
  • 网络Working hours;Working time
  1. 雇主可以与员工和工会自由协商工作时长、加班费和任何额外的休假福利。

    Employers are free to negotiate working hours , overtime rates and any extra holiday allowances with unions and with their own employees .

  2. 法国的工作时长并没有远远低于欧盟平均水平。

    Working hours are not far below the EU average .

  3. 出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。

    The taxi drivers ' association is urging its members , who can work as many hours as they want , not to overdo it .

  4. 数据分析发现,母亲每周的工作时长一般为119小时,其中的40小时可以拿到标准工资、79小时可以拿到加班工资。在对1000名母亲(孩子都未满18岁)进行调查后发现,这些妈妈通常早上7点开始工作,一直到晚上11点才结束。

    By analysing the numbers , it found the average mother works 119 hours a week , 40 of which would usually be paid at a standard rate , 79 hours as overtime . After questioning 1,000 mothers with children under 18 , it found that , on most days , mums started their routine work at 7am and finished at around 11pm .

  5. 我们很多人在工作时长时间坐着。

    And many of us sit for long hours at work .

  6. 虽然在不同国家之间得到的精确调查数据有所不同,但在工作时长和自我的幸福感之间似乎有一个“反U型关系”。

    There seems to be an " inverse U-shaped relationship " between hours worked and self-reported well-being , although the precise figures differ across countries .

  7. 经济学家表示,日本国会(Diet)正在考虑实施温和改革,比如让公司根据业绩而不是工作时长给专业人员支付薪水,但经济学家表示,这么做将无法打破当前劳动力市场已经形成的分化。

    The Diet , or parliament , is considering modest reforms , such as letting companies pay professional staff by results instead of hours worked , but nothing that would break down what has become a two-tier market , economists said .

  8. 在大多数Uber最大的市场里,大部分司机的每周工作时长从一小时到十五小时不等,而许多传统出租车司机都是全天工作。

    In most of Uber 's largest markets , a majority of its drivers work from one to 15 hours a week , while many traditional taxi drivers work full time .

  9. Reid发现女性会稍微减少自己的工作时长,但这样显得她们的行为似乎与公司的期望相悖。

    Reid found that women tended to take accommodations such as reducing their hours , therefore revealing that they weren 't always hitting the high mark expected by the firm .

  10. 提出自适应索引可分负载调度算法(AIDLT)以帮助WSN系统设计:能量过快消耗是影响无线传感器网络工作时长的一个主要障碍,对此可通过最大限度地减少传输功率的方法解决。

    Formulated an Adaptive-Indexed Divisible Load Theory ( AIDLT ) based workload assignment scheme : Energy depletion in wireless sensors is a major obstacle for a WSN to operate . This problem can be extenuated by minimizing the need for high power transmission from sensors .

  11. 接着,他们想起了另一个问题:工作时长。

    And then as an afterthought , they mentioned the hours .

  12. 其结果是工作时长的陡然减少。

    The result has been a precipitous decline in work .

  13. 全面减支计划强迫一些员工削减他们的工作时长。

    Those across-the-board cuts have forced some workers to cut their hours .

  14. 减少工作时长可以降低成年人罹患冠心病的风险。

    Working less could lower the risk of coronary heart disease among adults .

  15. 最兢兢业业的人,工作时长甚至达68小时。

    The most diligent put in another 20 hours .

  16. 按照这一标准,英国的工作时长不能超过每周9小时。

    Workers in the U.K. could only put in nine hours a week .

  17. 每周的工作时长是否有一个最佳上限呢?

    Is there a weekly hour sweet spot ?

  18. 这意味着这些员工的薪酬和工作时长将会发生变化。

    This could mean a change in pay or hours for those staff members .

  19. 男:啊,在美国报酬是按照工作时长支付的。

    M : Well , in America one is being paid for one 's time .

  20. 同时根据待增速度给出了推力定向和推力发动机工作时长的确定方法。

    Moreover , the formulae about working time and vector determination of thrust engine are given .

  21. 你的潜在同事真正的工作时长是什么?公司规定的上班时间和下班时间又是什么?

    What are the real hours your potential colleagues work versus the published start and end times ?

  22. 按照该体制,每个工人的工作时长减少,这样就可以避免裁员。

    Under this scheme , the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid s.

  23. 通过研究还发现,前一个星期的工作时长会对后一个星期产生很大的影响。

    A week before the long hours of work a week after will have a huge impact . 4 .

  24. 薪酬和工作时长等指标在2009年晚些时候才达到了最低点。

    Some measures such as payrolls and hours worked did not reach their lowest point until later in 2009 .

  25. 更糟的是,他们工作时长这么久,所得工资还不足以糊口。

    What 's worse is that despite working this hard work they barely make enough money to live on .

  26. 作为欧洲最清洁的经济体之一的瑞典,其每周工作时长为12小时。

    And Sweden , one of Europe 's cleanest economies , would have to shift to a 12-hour week .

  27. 仍依赖煤发电的德国应将工作时长缩短至每周6小时。

    Germany , which still relies on coal power , would have to shorten the workweek to just six hours .

  28. 西欧劳动者则享受最短的工作时长和最多的带薪休假天数。

    The shortest work schedule and highest number of days of paid vacation are enjoyed by workers in western Europe .

  29. 同时,希腊工人平均工作时长38小时,紧随其后的是西班牙、葡萄牙和意大利。

    Meanwhile , Greece 's workers logged an average of 38 hours , followed closely by Spain , Portugal and Italy .

  30. 可能的情况是,工作时长和高压力环境以及风险性让潜在进入者失去了兴趣。

    It could be that potential entrants are put off by the working hours and high-pressure environment as well as the riskiness .