
xiǎo shuì piàn kè
  • take a short nap
  1. 小睡片刻。

    Take a short nap .

  2. “睡觉壳”是小睡片刻补充能量的最好选择。

    The Napshell is designed for the best in power napping .

  3. 小睡片刻,并且早点上床睡觉。

    Take a nap , then get to bed early .

  4. 小睡片刻会让事情变的更好。

    A little peace and quiet will make everything better .

  5. 所以现在小小犒劳你自己一下,小睡片刻。

    So do yourself a favor and take a nap .

  6. 小睡片刻对过好途中几个小时是很有帮助的。

    Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride .

  7. 晚饭后,我的父亲常在他的椅子上小睡片刻。

    After dinner my father often dozes in his chair for a while .

  8. 感谢收看“上班时间怎样小睡片刻”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Power Nap .

  9. 我实在是需要小睡片刻。

    I really need to take a nap .

  10. 在工作一整个早上后,他小睡片刻以恢复精神。

    After working all morning , he took a nap to regain his energy .

  11. 多莫现在需要的是小睡片刻。

    What dormer needs is a little shuteye .

  12. 有一天它爬到沙滩上小睡片刻。

    One day , he crawled onto the sandy beach to take a nap .

  13. 午饭后,我经常小睡片刻。

    I usually take a nap after noon .

  14. 不要放弃,只是给自己一些时间。小睡片刻。

    Don 't abandon ship , just give yourself a moment . Take a nap .

  15. 晚餐后小睡片刻是他不变的习惯。

    After dinner it was his invariable habit to take a nap for a while .

  16. 再睡久一点就会让你感到昏昏沉沉了,但是小睡片刻会让你神清气爽。

    Anything longer will make you lethargic , but a short nap will refresh you .

  17. 我要小睡片刻。

    I will take a nap .

  18. 我们会在你小睡片刻后再提高速度

    We 'll work up to the higher speed right after you take your nap Nap !

  19. 他深信白天小睡片刻,哪怕是在床上躺几分钟也是好的。

    He swears by short naps or even just stretching out in bed for a few minutes .

  20. 如果午饭后能小睡片刻,往往能精力充沛地投入工作。

    If they can get lie-down awhile after lunch , they will usually energetically devote themselves to work .

  21. 我昨晚努力学习,然后小睡片刻准备迎接早上的考试。

    I studied all night but took a nap to get some rest because my quiz was in the morning .

  22. 据说你随时随地都能小睡片刻,即便在上赛道测试之前也一样,是真的吗?

    And it 's true that you can make a nap everywhere , even before going on track for a test ?

  23. 人们会在百货公司、咖啡馆、餐馆,乃至热闹的人行道上温暖舒适的地方小睡片刻。

    People may nap in department stores , cafes , restaurants or even a snug spot on a busy city sidewalk .

  24. 你可能会在此时入睡,并在小睡片刻或者一整晚上睡眠的清醒后感到精力充沛。

    You may fall asleep at this point and awaken refreshed after a short nap or a full night 's sleep .

  25. 但是让“驾驶人”在晨间通车时可以小睡片刻的全自动车恐怕还要一段时间才能问世。

    But fully automated cars that allow " drivers " to nap on their morning commute may still be some time off .

  26. 还不错车子很空,我坐了一个座位,我像往常一样闭上眼睛小睡片刻。

    Still good car is very empty , I have taken a seat , me close eye as usual little sleep an instant .

  27. 在平时人气颇高的购物区铜锣湾,几十名整夜坚守的抗议者被消防部门和警方的大喇叭广播吵到凌晨3时才得以小睡片刻。

    Across town in Causeway Bay , a popular shopping district , the few dozen protesters who camped overnight were kept awake until 3am by announcements from the fire department and the police .

  28. 所以你怎么看呢?你午睡吗?你觉得那样对你有帮助吗?打盹已经成为了我沉思工作的一部分了,小睡片刻以后,我也很明显地感觉到了改善。

    So what about you ? Do you nap ? Do you feel that it helps you ? Napping has become part of my meditative work , and I certainly feel the difference after I take one .

  29. 他经营下的公司纪律严明,他每天早上召集手下11位员工开会,然后就把他们派去客户那里。国有银行员工盛行花大把时间吃午餐,饭后再小睡片刻,他可不苟同这种作风。

    He runs a tight ship , gathering his 11 employees together every morning for a meeting before dispatching them to clients ; he frowns on the long lunches and postprandial naps so popular in state banks .

  30. 过去20年里,联合国主持的庞大年度气候谈判很少按时结束,各国谈判代表不得不在办公室里随便找个地方小睡片刻,因为会议会彻夜举行。

    Few of the mammoth annual climate negotiations the UN has conducted over the past 20 years have ended on time , forcing negotiators to sleep where they can in their offices as meetings drag on through the night .