
  1. 城市历史建筑保护与现代城市建设的关系初探

    Relationship of Conservation of Historic Buildings and Urban Construction

  2. 城市历史性建筑保护性开发项目的建设程序初探

    Some Suggestions about Construction Procedures in Protective Development Projects of Urban Historical Buildings

  3. 历史文化保护的新起点&2006历史城市与历史建筑保护国际学术讨论会综述

    A New Layer of the Conservation of History and Culture & Overview of 2006 International Symposium on Conservation of Historical Cities and Buildings

  4. 文章最后提供了一个大连的城市中心区历史建筑保护与改造实例&辽宁省外经贸委办公楼保护与改造,说明以上思路在实践中的应用。

    At the end of the article , a real project on historical building preservation is presented : the preservation and reformation of the Liaoning Foreign Trade Agency , in order to show the practical appliance of the principles listed above .

  5. 经济的原因:城市中心区历史建筑的保护存在着巨大的机会成本。

    The preservation of historical buildings has enormous opportunity cost .

  6. 浅析城市创意产业与历史建筑保护的有机互动

    Analysis on the Organic Interaction of Creative Industries and the Protection of Historical Buildings