
xiǎo qǐ yè
  • peanuts;small business
小企业[xiǎo qǐ yè]
  1. 大多数小企业现在都在网上办理银行业务。

    The majority of small businesses now do their banking online .

  2. 政府正计划给予小企业更多帮助。

    The government is planning to give more help to small businesses .

  3. 小企业所处的形势有利于从单一市场中受益。

    Small businesses are well situated to benefit from the single market .

  4. 新法规将使很多小企业关闭。

    The new regulations will put many small businesses out of business .

  5. 经济衰退期间成千上万家小企业被迫关门了。

    During the recession thousands of small businesses went broke .

  6. 在顾客服务方面,有时小企业可能优于大企业。

    Sometimes small firms can outdo big business when it comes to customer care .

  7. 大公司不得不紧缩,小企业则被迫关闭。

    Just as large companies are having to cut back , so small businesses are being forced to close .

  8. 部长批评了银行对待小企业的态度。

    The minister rapped banks over their treatment of small businesses .

  9. 这个项目旨在为高等教育和小企业之间建立联系。

    The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses

  10. 她是几个小企业和小手工艺者的资助人。

    She is a patron of small businesses and trades .

  11. 大多数小企业在开张后的24个月内就倒闭了。

    The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months

  12. 这种增长会使小企业受损并使成千上万的人失去工作。

    The increase will hurt small business and cost many thousands of jobs .

  13. 政府需要设立专门机构来为小企业贷款作担保。

    The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans

  14. 这可能意味着成千上万家服务社会的小企业将要倒闭。

    This could mean the closure of thousands of small businesses which serve the community

  15. 每周有2,500家小企业关张。

    2,500 small businesses were folding each week .

  16. 降低非劳动收入税可能会促进小企业的发展。

    Reduction in the tax on unearned income could be a boost for small businesses .

  17. 总统希望能让小企业更方便地获得银行贷款。

    The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans .

  18. 该公司是小企业成长为大企业的突出例子。

    The company is an outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one

  19. 银行被告知要更多地为小企业考虑一下。的确是时候该这样做了。

    The banks are being told to think about small businesses a little more . And about time too .

  20. 小企业接二连三地破产。

    Small businesses have been collapsing one after another .

  21. 经济危机一到,小企业往往最先倒闭。

    In economic crisis , smaller enterprises are usually among the first to fold up .

  22. 从那以后,尽管公司还是小企业,但在制造高质量的处方药品方面已是声誉卓著。

    Since then , while the firm remained small , it had achieved a merited reputation for high-quality prescription products .

  23. 两院的法案都表示将建立医保交易所,小企业和个人能从其中的一系列私人计划甚至公共项目中进行选择。

    The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option .

  24. 艺术是有效的经济驱动力,一旦得到支持,整个小企业界都会受益。

    The arts are efficient economic drivers and when they are supported , the entire small-business community benefits .

  25. 城市商业银行与小企业有着天然的、共生共荣的联系。

    There exists one kind of natural and accrete relationship between city commercial bank and small business .

  26. 小企业软件工作室是非常适合使用PaaS的企业。

    The small entrepreneur software house is an ideal enterprise for PaaS .

  27. ISO9000使小企业也作出了大文章

    ISO9000 in a Small Business

  28. 不管是在小企业还是中型企业领域,Geronimo都快速成为其应用服务器的首选。

    In both the small-and medium-business domains , Geronimo is quickly becoming the application server of choice .

  29. 我国已经加入了WTO,许多小企业为了进入全球大市场和提高自身竞争力,正在积极探讨或进行ISO9000认证。

    China had entered into WTO and many small enterprises try or pass ISO9000 certification to enter the seven seas market and improve their competitiveness .

  30. 通过对SBA的特征进行分析,我们发现建立并完善小企业的服务体系更加重要。

    Making analysis for SBA , we find establishing and maturing small business service system is more important .