
  • 网络Qualitative Research;qualitative research method;Qualitative Methods
  1. 本研究采用定性研究方法确定了深圳市R公司心理契约的结构维度及其与员工态度及行为的关系模型。

    This study used qualitative research methods to determine the structure of the psychological contract dimension of the Shenzhen City R company and the staff attitudes and behavior model .

  2. 社会科学研究中的定量与定性研究方法

    The Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science Field

  3. 定性研究方法用来分析非英语专业教材大学英语(I)和(II)中的委婉语表达及学生们针对委婉语教学的观点。

    Qualitative method is used to analyze the euphemistic expressions in the textbook for non-English majors , and to analyze the subjects ' opinions toward euphemism teaching .

  4. 本文仅探讨该项目使用定性研究方法,在生殖健康宣传教育材料(IEC)的开发、制作和应用中的经验和体会。

    This paper only discusses the experiences of development of information , education and communication ( IEC ) by the qualitative research method .

  5. 人地系统研究方法趋于多元化,定性研究方法、数学模拟方法、3S技术方法和综合集成方法等新方法与新手段不断应用;

    Secondly , the methodological studies on man-land system are multiple . Qualitative and quantitative methods , mathematic simulation methods , 3S methods , and comprehensive integration methods are all used . Finally , the applications of man-land system theories are very successful .

  6. 本文通过个案研究的定性研究方法对其影响进行研究。

    It discusses the influences through case studies of the qualitative approach .

  7. 该研究运用了阐释性的定性研究方法。

    In the study , an interpretative qualitative research method is employed .

  8. 公共行政领域的定性研究方法应用探析

    Application Analysis of Qualitative Research Methods in Public Administration

  9. 二语习得定性研究方法述评

    Qualitative Research Method in Second Language Acquisition Stu dies : a Critical Review

  10. 方法采用专题小组访谈的定性研究方法。

    METHODS Focus group discussion was used .

  11. 通过文献检索和焦点组访谈等定性研究方法,印证了定量调查的结果。

    By literature review and focus group discussion , qualitative study justifies the quantitive result .

  12. 方法调查人员采用现场观察和随机抽样问卷调查的定量方法进行;对村骨干人群采用专题小组讨论的定性研究方法;

    Methods Quantitative spot investigation and random sampling and qualitative FGDs were adopted for village leaders .

  13. 定性研究方法总论

    An Overview on Qualitative Research Methods

  14. 方法采取个人深入访谈的定性研究方法,在四川省西昌市抽取54名来自不同娱乐场所的暗娼进行调查。

    Methods 54 FSWs were recruited through in-depth individual interview in different entertainment sites of Xichang County .

  15. 本文利用定量和定性研究方法研究了成段改错试题测试了考生的什么语言能力。

    The present study investigated quantitatively and qualitatively what kind of language abilities a proofreading test could test .

  16. 作为一种定性研究方法,关键事件技术特别适用于理论发展和管理有效性等研究目的。

    To explore the possible costs and barriers of patients switching medical service by using critical incident technique .

  17. 方法定性研究方法为个人深入访谈、专题小组讨论、现场观察和假扮病人。

    Methods Qualitative methods of in-depth interview , focus group discussion , field observation and disguised patients were used .

  18. 运用半定量半定性研究方法,依据经典统计规律对极性分子的极化程度作了研究。

    The polarized degree of polar molecule is studied based on the classic statistic law and semi_quantitative , method .

  19. 本文采用定性研究方法,选取了三家上海自闭症康复训练机构及其所处的组织场域为研究对象。

    We selected three NPOs providing rehabilitation and training for autism and the organizational field they are in to study .

  20. 也可以说是以材料描写和理论分析为主的定性研究方法。

    The methods can also be treated as qualitative method taking material description and theoretical analysis as the main instruments .

  21. 整个数据收集持续3个月时间,首先采用定性研究方法收集数据。

    The process of data collection lasted for 3 months . At first qualitative research was taken to collect data .

  22. 我国所采用的定性研究方法主要有焦点团体座谈会与深度访谈。

    At present , the main qualitative research approaches applied in consumer research in China are focus groups and in-depth interview .

  23. 定性研究方法在公共行政研究中已经突显出一定优势,但需要注意其在中国公共行政研究中的规范应用。

    Therefore , the author argues that public administration scholars should pay more attention to its appropriate application in empirical research .

  24. 到20世纪80年代,定性研究方法逐步成熟起来,形成了自己的概念、方法、理论以及统一的规范和操作程序。

    Up to 2080s , qualitative research gradually matures and forms its own concepts , methods , theories , standards and procedures .

  25. 定性研究方法包括干警个人深入访谈和不同拘留原因收教妇女专题小组访谈。

    Qualitative methods included an in-depth personal interview with the police officers and focus group discussions with female detainees grouped by different arrested reasons .

  26. 最后通过比较归纳、分析演绎和逻辑推理等定性研究方法得出一个基本理论框架。

    Finally a basic theoretical frame is got through qualitative research methods of comparison and induction , analysis and deduction and inference and so on .

  27. 本研究综合了定量定性研究方法,数据收集方法包括调查问卷、访谈以及学生的反思日记。

    Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are employed . The data collection methods include questionnaire , interview with students and students ' reflective diaries .

  28. 本文采取定量和定性研究方法,对安徽省血防健康教育试点工作进行中期评价。

    The paper reported the middle term evaluation on health education of schistosomiasis in pilot areas , Anhui Province by qualitative study and quantitative study .

  29. 通过案例分析和对比分析的定性研究方法,本文作者从文化交流的视角分析了三部动画作品。

    The author made a careful study of the three animated movies in cultural communication perspective and the methodology of case study and comparative analysis are adopted .

  30. 本研究采用定量和定性研究方法,自医疗服务机构和使用者收集资料,对在喀土穆操作药品周转基金的经验进行评估。

    This study used quantitative and qualitative research techniques to collect data from health-care providers and users to evaluate the experience of operating an RDF in Khartoum state .