
kǒng fū zǐ
  • Confucius;Kong Zi
孔夫子[kǒng fū zǐ]
  1. 孔夫子是当代中国最重要的哲学家。

    Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese philosophers .

  2. 从孔夫子到超级明星,中国儿童沐浴在多文化氛围中。

    From Confucius to pop , kids bask in multi-culture .

  3. 孔夫子出生在那儿。它很有教育意义。

    Confucius was born there . It 's very educational .

  4. 孔夫子学说在俄罗斯的过去、现在与未来

    Confucianism in RUSSIA-ITS past , present and future

  5. 孔夫子的哲学是首先要尊师重教。

    Confucian philosophy reveres the teacher above all .

  6. 孔子学说是中国人以孔夫子命名的主要宗教。

    Confucianism is the main religion of the Chinese , named after Kung the Master .

  7. 山东是许多著名学者的故乡,例如孔夫子和孟子。

    Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius .

  8. 中国古代一位圣人孔夫子说过:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!

    Chinese ancient Saint Confucious said : ' How happy friends come from far away !

  9. 孔夫子不会感到高兴。

    Confucius would not be pleased .

  10. 孔夫子的一个基本教义是通过努力,人们可以完善自己。

    One of Confucius 's primary teachings is that through effort , people can perfect themselves .

  11. 在过去两千多年的时间里,中国一直遵循古代大哲学家孔夫子的学说的指导。

    For more than 2000 years , China was guided by the teacher and moral philosopher Confucius .

  12. 所谓“君子成人之美”,这是孔夫子留下的格言。

    What is called that the gentleman helps somebody in doing well is the adage of Confucius .

  13. 孔夫子曾经说过,有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。

    Confucius once said , " what a joy it is to have friends coming from afar !" .

  14. 我想,这大概就是孔夫子所说的“不逾矩”吧。

    I guess that 's probably the sort of " do whatever you like " supported by Confucius .

  15. 今天并非孔夫子的所有思想都得到认同,特别是在年轻人当中。

    Human beings are moral individuals . Not all Confucian ideas are favoured today , especially among the young .

  16. 孔夫子是一位大学者,是中国传统文化思想的集大成者。他的思想集中体现在《论语》中。

    Confucius was a great scholar , a master of the traditional wisdom of Chinese thought as collected in Analects .

  17. 孔子(孔丘,尊称孔夫子)是中国最著名、最重要的圣人。

    Confucius ( Kong Qiu , Master Kong ) is the best known and the most important of Chinese sages .

  18. 国家力量支持的纪念孔夫子的仪式显得越来越寻常,学习他著作的人群也在增加中。

    State-supported commemorations of Confucius have become more common , and the number of people studying his works has increased .

  19. 早在公元前五世纪,孔夫子就开始教诲中国人如何为人处世。

    In the fifth century before Christ , Confucius began teaching the Chinese people how to live in the world .

  20. 考察这一问题,有利于对从孔夫子到孙中山的儒家文化批判继承。

    It was good for the critical inheritance of the culture of Confucian school " from Confucius to Sun Zhongshan " .

  21. 中国人若要真正自主创新,就得抛弃孔夫子提倡的那种机械学习方法,她说。

    They have to get away from the Confucian method of rote learning if they are going to innovate , she says .

  22. 我们长大后,她常用孔夫子的话教导我们保持正确的道德观念,规范我们的行为。

    When we grew up , she often used Confucius'words to teach us to keep correct moral concepts and train our behaviors .

  23. 人们通常将耶稣与佛、孔夫子、默罕默德等人一同并列为“道德宗师”。

    People often class Jesus as a " great moral teacher " on par with people such as Buddha , Confucius and Mohammed .

  24. 许多山东菜的历史和孔夫子一样悠久,使得山东菜系成为中国现存的最古老的主要菜系之一。

    And much of Shandong cuisine 's history is as old as Confucious himself , making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China .

  25. 从孔夫子的解释中看出他惯用的“不自私”。任何处理事物公平公正的人都可以被描述为“不自私、非常公正”。

    From Confucious'comment came the idiom " Unselfish " . Anyone who handles affairs fairly and impartially can be described as " Unselfish ; Perfectly impartial " .

  26. 即使是只有3岁大的孩子也被要求熟记和背诵古代中国经典,特别是孔夫子的著作。

    Children as young as3 were memorizing and reciting ancient Chinese classics , notably the works of Confucius , the philosopher best remembered for promoting filial piety in the6th century B.

  27. 我愿朋友们,尤其是梁先生,不要学孔夫子这一套,则幸甚。

    I hope my friends , and you Mr. Liang in particular , won 't follow Confucius ' example , and if you don 't it will be most gratifying .

  28. 这几年,韩国宣称很多著名的人物是韩国人,像中国的孔夫子,曹操,欧洲的哥伦布等等。

    Tom : Recently years , South Korea has claimed that many famous people are the south Korean , such as Chinese Confucius and Caocao , European Columbus and so on .

  29. 孔夫子说,他七十岁干什么都合乎客观规律了[1],我就不相信,那是吹牛皮。

    Confucius said that at the age of seventy whatever he did was in conformity with objective law [ 1 ] but I don 't believe it , he was just bragging .

  30. 孔夫子教导说,社会的基础应该是经过细致规范的人际关系,应该人人遵守礼仪,个人行为规范。坚守忠诚、好学、以勤奋谋取功名等美德。

    Confucius taught that society should be based on well-defined relationships , observance of ritual , personal rules of conduct , virtues like loyalty , and on learning , accomplishment and merit .