首页 / 词典 / good


shī bài
  • fail;defeat;be defeated;lose;finished;crash;breakdown;be beaten;lose out;miscarry;strike out;come to nothing;lose the day
失败 [shī bài]
  • (1) [fail]∶没有达到预期的目的

  • 我失败了,然而我仍然抱着希望

  • (2) [be defeated;be beaten]∶被对方打败;输给对方

  • 遭到毁灭性的失败

失败[shī bài]
  1. 他无法忍受失败。

    He can 't endure to be defeated .

  2. 毫无疑问我们队会失败。

    There is no doubt that our team will be defeated .

  3. 选举失败后,这个党需要改组。

    After its election defeat , the party needs to regroup .

  4. 儿童都怕在同伴面前失败。

    Children are worried about failing in front of their peers .

  5. 在他的词典中没有“失败”这个词。

    The word ' failure ' is not in his vocabulary .

  6. 让她去通知失败的人,真不是什么好差事。

    She was given the unenviable task of informing the losers .

  7. 政府试图肃清反叛运动,结果失败了。

    The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed .

  8. 就失败的原因进行了大量的讨论。

    There was much discussion about the reasons for the failure .

  9. 任何构建理想社会的努力都注定要失败。

    Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure .

  10. 如果缺少恰当的后续行动,该项目可能失败。

    The project could fail if there is inadequate follow-through .

  11. 他还没有学会怎样豁达大度地面对失败。

    He has not yet learned how to be gracious in defeat .

  12. 她的自信心因屡屡失败慢慢消磨掉了。

    Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures .

  13. 我?失败?我可不这样认为。

    Me ? Fail ? I don 't think so .

  14. 他们的失败提高了那些受到他们攻击的人的声誉。

    Their defeat redounds to the glory of those whom they attacked .

  15. 他们起初获得成功,但随后有一段惨痛失败的时期。

    Their early success was succeeded by a period of miserable failure .

  16. 本想转移人们对他私生活的注意,但一切努力都失败了。

    All attempts to deflect attention from his private life have failed .

  17. 老实说,我对你的失败不感到意外。

    Quite frankly , I 'm not surprised you failed .

  18. 弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。

    Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed .

  19. 我从来没想过她会失败。

    It never crossed my mind that she might lose .

  20. 你必须学会欣然承认失败。

    You must learn to accept defeat with good grace .

  21. 她觉得她的失败会使家人蒙羞。

    She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family .

  22. 他因这次失败被撤销了运动队教练职务。

    He was jettisoned as team coach after the defeat .

  23. 他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。

    He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent 's skill .

  24. 不要因第一次失败就灰心丧气——再试一次吧!

    Don 't be discouraged by the first failure ─ try again !

  25. 她的第一次失败使她很早便懂得了谦逊。

    Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility .

  26. 连年失败使他逐渐丧失了自信。

    Years of failure have sapped him of his confidence .

  27. 这个队在最近的四场比赛中从未失败过。

    The team are unbeaten in their last four games .

  28. 这次比赛可以说是他们最为惨重的一次失败。

    The match rated as one of their worst defeats .

  29. 选举结果陆续传来,失败的情绪越来越重。

    The gloom deepened as the election results came in .

  30. 他从小就养成了对失败的恐惧。

    Fear of failure was bred into him at an early age .