analysis is an important component of DTA and it is also the indispensable part in GIS spatial analysis .

  9. 然后根据水下地形分析的特点,提出并研制了有关的新算法&基于不规则三角网(TIN)的直接计算法。

    According to the characteristic of underwater terrain analysis , a new algorithm is set up .

  10. DEM及数字地形分析中尺度问题研究综述

    A Review on the Scale Issue in DEMs and Digital Terrain Analysis

  11. 利用DEM进行水下地形分析的几个问题

    Analysis of Underwater Terrain by Use of DEM

  12. 以栅格数据的数字高程模型(DEM)为基础,研究DEM对空间数据的存储格式,水文分析和地形分析算法。

    Study the spatial data model , hydrological analysis and terrain analysis based on DEM .

  13. 基于栅格DEM的流向算法是数字地形分析的重要研究内容之一。

    The flow direction algorithm based on gridded DEM is an important component of digital terrain analysis .

  14. DEM应用主要有绘制等高线、生成剖面图、绘制地貌晕渲图及地形分析等。

    DEM is basically applied in drawing counter , creating profile , drawing hill-shading map and terrain analysis etc.

  15. 利用GIS的地形分析技术对电波的传播路径进行分析,并考虑地形及遮挡物的影响,实现电波绕射算法。

    The terrain analysis technologies of the GIS are used to analyze the propagating path , and the diffraction propagation arithmetic is realized which have considered the affection of the terrain .

  16. 数字高程模型(DEM)是GIS数字地形分析的数据基础,包含着丰富的地形、地貌及相关的地学信息。

    Digital elevation model ( DEM ) is the basis of GIS digital terrain analysis , it contains rich topography and landforms and the related geological information .

  17. 水文分析亦是DEM数字地形分析的一个重要方面,而时态GIS是现在空间分析领域的一个研究热点。

    Hydrological analysis is also an important aspect in DEM digital terrain analysis , and temporal GIS spatial analysis is now a hot topic in the field .

  18. 研究基于DEM的数字地形分析可以为各个领域提供地形分析的基础理论及实现手段。

    The terrain analytic 's basic theory for many fields and implement measure can be provided by digital terrain analysis based on DEM .

  19. 基于DEM的数字地形分析技术能够提取流域数字河网以及地形地貌等大量的空间分布信息。

    By digital terrain analyses ( DTA ) based on DEM , stream networks and many other spatial characteristics of topography can be extracted .

  20. 对基于DEM的数字地形分析问题进行研究,其中对基于规则格网DEM的地形结构线的提取问题进行了重点研究。

    The DEMs based digital terrain analysis approaches are investigated , among which the emphasis is put on the topographic structure extraction based on grid DEMs .

  21. 文章以GIS为技术平台,首先采用基于数字地形分析的小流域分割技术,对前郭县做小流域的划分,划定了基础的工作单元。

    Based on the GIS , this paper firstly use ' the technology of drainage basin diversion based on the digital terrace analysis ' mark off the little drainage basin of Qian ' guo county .

  22. 地形分析:包括DEM和DTM模型的生成、三维分析和查询。(5)信息输出:包括属性数据和图形数据输出;

    Topography analysis : to use resource information management system and produce DEM and DTM model , three dimension analysis and inquiry .

  23. 其次提出了实现EGIS中的嵌入式平台环境下的地图显示、地形分析和GPS数据接收的方法;

    Then it sets up the way that carry out map showing in embedded condition , landform analyzing and GPS data receiving .

  24. 系统除了实现基本的GIS功能之外,开发了数据管理模块、专题数据显示模块、地形分析模块、变化分析模块和相关分析模块,实现了湿地数据的综合管理以及空间分析等功能。

    Except for the basic GIS functions , data management module , special data displaying module , elevation analysis module , evolvement analysis module , correlation analysis module are also developed to realize general datum management and spatial analysis functions .

  25. 并且为了满足水下地形分析中诸如两期冲淤分析,航道疏浚工程等实际生产需要,又对两期DEM模型的对照应用作了具体而深入的分析和研究。

    To meet some practical need such as analysis of erosive and alluvial change of two periods and navigational channel dredging , this paper carries out in-depth and detailed study on DEM models of two periods .

  26. 基于DEM的雷达仿真系统除了能够提供大量的仿真数据外,还可以生成并显示雷达的探测空间模型、选择合适的雷达阵地和一系列地形分析。

    DEM-based radar simulation system in addition to large amount of simulation data , can also generate and display of radar detection space model , choose the right positions and a series of radar terrain analysis .

  27. 近十年内世界各国开展了大量研究,试图将数字地形分析,GIS技术和土壤调查技术相结合,通过对景观信息的分析预测土壤信息。

    Quantified soil-landscape models have received the recognition of more and more soil scientists . In the last decade , many works have been done a of over the world to integrate digital terrain analysis , GIS and soil survey techniques for soil information prediction .

  28. 现有的数字地形分析方法很难甚至无法快速、高效地处理海量DEM数据,而并行计算为解决这一难题提供了新的思路。

    Existing methods for DTA have many difficulties in coping with massive Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) data rapidly and efficiently , and even impossible to do that . Parallel computing provides new method for solving this problem .

  29. 基于数字地形分析技术,提取相关地形指数,与土壤容重和水分进行相关分析并进行多元回归分析,结果表明:土壤容重与复合地形指数CTI正相关;

    Correlation analyses were carried out between bulk density , soil water and terrain indices . It was found that there is positive correlation between bulk density and compound topographic index ( CTI );

  30. DEM是国家基础地理信息数据库的核心内容,是GIS数字地形分析的数据基础,包含着丰富的地形、地貌及相关的地学信息与知识。

    Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) is widely known as the kernel of National Foundation Geographical Information Database , as well as the basis of digital terrain analysis in GIS for it contains plentiful topographical , geomorphology and correlative geographical information and acknowledge .