
kè ɡuān zhènɡ jù
  • objective evidence
  1. 他没有客观证据表明正在发生什么不同寻常之事。

    He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening .

  2. 认为区域性分组可以比世贸组织(wto)更快取得进展的观点,同样无视了大量与之相悖的客观证据。

    The belief that faster progress can be made in regional groupings than in the world trade organisation also defies abundant objective evidence to the contrary .

  3. 项目记录提供了符合要求和qms有效性的客观证据。

    Project records provide objective evidence of conformance to requirements and QMS effectiveness .

  4. 但是,考虑到ISO9001的管理模式,利用通用的检查单来作审核,审核员有可能忽视收集过程和过程之间有效相互作用的客观证据了。

    However , considering the approach of the ISO9001 , performing an audit from a generic checklist might prevent an auditor from collecting evidence of effective interfacing between processes .

  5. 文章提出了BP神经网络联合与DS证据推理相融合的模型,实现了多个领域不同层次的全部主/客观证据的特征级融合,还实现了多个模型的优势互补。

    The paper presents a model by combining BP neural network and DS evidential reasoning , which not only achieves the feature level fusion of all subjective and objective evidences in various domains and layers , but also makes distinct models complement each other .

  6. 油藏预测问题中主/客观证据融合方法研究

    Research on Subjective and Objective Evidence Fusion Method in Oil Reserve Forecast

  7. 主/客观证据融合模型在洪水预测研究中的应用

    Application of Subjective and Objective Evidences Fusion Model in Study of Flood Prediction

  8. 对符合和不符合要求的客观证据,两者都必须被记录下来。

    Objective evidence of both compliance and noncompliance with requirements shall be recorded .

  9. 这是我们手中唯一的客观证据。

    This is the only physical evidence we have .

  10. 循证护理的核心思想是任何护理决策都要建立在临床客观证据的基础上。

    EBN has its core that medical decision should be based on clinical evidences .

  11. 负责认证审核的审核员应当始终寻求这种测量可追溯性的客观证据。

    Certification auditors should always seek to find objective evidence of such measurement traceability .

  12. (医)有失调或疾病的任何客观证据。

    ( medical ) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease .

  13. 虽然心绞痛症状轻微,但心肌缺血的客观证据明确,狭窄病变显著。

    Although the angina symptoms minor , but the Myocardial ischemia evidence clearly , arterio-stenosis significantly .

  14. 产品搬运、包装、贮存和交付过程中实施防护的客观证据。

    Product handling , packaging , storage and delivery process to implement the protection objective evidence .

  15. 具体的利益;具体的例子;没有任何诸如此类的客观证据。

    Concrete benefits ; a concrete example ; there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind .

  16. 只有从客观证据中纪录这些分数后,你才可以与投资经理见面。

    Only after recording these scores from neutral evidence should anyone meet with a money manager in person .

  17. 检验、测量和试验设备控制符合与不符合质量体系要求的客观证据。

    Inspection , measuring and test equipment control with and not in accordance with the requirements of objective evidence .

  18. 通过实验得出,主/客观证据融合方法不仅提高了12%的分类精度,还降低了算法的时间复杂度。

    By the experiment , this method improves classification precision by 12 percent and reduces the time complexity of algorithm .

  19. 为完成的活动或达到的结果提供客观证据的文件,这类文件称为记录。

    Documents that provide objective evidence of activities performed or results achieved ; such documents are referred to as records .

  20. 农业研究界正在寻找粮食安全、生计和环境之间折中的客观证据。

    Agricultural research communities are working to develop objective evidence on the trade-offs between food security , livelihoods and the environment .

  21. 组织通过管理评审和数据分析等活动进行持续改进和有效性评价的客观证据;

    Tissue through the management review and data analysis and other activities for continuous improvement and effective evaluation of objective evidence ;

  22. 设计验证手段,建立由客观证据显示设备规格符合用户的需求,并打算使用()。

    Design validation means establishing by objective evidence that device specifications conform with user needs and intended use ( s ) .

  23. 在地表及平硐调查中所见滑坡周界清晰,变形破坏现象明显,为查明滑坡性质提供了客观证据。

    The line of landslide limitation and deformation-failure features are rather certain in the surface , and so are in the drift .

  24. 重复性和可追溯性;提供客观证据;评价质量管理体系的有效性和持续适宜性。

    Repeatability and traceability , provision of objective evidence , and evaluation of the effectiveness ad continuing suitability of the quality management system .

  25. 结论以循环系统症状为主而无客观证据的患者可能是一种特殊类型的血管迷走性晕厥。

    Conclusion The patients who have many circulation symptoms but do not have objective evidences may be a particular type of syncope vasovagal .

  26. 的验证手段,确认考试,并提供客观证据证明特定的要求,为某一特定用途,可始终履行。

    Validation means confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use can be consistently fulfilled .

  27. 内部审核的策划应当是灵活的,以便允许依据在审核过程中的审核发现和客观证据对审核的重点进行调整。

    Planning for internal audits should be flexible in order to permit changes in emphasis based on findings and objective evidence obtained during the audit .

  28. 如果有贷款减值的客观证据,银行应该根据贷款计提贷款损失准备金。

    If there is objective evidence of impairment of the loan , the bank should be provision for loan loss reserves in accordance with the loan .

  29. 证据明显表明,深深植根于客观证据的政策更有可能在实践中发挥效果并提供预想的成果。

    The evidence is clear that policies firmly rooted in objective evidence are most likely to be effective in practice and to deliver the intended outcome .

  30. 按照与申请人确认的审核计划,收集客观证据验证质量体系运行的有效性。

    Initial Audit We collect objective evidences to prove the effectiveness of the quality system on the basis of the audit programme confirmed by the applicants .