
zuò huǒ chē
  • by train;ride in or take a train
  1. 坐火车比较快一些。

    It 's quicker by train .

  2. 我们坐火车到伦敦,然后转乘公共汽车。

    We 'll go by train as far as London , and then take a bus .

  3. 你长大了,能一个人坐火车了。

    You 're old enough to travel on the train by yourself

  4. 我先乘地铁,然后坐火车直奔这里。

    I took the tube then the train and came straight here

  5. 总统坐火车回到了他的家乡。

    The president traveled by rail to his home town .

  6. 他儿子每天跟我坐火车去伯明翰。

    His son came up with me to Birmingham every day on the train .

  7. 坐火车逃票的乘客会被当场罚款。

    Rail travellers who try to avoid paying their fares could face on-the-spot fines .

  8. 我们想再度营造以前坐火车旅行的浪漫和兴奋。

    We want to recreate the romance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys .

  9. 父亲原本要开车送我去康沃尔,但我们还是觉得坐火车更快。

    My father would have driven me to Cornwall , but we decided it would be quicker by train .

  10. 从这儿到巴黎坐火车一会儿就到,那里与兰斯的宁静平和相比却又是另一番景象。

    Paris is just a short train journey away , providing the perfect counterpoint to the peace and quiet of Reims .

  11. 你与其坐火车,不如坐船。

    It 's better for you to go by boat than by train .

  12. 她每天坐火车往返于剑桥和伦敦之间。

    She commutes from Cambridge to London every day .

  13. 你坐火车呢,还是坐汽车?

    Are you going by train or by bus ?

  14. 乘公共汽车便宜,但坐火车快得多,所以各有优点。

    It 's cheaper by bus , but the train is a lot quicker , so it 's as broad as it 's long .

  15. A:那你更喜欢坐火车旅行,不是吗?

    A : Then you prefer travelling by train , don 't you ?

  16. 真不巧!我们刚坐火车去德国,克莱夫和她的妻子就离开了。

    Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train .

  17. 条件允许的话,你可以坐火车旅行。

    Travel by train if you can .

  18. (我明天要坐火车去格拉斯哥。我已经给自己预订了靠窗的座位。)

    I 'm taking the train to Glasgow tomorrow .

  19. 我们通常坐火车去。

    We usually go by train .

  20. 这也是他们第一次坐火车乘飞机到大城市、在舞台上表演。

    It was the first time for them to take trains or planes , visit a big city and performed on stage .

  21. B哦,我不坐火车。我没有那么多时间。我坐飞机去&会快一些。

    Oh , I won 't go by train . I won 't have much time . I 'll fly – it 's quicker .

  22. Tina自己说,下次出门真的应该坐火车。

    You know , next time we should take the train .

  23. 现在,为了吸引年轻、忙碌的客户,CMH等公司推出了一些更短期的方案。坐火车

    CMH and others now offer shorter options to attract a younger , busy clientele . Rail

  24. Ireckon一种更加非正式的表达意见的方式我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。

    I reckon This is a more informal way of giving your opinion : I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train .

  25. 考虑到每个人的预算、旅行进度、舒适度和其他利害关系,她推荐,如果RV在五天内还不能修好,那么我们坐火车去奥兰多。

    Considering everyone 's budgets , travel schedules , comfort , and other concerns , she recommends that if the RV isn 't drivable within five days , we take a train to Orlando .

  26. 他不能坐火车从加拿大到伦敦。

    He couldn 't take a train from Canada to London .

  27. 在日本,大部分学生坐火车上学。

    In Japan , most students take the train to school .

  28. 我们走到伊普斯威奇,然后坐火车到科尔切斯特。

    We walked to Ipswich and got the train to colchester .

  29. 坐火车比坐飞机更节约。

    Going by train is more economical than going by plane .

  30. 我们坐火车访问了好多城市。

    Traveling by train , we visited a number of cities .