
  • 网络multiple regression;Multiple Regression Analysis;MRA;Multip Regression
  1. 垂体腺瘤卒中相关行为及生物学危险因素:Logistic多元回归分析

    Related behavior and biological risk factors of pituitary apoplexy : Logistic multiple regression analysis

  2. 数学能力的影响因素采用Logistic多元回归分析。

    A logistic multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the influential factors on mathematical competencies .

  3. 有约束多元回归分析中的Cp统计量

    C_p statistic for constrained multiple linear regression analysis

  4. 采用Logistic多元回归分析脑白质病变的的独立预测因子。

    Logistic multiple regression was used to analyze the independent predictors .

  5. 灰色系统GM(1,1)与多元回归分析耦合用于拉萨市大气NO2的预测

    Prediction of Based on Coupling Technique of Pluralistic Regression and Grey System

  6. 运用多元回归分析和MATLAB方法结合,取得良好的结果。

    When multiple linear regression analysis and MATLAB language were employed , the good results were obtained .

  7. 然后,采用可比公司乘数法确定IPO公司的内在价值且剔除二级市场影响后得到291价企业的样本,并再次进行多元回归分析。

    Then , using comparable companies multiplier method to excluding the secondary market impact , and again multiple regression analysis .

  8. 然后利用SPSS软件进行多元回归分析,得出每个自变量对旅游住宅地产价格的影响效用。

    Regression analysis was performed using SPSS software to test the effects on TRRE prices caused by each independent variable .

  9. 将全部数据录入EXCEL中,用EXCEL、SAS对数据进行t检验和多元回归分析,用EXCEL制图。

    Data analysis were performed through EXCEL and SAS software , using the method of T & test and multiple regression analysis .

  10. 利用湖北省典型地区的农户调查问卷数据,运用Logistic多元回归分析林农参与林木生物质能源开发利用的影响因素。

    Based on a survey in Hubei province , the dissertation analyzed influence factors during the development of forestry biomass energy with the Logistic regression model .

  11. 本文还设计了一个标准收入测算系统,该系统主要包括利用粗集理论对因素集进行约简、多元回归分析、BP网络训练和BP网络测试四个测算模块。

    The system mainly consist of four modules : the factor collect reduction based on rough set , multiple linear regression , BP net training and BP net test .

  12. 石英接尘者红细胞膜GSH-px活性影响因素的多元回归分析

    Multiple regression analysis of risk factors of GSH-px activity in erythrocyte member in human occupational exposed to quartz dust

  13. 多元回归分析显示LP(a)水平与冠脉狭窄程度和范围密切相关。

    Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Lp ( a ) significantly and independently predicted the severity and extent of coronary artery lesion .

  14. 其次,运用单变量分析法和Probit多元回归分析法对假设进行验证。

    Secondly , it checks the hypotheses using the means of uni-variables and Probit multi-regression analyses .

  15. 产量模型中采用多元回归分析方法,建立番茄单株产量与单株N、P、K吸收量的多元回归方程,可在番茄生产实践中预测产量。

    For yield model , I utilize the method of poly progressively regress to set up the regress equation on the relation between the yield per plant and the weight of dry matter and the amount of nutrient .

  16. Logistic多元回归分析表明发育迟缓、语言迟缓和治疗频度与疗效有关。

    The logistic multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the history of the positive developmental delay , language delay and the frequency of the speech therapy were related to the therapy effect .

  17. 首先分析了半导体制造中颗粒污染的来源,然后介绍了用C控制图进行颗粒污染控制的方法及其不足,进而提出了用多元回归分析进行颗粒污染控制的方法及实施。

    Particle source is analyses , and then it introduces the application of C control chart , as well as its shortage , at last brings forward the method of using multiple regression analysis to set control limits for the particles .

  18. 逐步多元回归分析表明,影响抑郁症状评定的因素有病情严重程度、病人受教育程度和GDS。

    The rating of depression was influenced by severity of dementia , patients ' level of education and GDS .

