
jī yuán
  • Primitives;element
基元[jī yuán]
  1. 三碱基体是形成三链DNA结构的基元,对其进行模型能力学研究具有一定的意义。

    It is significant to study the model and energetics of the triplet-base , an element of forming three-stranded DNA structure .

  2. 基元模型在服装CPC中的应用

    The Application of Basic - element Model in CPC for Costume

  3. 采用DNA遗传算法的图像基元识别与提取

    Using DNA genetic arithmetic to recognize and abstract image cell

  4. Fe-C合金贝氏体铁素体的相变基元与类马氏体形貌贝氏体的形成

    Bainitic transformation units and formation of martensite-like bainite in Fe-C alloys

  5. 使用基元类型long传输Date或Calendar表示形式

    Use primitive type long to transfer your Date or Calendar representation

  6. 基元可逆反应亲合势衰减常数Ar的讨论

    Discussion on Constants A , of Chemical Affinity Decay of Elementary Reversible Reactions

  7. 癸二酸类柔性配体作为结构基元的配合物的构筑及与DNA作用的研究

    Self-Assembly of Complexes Based on a Series of Flexible Sebacic Acid Ligands and Their Interaction with DNA

  8. 一种SAR图像直线提取的线基元组织方式

    A Mode of Linear Primitive Organization in Line Extraction of SAR Image

  9. 在之前的版本中,每个任务都需要一个基元(primitive)。

    In previous versions one primitive was needed per task .

  10. 相关基元信号起伏对一类AR方法阵处理器统计性能的影响

    On the effects of sensor signal fluctuation on the performance of AR high resolution array processor

  11. 事实上,JavaScript仅有4个基本类型,其中三个是基元。

    In fact , JavaScript really only has four basic types , three of them primitives .

  12. 钛合金中TiC晶体的配位多面体生长基元与生长习性

    Growth Elements and Growth Habit of Coordination Polyhedrons of TiC Crystal in Titanium Alloy

  13. 除上表中列出的基元类型外,使用soap协议的web服务还支持下列附加的数据类型。

    In addition to the primitive types listed in the preceding table , web services using the soap protocol support the following additional data types .

  14. 使用WebSphereESB代理接口在路由自定义中介基元中添加一些对WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository的调用。

    Add calls to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository in the routing custom mediation primitive using the WebSphere ESB proxy interface .

  15. 本文采用差分和MonteCarlo相结合的方法求解PDF的输运方程,并考虑了详细的化学反应机理(共19个组分,73个基元反应)。

    An algorithm which combines finite difference and Monte Carlo method is used to solve the PDF equation .

  16. 汉语语音识别的平滑声韵基元HMM算法

    Smoothed-unit HMM Algorithm in Mandarin Speech Recognition

  17. 简化CH4/O2/N2基元反应模型在爆轰模拟中的应用

    An application of reduced CH_4 / O_2 / N_2 reaction mechanism on numerical simulation of detonation

  18. 基于SOM网络以线段为基元的曲线重建

    Curve reconstruction using line segment based on SOM

  19. 基元识别是二维码图像识别中的一个关键问题,提出了基于遗传算法的QR码识别方法。

    Fundamental recognition is a main problem in the 2-Dimensional bar codes .

  20. 在V6.0.2中,还有更多选项,其中提供了一个用于管理的新中介基元,可以为CommonEventInfrastructure(CEI)生成事件。

    There are also more options in V6.0.2 for management with a new mediation primitive that generates events for the Common Event Infrastructure ( CEI ) .

  21. MessageElementSetter中介基元提供了删除服务请求中的元素的简单方法,SOAPHeader也不例外。

    The Message Element Setter mediation primitive provides a simple way of deleting elements in the service request , and SOAP headers are no exception .

  22. 针对STL样本基元,根据锥束CT仿真投影的特点,研究了一套基于八叉树的锥束CT仿真投影快速计算方法。

    In respect that the properties of cone-beam CT simulated projection , a suite of rapid algorithms based on octree was studied for STL phantom models .

  23. 对天然气再燃还原NOx建立了简化模型,该模型包括40种组分(基团)及111个基元反应。

    A skeletal kinetic modeling of natural gas reburning was build . It included 40 species and 111 reaction equations .

  24. 介晶基元化合物(M5)显示向列相,树状物D1显示胆甾相和SE相。

    Mesogenic compound M5 exhibits nematic and dendrimer D1 reveals cholesteryl and smectic E liquid crystalline state .

  25. 您已经研究了具有直通、ServiceInvoke和Customerservice中介模块基元的中介模块应用程序的构成。

    You 've explored the composition of mediation module applications with pass-thru or Service Invoke or Customer mediation module primitives .

  26. LIM结构域由两个串联的富含半胱氨酸的锌指基元组成,在进化中十分保守。

    The LIM domain defines a conserved cysteine-rich structure comprising two tandemly repeated zinc fingers .

  27. 以负离子配位多面体生长基元理论讨论了ZnO晶体的生长过程及N2H4.H2O浓度对ZnO形貌的影响。

    The formation of ZnO nanorod or whisker clusters and the importance of N_2H_4 · H_2O concentration are discussed with growth unit model of anion coordination polyhedra .

  28. 以声韵母为基元的识别系统由于HMM模型较少,计算量小,适合于实时实现。

    Semi syllable system has fewer HMM models and needs less computation , thus it 's suitable for real time systems .

  29. 可以通过多种方式实现此目标,包括使用自定义中介或XSLT中介基元。

    You can do this in a number of ways , including using a custom mediation or the XSLT mediation primitive .

  30. 如果您希望启用SCA组件的事件监视或处理EventEmitter基元产生的事件,那么可以执行安装后的任务以配置公共事件基础设施(CommonEventInfrastructure)。

    If you plan to enable event monitoring of SCA components or handle events emitted by the Event Emitter primitive , you can perform post-installation tasks to configure the Common Event Infrastructure .