
  • 网络oligopoly price
  1. 中国移动通信市场:寡头垄断,价格战不可取

    Duopoly Market , Unwise Price Battle : China Mobile & China Unicom

  2. 双寡头垄断市场的价格竞争与产品差异化策略&一个博弈论模型及其扩展

    Price competition and strategy of product differential location : Game theory and its extension

  3. 第三章分析了独家垄断和寡头垄断条件下价格管制对投资行为的影响。

    Chapter 3 studies the investment behavior in monopoly and oligopoly under price ceiling regulation .

  4. 本论文首先通过对寡头垄断企业间价格竞争模型的分析,得出价格承诺策略较之征收反倾销税措施是一种占优策略;

    This thesis obtains a conclusion that the strategy of price undertaking is more preferential than the measure of imposing anti-dumping duties through the model of price competition between oligopoly .

  5. 寡头垄断竞争中车险价格行为的实证研究

    Experimental Study on Motor Insurance Pricing in an Oligopoly Competition Market

  6. 在分析了已有几种寡头垄断市场结构中价格形成机制的基础上,本文又构建出3种寡头垄断价格形成机制。

    After analyzing several tariff mechanisms in the oligopoly market , another three possible ones are put forward .

  7. 随着经济发展,我国对国际铁矿石依存度不断提高,国际市场中三大供应商已形成寡头垄断,控制市场价格。

    Along with the economical development , our country economy continually increase depending on international hard resources . In international market three big suppliers have formed the oligopoly and controls the market prices .