
  • 网络Urban Economic Circle
  1. 武汉城市经济圈规划的初步设想

    The research on the plan of Wuhan Urban Economic Circle

  2. 西三角城市经济圈的开发建设研究

    A Study on the Development and Construction of " the West Triangle " Urban Economic Circle

  3. 城市经济圈的形成和崛起,明显起着拉动区域经济发展作用。

    The formation of City Economic Circle promotes the economy greatly .

  4. 关于在湖北组建三个城市经济圈的构想

    A Design on Building Three City Economic Circles in Hubei Province

  5. 公路交通促进城市经济圈发展的作用分析

    The Action Analysis of Highway Traffic Promoting City Economic Circle Development

  6. 赣州市1小时城市经济圈划分研究

    Division of One - hour City Economic Circle in Ganzhou

  7. 贵阳城市经济圈建设及发展布局研究

    Study on Construction and development of the Urban Economic Zone in Guiyang City

  8. 乌鲁木齐城市经济圈七城市旅游地吸引力评价及分析

    The Appraisal and Analysis of Tourism Region Attractions of Urumqi City Economic Cycle

  9. 贵阳城市经济圈内农产品物流的现状分析及探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Agricultural Products Logistics Current Situation in Guiyang City Economic Circle

  10. 我国城市经济圈建设中水资源优化利用研究

    On optimized utilization of water resources in the development of metropolitan economic zone in China

  11. 对组建城市经济圈的探讨

    Discussion on Construction of City Economical Circle

  12. 加速武汉城市经济圈整合的研究

    Accelerating Integration of Wuhan Economic Circle

  13. 城市经济圈是经济全球化和区域经济一体化发展的必然结果。

    Urban economy circle is the inevitable result of the economic globalization and area economy integration .

  14. 乌鲁木齐城市经济圈旅游接待设施评价与分析&以宾馆酒店为例

    The Appraisal and Analysis of the Tourism Reception Facilities in Urumqi City Economic Zone & Taking Hotels as an Example

  15. 构建贵阳城市经济圈,中心城市的辐射域能否覆盖该区域至关重要。

    The construction of Guiyang city economic circle , the radiation domain of centre city coverage in the region is essential .

  16. 本文分析了中部地区边缘化的状况以及武汉城市经济圈建设在中部崛起战略中的重要地位,提出了相关政策建议。

    This paper examines the situation of marginalization of the central region and presents some policy suggestions for the construction of Wuhan Megalopolis .

  17. 通过将空间距离修正为通勤距离、再将通勤距离修正为经济距离的方法,界定了赣州市1小时城市经济圈。

    Through revising space distance to commuting distance and commuting distance to economic distance , the paper defines Ganzhou one-hour city economic circle scope .

  18. 最近,浙江省政府巳经决定把金华建成继杭州宁波和温州以后的第四大城市经济圈。

    Recently , the municipal government of Zhejiang has decided to develop Jinhua as The4th Economic Circle of Zhejiang after Hangzhou , Ningbo and Wenzhou .

  19. 剖析了武汉城市经济圈的基本特征、存在的问题以及产生的原因,论述了武汉城市经济圈整合的主要方面;

    The basic features , existing problems and their causes in Wuhan economic circle are analyzed . Several main aspects of accelerating the integration of Wuhan economic circle are put forward .

  20. 川渝经济一体化,首先是成渝经济一体化,建设、确立成渝城市经济圈,形成西南大都市连绵带;

    The economic integration of Sichuan and Chongqing is the economic integration of Chengdu-Chongqing , including the construction and establishment of Chengdu-Chongqing urban economic circle , and formation of southwest metropolitan belt .

  21. 论述了武汉城市经济圈规划、建设的措施与建议:成立武汉城市经济协调组织,实行经济协调制度化;

    In the last part , the thesis puts forward measures and suggestions on the planning and construction of Wuhan Urban Economic Circle : to establish a special organ for systematic economic coordination ;

  22. 重组与合作已成为当今港口发展的趋势,国外大型城市经济圈的形成与发展,无不与港口经济的作用紧密相关。

    The reorganization and cooperation have now become the tendency of harbor development . The formation and development of nearly all the large foreign city economy circles are closely related to the harbor economy .

  23. 根据我国城市经济圈发展的现状,结合公路运输的特点,分析了公路交通发展对城市经济圈开发和建设的促进作用。

    According to the present situation of city economic circle in our country , combined with the characteristics of highway transportation , the paper analyzed the promotion action of highway traffic to the development and construction of city economic circle .

  24. 因此,正确认识武汉市城乡发展的现状,客观地分析城乡发展面临的问题,积极寻求城乡协调发展的途径,对于促进武汉市经济社会的发展和武汉城市经济圈的建设都具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is very important for us to have a correct understanding of conditions of Wuhan urban-rural development , analyzing objectively and looking for methods of balancing their development positively to promote the development of economy and society of Wuhan .

  25. 城市经济圈的形成应打破行政界限,顺其自然地构建城市经济圈,因地制宜地探索城市经济圈的发展道路,逐步提升城市经济发展水平,以城市为主导统筹区域经济协调发展。

    The formation of urban economic circle should break the administrative line . We should implement this development strategy and explore new ways for development in order to strengthen the urban economic power progressively and spur the new development of the regional economy .

  26. 改革开放以来,在国家相关政策扶持下,珠三角、长三角已跃升为中国经济最活跃的两大城市经济圈,极大的带动了南部沿海地区的经济发展。

    At the support of national relevant policies , the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta have risen to the most active economic circles of Chinese city since china reformed and opened up . They greatly boost the economic development of the southern coastal areas .

  27. 省会城市群经济圈概念的提出及规划的出台,为济南的发展提供了难得的机遇。

    The proposal of concept of the economic circle of capital city group and the formation of planning provides a rare chance for the development of Jinan .

  28. 城市圈是经济圈、生态圈、人文社区圈的复合体;

    The city sphere is a mixture of economic spheres , ecosphere and community spheres .

  29. 伴随经济全球化与区域一体化的演进,全球经济的发展呈现出构建城市群或经济圈的区域经济发展模式。

    With the economic globalization and the evolution of regional integration , construction of urban agglomeration or economic circle has become the development trend of the global economy , which is also the orientation of China regional economic development .

  30. 与之意义相近的名词还有经济隆起带、城市经济带、经济圈等。

    There are some words close to it such as economy swells up belt , the city economy belt , city turn etc.