
  • 网络Work Sample;Working Sample
  1. 我需要给报纸送一份工作样本。

    I need to send the newspaper a sample of my work .

  2. 为了降低员工的期望值,人事主管应该在面试申请人员之前先做出符合现状的工作样本,让申请人能够全面地了解实际的工作情况。

    To narrow expectations , HR managers should sample job experiences before the interview to give job candidates a more complete picture about working in the company .

  3. 詹森的显示卡,大家都想象不工作的样本。

    The card that Jensen showed and we all pictured is not a working sample .

  4. 通过数据实验对所提出的理论模型加以验证,因此首先的工作就是样本选取与数据的预处理。

    Verifying the theoretical model by data experiments , so the first job is sample selection and data preprocessing .

  5. 中国表示,嫦娥五号探测器已完成在月球上的取样工作,样本已被封装在航天器内。

    China says its Chang'e-5 probe has completed sampling on the moon , and the samples have been sealed within the spacecraft .

  6. 本文首先研究分析了数据挖掘、聚类的基本概念和一般方法,对聚类分析的前期工作:样本数据规格化、距离计算、关联程度的计算方法进行了综述;

    The basic concepts and methods of clustering are firstly introduced in this thesis , and the pre-work of the clustering are summarized , such as the pretreatment of the sample data , the methods of distance and the degree of correlation computing .

  7. 让我们使生成器工作在我们样本问题中

    Let 's put a generator to work in our sample problem

  8. 挖掘机工作装置实验样本长度确定方法及程序系统

    The Method of Determining the Necessary Experimental Sample Length for the Working Device of the Hydraulic Shovel and Its Computer Programming

  9. 本文中,我将尝试进行这个工作,从样本代码开始,来演示如何在每个模型中编码公共类型的操作。

    In this article I 'll try to do just that , starting with sample code to demonstrate how common types of operations can be coded in each of the models .

  10. 结果表明利用数个‘长寿’的‘小子样、零失效’工作时间试验样本,可以获得高置信度下系统任务时间可靠度的较大下限;

    The results indicate that the lower credible bounds of system 's mission time reliability in high conference level can be calculated based on several ' small and zero failure samples ' in ' long life ' .

  11. 这幅画是我所做工作的一个样本。

    This painting is a specimen of the work I do .

  12. 社会工作评估&单样本设计

    Social Work Evaluation - - Single Sample Design

  13. “我的工作是让这些样本变得有意义,”他说。

    " My job is to make sense of those results ," he says .

  14. 怕我不明白,她甚至走到别的地方去拿了一份“工作记录”的样本给我看。

    She even went to somewhere else to take a sample to show me what it was .

  15. 同时,政府与非政府之间的合作模式也为艾滋病防预工作提供了新样本。

    Meanwhile , the government and non-governmental Cooperation between the preventive model for AIDS has provided a new sample .

  16. 量刑建议制度探析&以重庆市A区检察院量刑建议工作为调查分析样本

    Analysis of the Sentencing Suggestion System : On the Implement of Sentencing Suggestion by the People 's Procuratorate in Chongqing

  17. 略谈高校图书馆书库学生馆员的管理工作论高校图书馆样本书库的建设与管理

    Discussion on the Management of Student-librarian in Universities ' Library Stacks On the Construction and Managemant of Sample Book Stacks in University Library

  18. 此外,本文基于通用自动测试系统平台建立的各类家电工作电流原始数据样本库,可以为研究家电工作状态监测技术、家电优化控制的同行提供基础数据服务,具有很好的实用价值。

    In addition , the primary data sample library of all kinds of home appliance based on the general-purposed testing system platform can provide basic data for them , and has significantly practical value .

  19. 调研发现,一批企业通过将自创技术与外部技术在产品系统层次上的集成,缩小了与国外领先企业的技术差距,为研究工作提供了宝贵样本。

    With the investigation , it is found that some enterprises have reduced technological gap with leading enterprises through integrating self-created technologies and external ones on product system , which are valuable samples for the study .

  20. 论文运用PAQ工作分析问卷,将工作岗位分解成基本的工作元素,并对典型工作岗位进行样本采集和统计分析。

    We disassemble work positions into basic job elements with PAQ and carry on sample gathering and statistical analysis about the typical work positions .