
wěi rèn lì fǎ
  • legislation under delegation
  1. 就其性质而言,行政立法是委任立法。因此,行政立法权的范围应当受到议会立法的严格限制。

    As for the nature , administrative legislation is a sort of legislation under delegation ; therefore , the scope of administrative legislative power should be severely limited by parliament legislation .

  2. 委任立法是自19世纪30年代由英国开始,20世纪在世界各国得到广泛发展的一项法律制度。

    As a kind of legal system , delegated legislation started from 1830 's England , then word-wide spreaded .

  3. 与西方发达国家的授权立法制度或者说委任立法制度比较起来,我国授权立法的发展还处于起步的不成熟阶段。

    Compare With the authorized legislation system or said appoints the legislation system in western developed countries , the development of authorized the legislation in our country is still in the starting juvenility stage .

  4. 委任立法这一概念,最先出现在英美国家,是指根据授权立法制定的立法,授权法来自议会,根据这一授权进行的立法即被称为授权立法。

    The concept - " delegated legislation " begins in UK and USA , that is institute legislation under the authorized law , " Authorized law " comes from parliament , legislation on the basis of this authority is called delegated legislation .