
  • 网络Syntagma;syntagma square;Constitution Square;Zocalo
  1. 像在宪法广场(Syntagmasquare)周边这种一直是高档酒店、皮毛精品店统治的地区,新出现了一些有机食品店。

    There are new organic grocery stores in neighborhoods like Syntagma Square , where grand hotels and fur boutiques have long reigned .

  2. 在希腊雅典的宪法广场,大约数百名抗议者仍然聚集着,并没有散去。

    In Athens " Syntagma Square , a few hundred protestors still remain .

  3. 对现代希腊人来说,世界的中心是宪法广场(syntagma)。

    For ancient Greeks the centre of the world was Delphi , where an Oracle foretold the future .

  4. 昨日抵达雅典与希腊客户召开年会的国际银行家们,不得不在防暴警察和扔石块的青年人中间低头穿行,前往位于市中心宪法广场的酒店。

    International bankers arriving yesterday for year-end meetings with Greek clients had to run a gauntlet of riot police and stone-throwing youths to reach hotels in central Syntagma Square .