
  • 网络industrial logistics
  1. 进入21世纪,我国工业物流有了显著进展。

    Stepping into21st century , the industrial logistics has developed remarkably .

  2. 推广现代物流管理技术,促进工业物流系统化发展

    Popularizing Modern Techniques in Logistics Management Promoting the Systematic Development of Industrial Logistics

  3. 工业物流系统中AGVS的设计策略

    Design Scheme of AGVS in Logistics System of Industry Field

  4. 探讨基于激光导航的自动导引车系统AGVS的设计策略,这种AGVS应用于现代工业物流系统中的自动化仓库管理系统。

    Design scheme of AGVS is proposed , where AGVS is discussed on the base of laser navigation AGV and applied in the automatic WMS in field of modern industry logistics system , where automatic warehouse is the core of logistics systems .

  5. 所探讨的自动导引车系统的设计方案在自动化仓库等类似的工业物流、制造领域具有一定的实际应用意义。

    This design can be used actually in industrial logistics and manufacturing fields such as automatic warehouse .

  6. 流程工业物流分层建模与数据校正算法研究阻抗式含水率计三相漂流模型校正的实验研究

    Investigation on Multi-Resolution Modelling and Data Rectification for Process Industries ; Experimentation of Impendence Sensor Three-phase Drift Flow Model Emendation

  7. 预计短到中期,深圳物流业仍将受外围经济不景的影响,拖累工业物流设施租金及售价表现。

    The worsening global economic environment is expected to exert a negative impact on the logistics sectors in Shenzhen , depressing rental and price performance of industrial and logistics facilities .

  8. 但由于工商分设的行业体制,导致工业物流以及商业物流资源未能得到有效统一整合,未能实现资源及信息共享,存在重复投资。

    But because dividing management system of the industry , resulting in industrial logistics and commercial logistics resources are not effectively consolidated and integrated , not enough sharing of resources and information , duplication of investment is very common .

  9. 最后,提出了烟草工业物流系统、商业物流系统、工商协同物流系统三种整合类型,并对三者进行对比,确定三者的使用范围。

    Finally , the author put forward three kinds of integration models of tobacco industry logistics systems , business logistics systems , and industrial and commercial logistics systems , and figured the applying field of the three types by comparison .

  10. 其次,分别从烟草工业物流系统、商业物流系统和工商物流系统整合出发,建立了以物流网络为着眼点的数学模型,并设计混合编码遗传算法对其进行求解。

    Secondly , according to the respective integration of the logistics systems of the tobacco industry , business logistics systems and industrial and commercial logistics systems , the author established a mathematical model based on logistics network , designed and solved the hybrid-coded genetic algorithm .

  11. ERP系统在烟草工业企业物流管理中的作用

    Application of ERP System in Logistics Management of Tobacco Enterprises

  12. 利用JIT改善我国工业企业物流管理

    Using JIT to Improve Logistics Management of Industrial-Enterprises in China

  13. 中小型工业企业物流管理诊断流程浅探

    Research on Logistics Management Diagnostic Procedure of Small / medium-sized Enterprises

  14. 苏州工业园区物流园建设的若干问题研究

    The Construction Research in Terms of Suzhou Industrial Park Logistics Park

  15. 河南省工业企业物流需求状况分析

    The Analysis of Industrial Enterprise 's Logistics Demand in Henan Province

  16. 工业企业物流同工业生产紧密结合在一起,既十分复杂,又极其重要。

    Logistics of industrial enterprise and industrial production are combined together closely .

  17. 化工物流产业集群竞争优势分析&以上海化学工业区物流产业园为例

    Analysis on Competitive Superiority of Chemistry Logistics Industry Cluster Dandong Industrial Zone

  18. 汽车工业环境物流技术的研究

    Study on Logistics Technology in the Environment of Automobile Industry

  19. 木材工业企业物流特征及物流管理现状

    Logistics characteristics and present situation of logistics management in the wood industry enterprises

  20. 工业企业物流外包决策及风险防范

    Decision-making of the Industrial Enterprise Logistics-Outsourcing and Risk Prevention

  21. 汽车工业供应物流整合模式与优化方法研究

    Research on Integration Modes and Optimization Methods of Supply Logistics in Automotive Industry

  22. 基于节点流的流程工业生产物流调度方法及应用

    Production logistics scheduling method and its application for process industries based on node-flow control

  23. 复合流程工业中物流对能耗影响的分析模型

    Model for analyzing effect of material flows on energy intensity in complex process industries

  24. 汽车工业供应物流配送中心选址研究

    Research on Location of Automotive Logistics Distribution Center

  25. 哈大齐工业走廊物流系统的结构与功能的研究

    The Research of the Function and Structure of Logistics System of the Harbin-Daqing-Qiqihar Industry Corridor

  26. 中国再生铝工业逆向物流特点与设计原则

    Reverse Logistics in China Aluminum Recycling Industry

  27. 东北老工业基地物流标准体系的构建研究

    Study on Construction of the Logistics Standardization System in the Old Industrial Base of the Northeast China

  28. 主要的影响是工业港物流系统生产的总体不均衡,导致某些子系统生产负荷不均衡,工业港码头通过能力出现瓶颈。

    The main effect is the overall unbalance of logistics production , which leads to serious load of certain sub-systems production .

  29. 工业企业物流系统管理模式是当今国际物流研究的重要领域之一。

    The management model of logistics system in industrial enterprise is one of the major areas of international logistics research at present .

  30. 沿海城市一直是经济较发达区域,它集中了港口、工业、物流、养殖和休闲旅游等海洋产业。

    A coastal city is a good district to develop tourism industry , meanwhile some other coastal and ocean industries also concentrated here .