
  • 网络firing data
  1. 对系统设计、快速准确地求解射击诸元和偏差修正具有指导意义。

    So this article has some guiding signification on system design , fast and accurate solving the firing data and errors correcting .

  2. 介绍了气象准备充分与否,对火炮射击诸元精度的重要作用和对火炮直接效力射的射击效果所产生的影响。

    Whether sufficient or not the meteorological preparation is , it not only affects the precision and accuracy of the firing data of cannon , but also decides the fire for effect of cannon .

  3. 各级炮兵C3I系统、火控系统等决定射击诸元所采用的弹道数学模型比较多,每一种模型都有其产生的历史背景、适用的场合、优点和不足。

    Ballistic math models used by different echelons of artillery C ~ 3I systems and fire control systems are various , and each has its history background , applicable occasions , advantages and disadvantages .

  4. 层权精度对射击诸元精度的影响

    The Influence of Layer - weight Precision on Accuracy of Firing Data

  5. 声自导鱼雷射击诸元及误差对其捕获概率的影响

    Effect on Acoustic Homing Torpedo Capture Probability of Fire Elements and Errors

  6. 用于求解射击诸元的视在航路法

    Method of observational trajectory applied to solutions for the fire - equation

  7. 决定电视侦察弹射击诸元弹道模型的建立与仿真

    Ballistic Model Establishment and Simulation for Deciding Fire Data of Video Scout Projectile

  8. 反直升机智能雷射击诸元计算

    The Calculation of shot Elements About Anti-Helicopter Intelligent Mine

  9. 气压偏差对射击诸元精度的影响

    The Influence on Accuracy of Firing Element by Deviation of Air Pressure Calculated

  10. 给出了一种利用弹道方程决定射击诸元的数学模型。

    A mathematic model of using trajectory equations for firing data is presented .

  11. 甲板坐标系下速率火控射击诸元解算及弹道修正

    Firing Data Calculation and Ballistic Correction of Rate Fire-control System based on Deck Coordinates

  12. 数字化瞄准具的独立射击诸元求解

    Solutions for the firing - equation in a digital collimator working in independent mode

  13. 尾流自导鱼雷射击诸元解算模型优化及解算方法

    Model Optimization for Solving for Firing Data of Wake Homing Torpedo and its Solving Method

  14. 解弹道方程求解舰炮武器系统射击诸元的数学模型

    Model for finding firing data of shipborne gun weapon system by solving external ballistic equations

  15. 舰炮对岸无瞄准点射击诸元计算模型

    The Model of Calculating Firing Data for Shipboard Gun to Fire at Shore Without an Aiming Point

  16. 介绍了射击诸元的两种求解方法以及各自的特点和相互关系,为获得射击诸元误差提供了基本的方法。

    Two solutions to fire problem are discussed , which provides an essential way to get shooting elements error .

  17. 结合某型号布雷弹的特点,详细地研究了弹道任意一点处的射击诸元。

    Based on a certain types mine characteristic , the trajectory wanton the all of shootings in detail is studied .

  18. 针对独立工作方式下火控射击诸元的求解问题,提出了一种基于数字化瞄准具的陀螺仿真方法。

    Based on digital collimator working in independent mode , a gyroscope simulation method is presented to solve the firing equation .

  19. 介绍了一种利用有限弹迹点检查射击诸元的方法,介绍了最小二乘法拟合曲线的原理。

    This paper presents a method to check gun fire data using limited points and an principle of least squares fitting .

  20. 详细分析了在有目标坐标测定设备情况下的射击诸元求解问题。

    As to the Problem II , the hitting equation is analyzed , clearly under the condition that detection equipment is available .

  21. 从现代火控理论出发,分析了反直升机智能雷武器系统射击诸元的计算方法。

    This paper has been analyzed calculating methods of shot elements about anti helicopter intelligent mine weapon system by proceeding from modern fire control theory .

  22. 同时,与手工作业方法对比,对弹道积分法决定射击诸元误差进行了分析;

    Meanwhile , compared with traditional manual method , the model has analyzed error produced when to provide firing data by ballistic integral and gave example .

  23. 分析了湿度与虚温订正值的关系、湿度对射击诸元精度的影响和用统一温度替代湿度空间实际分布的问题。

    Relation between virtual temperature correction and humidity , influence of humidity on accuracy firing data , and problem of using identical relative humidity to substituted real humidity distribution are analyzed .

  24. 研究了计算气压对实测气压偏差,根据计算结果讨论了其对射击诸元精度的影响。

    Deviation of the air pressure calculated through temperature and practical measured is studied . Based on calculating results , the effect of air pressure deviation on accuracy of fire is discussed .

  25. 由火炮角度传感器和瞄准视窗中光环位置获得目标的角度信息,再根据事先装定的开火距离,即可实时解算出射击诸元。

    The firing equations are worked out with the distance given in advance , relevant angular information acquired from both the angle sensor on artillery and object circle coordinates in the collimator window .

  26. 对舰炮火控系统计算对岸稳定射击诸元的方法进行了研究,分析了存在问题的根本原因,提出了正确的计算射击诸元方法。

    The paper discusses the method used in shipborne gun fire control system to calculate the fire data against the targets on shore , analysis the reason of the present problem , and presents the correct method .

  27. 根据当前飞航式反舰导弹的射击诸元只精确确定导弹的自控终点,而导弹的弹道尚未进行参数控制的现状,提出了弹道规划的基本概念。

    Nowadays , the shoot data of ship to ship missile only ensures the accuracy of self control terminal without parameter control of missile trajectory . Based on this situation , a concept on trajectory planning was raised .

  28. 建立了适合反直升机智能雷的命中方程并用收敛快、精度高的改进牛顿搜索法求解命中方程,计算出智能雷的射击诸元。

    The hitting equation suitable for anti helicopter intelligent mine has been established and has been solved with the method of improved Newton search with faster convergence and higher precision . Shot elements about intelligent mine have been calculated .

  29. 对稳像火控系统中目标角速度的测量过程进行了分析,指出采用自动传感器测量目标角速度仍存在误差,且对射击诸元的影响较大;

    This paper analyses the target angular velocity measuring process in the image stabilizing fire control system , points out that errors still exist in measuring target angular velocity with automatic sensors and they can cause serious effect on the firing data .

  30. 试验表明该系统的射击开始诸元更接近目标射击诸元。

    Test result shows that starting firing data is close comparatively to firing data of target .