  19. 多元回归分析显示,在心脑血管病变组以CD62P为因变量,ET-1、BMI、C反应蛋白、糖化血红蛋白A1c等指标进入回归方程。

    In the group of diabetic patients with macrovascular disease , CD62P were found related to ET-1 , CRP , BMI and HBA1c independently by multivariate regression analysis .

  20. 以订单预测阶段为研究对象,归纳出协同合作下订单需求的影响因素作为模型的解释变量,然后结合传统时间序列与多元回归分析,建立了基于CPFR的订单预测模型。

    This paper concludes the influencing factors of collaborative order demand , and takes them as model explanatory variables .

  21. 对1998至2002年影响区域高职教育需求的几个因子分别建立了多元回归分析预测模型和BP神经网络多变量输入预测模型。

    For the variables and data which influence the demand for regional higher vocational education from the year of 1998 to 2002 in Liaoning Province , this paper sets up multi-regression analysis model and BP artificial neural network model .

  22. 以多元回归分析为依托,引入M相模糊论域,并建立LOGISTIC模糊隶属函数模型,最后应用该理论对实际问题做了分析。

    With the introduction of M-phase fuzzy domain , here , based on the multivariate regression analysis , establishing the LOGISTIC affiliating degree math model which has been applied in a concrete problem in the following content .

  23. 逐步多元回归分析表明,评估认知预后的指标依次是δ/α、α1、基底节病灶、颞叶病灶、病灶个数,表明BEAM较CT更为敏感。

    In addition , the indexes for evaluating the prognosis of cognitive function as shown on stepwise multiple regression were δ / α,α, basal ganglia infarct , temporal infarct , and infarct number successively , suggesting that BEAM be much more sensitive than CT .

  24. 追踪损失发生率利用Kaplan-Meier方法加以计算,而追踪损失的相关因素则利用logistic回归分析和Cox多元回归分析加以确定。

    The incidence of loss to follow-up was calculated using Kaplan – Meier methods and factors associated with loss to follow-up were identified by logistic and Cox multivariate regression analysis .

  25. 同时利用BP神经网络和多元回归分析法对碳酸盐岩地层实测破裂压力数据进行统计建模和预测研究。

    And by the BP neural network and multi-regress analysis technique , some reasonable statistical models of formation fracture pressure are established by making full use of formation fracture pressure data of carbonate formation , and the prediction study is developed .

  26. 文中回顾了国内外上市公司财务危机实证预警模型的研究情况,结合我国上市公司特点,在对比分析后提出运用Logistic多元回归分析方法建立实证模型的思路。

    We review empirical model of early warning about the financial crisis at home and abroad , with the characteristics of Chinese listed companies , then draw a conclusion that the Logistic regression analysis method is fit to establish empirical model .

  27. logistic多元回归分析结果显示,换工、接触沟渠水、菜园地排野粪、生活用沟水和水稻田劳动是影响病史率高低的重要因素;

    The results from multi logistic regression analysis suggest that labor exchange , contacting infested water , defecating in ve getable field , using water in ditches and canals for daily life and working in paddyfields were the important factors influencing the prevalence .

  28. 探讨了将多元回归分析模型和灰色系统GM(1,1)耦合应用于城市生活污水量预测的方法,并应用该方法对某市2000年~2020年生活污水量进行了预测。

    The coupling technique of pluralistic regression and Grey System ( GM ( 1,1 )) is discussed and applied to civil life wastewater quantity , the waste water quantity of 2000 and 2020 in the city has been forecasted by this model .

  29. 经单因素和Logistic多元回归分析发现,有下肢损伤史、训练中着鞋不适、入伍前缺乏体育锻炼是OUI的危险因素。

    Results of single variable analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that insufficient training , injury history of lower leg and shoe unfit were the main risk factors of OUI .

  30. 给出了各要素从高值至低值随距离的变化关系,并采用多元回归分析求得Pb、Cu、Mn与环境因素有机质、硫化物、粘土含量的关系式。

    The varying significance from high value to low value in relation with distance is given . The relation between Pb , Cu , Mn and environment factors like organic , sulphide and clay content are formularized in terms of analysis of linear regression .