
xiǎo huǒ zi
  • youngster;lad;young fellow;young chap;chico;guy;fella;bugger;youth;fellow;laddie;buck;stripling;chap
小伙子 [xiǎo huǒ zi]
  • [lad;young fellow] 青年男子

  • 我在信中提到的那个小伙子

小伙子[xiǎo huǒ zi]
  1. 这小伙子有一股子使不完的劲儿。

    The youngster just doesn 't know what it is to be tired .

  2. 他喜欢这个小伙子,心直口快,有啥说啥。

    He liked this straightforward , outspoken youngster .

  3. 昨天夜里有人发现一名小伙子被打死了。

    A young man was found beaten to death last night .

  4. 他是个个子高而笨拙的18岁小伙子。

    He was a tall , ungainly boy of 18 .

  5. 人人都说他是个品行端正的小伙子。

    Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy .

  6. 这可怜的小伙子疯了。

    The poor chap 's gone doolally .

  7. 他是个好小伙子。

    He 's a nice lad .

  8. 这种生活对于一个20岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。

    This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20 .

  9. 给这小伙子一次机会——他上工才第二天。

    Give the lad a break ─ it 's only his second day on the job .

  10. 多帅的小伙子啊!

    What a nice-looking young man !

  11. 小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下。

    The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time

  12. 他问那些小伙子要不要来点咖啡,他们婉辞了。

    He offered the boys some coffee . They declined politely .

  13. 他是位砌砖工——一个高大健壮的小伙子。

    He was a bricklayer — a big , strapping fellow .

  14. 来吧,小伙子。你该回家了。

    Come along , lad . Time for you to get home .

  15. 现在告诉我,小伙子,出了什么问题?

    Now then , laddie , what 's the trouble ?

  16. 36岁的汉德拉身体健壮,有着21岁小伙子的体能。

    Xandra is an athletic 36-year-old with a 21-year-old 's body

  17. 这些小伙子需要放纵一下。

    The kids need to sow a few wild oats .

  18. “他是个很不错的小伙子,”斯蒂芬评论道。

    ' He is a fine young man , ' observed Stephen .

  19. 伯恩斯是一个走起路来一摇一晃的高大小伙子。

    Burns is a big lad with a rolling gait .

  20. 两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。

    Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel

  21. 入会仪式后,这些小伙子与老成员开始互动。

    After initiation , the youths started to interact with the older members

  22. 他是个不错的小伙子——聪明伶俐而且性格开朗。

    He was a nice lad — bright and with a sunny disposition

  23. 首先麦克尼尔得让那个脾气暴躁的20岁澳大利亚小伙子冷静下来。

    First McNeil had to cool down the volatile Australian 20-year old .

  24. 小伙子,随你花多长时间都行。

    Take as long as you like , dear boy .

  25. 他是个精力充沛、年轻帅气的小伙子。

    He was a vigorous , handsome young man .

  26. 小伙子,别笑,这很严肃。

    Don 't laugh boy . This is serious .

  27. 喝醉酒这种情况小伙子都会有。

    Getting drunk is a thing all young men do

  28. 他们将那几个小伙子带了进来,然后放狗咬他们。

    They brought the young men in and set the dogs on them .

  29. “你一定是在等哪位小伙子吧,”她揶揄道。

    ' You must be expecting a young man , ' she teased .

  30. 我会永远感激那个小伙子。

    I will always feel grateful to that little guy