
jī běn fǎ
  • basic law;fundamental law
  1. 这个基本法就是最有利的保证。

    That basic law is the most powerful guarantee .

  2. 德国1949年制定的《基本法》(BasicLaw)的第一章第一条即为:“人的尊严不可侵犯。”

    The first line of Germany 's 1949 Basic Law is : " Human dignity shall be inviolable . "

  3. 我国税收基本法研究basic载体中,经测序鉴定插入序列的正确性。

    Study on Basic Tax Law of China basic vector .

  4. intermsof我们将坚定不移地实行这一方针,严格按照香港基本法和澳门基本法办事。

    We will resolutely implement this policy and act the Basic laws of Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions .

  5. 相反,2000年全面改定的农业基本法主要根据WTO出台、农产品市场开放压力等对新的农业情况进行了修订。

    On the other side , the agricultural standard law fully revised in the year 2000 came to reflect agricultural situation such as market-opening pressure for agricultural products due to WTO departure .

  6. 1995年出台了管理中国银行的两个基本法:中国人民银行法和中国商业银行法(这里称“商业银行法(TheCBLaw)”)。

    Two basic laws were introduced in1995 to govern banks in China : the Law of the People 's Bank of China and the Commercial Banking Law of China ( known herein as " The CB Law ") .

  7. CTFA(ICID)化妆品的原料基本法简介

    CTFA ( ICID ) - Brief Introduction to Basic Law of Cosmetic Raw Material

  8. 德国基本法稳定性和适应性之探究德国营业税

    Germany Inquiries into the Stabilization and Adaptability of the German Constitution

  9. 行政许可基本法的亲民价值试解读

    Trial Interpretations of the Being-intimate-to-people Value of Basic Administrative Permission Law

  10. 财政的基本不对称情况高龄社会对策基本法

    Fundamental fiscal asymmetry Basic Law on Measures for the Aging Society

  11. 公用企业基本法立法研究

    Enterprises Research on Legislation about the Basic Law of Public Corporation

  12. 税收基本法的母法地位质疑&兼论税收基本法的价值

    Questioning the Status of Parent Law of the Basic Taxation Law

  13. 引渡法不是基本法。

    The law of extradition is a kind of procedure law .

  14. 民法是市场经济的基本法,是市场调节机制发挥作用的法律保障。

    Civil law is the basic law of market economy .

  15. 这一承诺写进了“香港基本法”。

    The promise is enshrined TM in the territory 's basic law .

  16. 制定旅游基本法的模式选择与资源借鉴

    Choosing a Modle and Legal Resources of Establishing the Fundamental Tourism Law

  17. 德国基本法是德国有过的最稳定的宪法;

    German Fundamental Law is the most stable constitution in German history .

  18. 巴勒斯坦临时自治政权基本法

    Basic Law for the Palestinian Interim Self - Government Authority

  19. 因此就基本法的司法介入而言有自己的标准和限制。

    As such it had its own standards and limits .

  20. 第二,努力维护基本法的权威。

    Second , uphold the authority of the Basic Law .

  21. 这个基本法还要为澳门、台湾作出一个范例。

    This law will serve as a model for Macao and Taiwan .

  22. 中国循环经济基本法立法架构研究

    Studies on legislation frame for the basic law of Chinese circling economy

  23. 在信托引进国,信托业法是关于金融信托业务的基本法,与《信托法》并列为信托法制的基石。

    Trust Business Law is the basic law on financial trust operation .

  24. 环境保护基本法若干问题研究

    A Study on Several Questions of the Basic Law of Environmental Protection

  25. 关于物权基本法征求意见稿的建议

    Comments on the Draft of the Basic Law on Rights in Rem

  26. 制定一部关于企业并购的基本法;

    The making of a basic law on enterprise merger ;

  27. 《香港基本法》解释的权限和程序问题探析

    The Authority and Procedure to Interpret Hong Kong Basic Law

  28. 构建我国图书馆基本法体系的初步设想

    The Initial Assumption of Building the System of Basic Law of Libraries

  29. 香港行政特别区基本法

    The Basic law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

  30. 我会坚守和支持《基本法》的重要价值观和原则。

    I will assert and support key values and principles .