
  • 网络Work enthusiasm;positive attitude
  1. 能否提高C类员工的满意度,从而提高她们的工作积极性和业绩将直接影响到公司的进一步发展。

    Whether the company can make them more satisfactory and , therefore , can motivate their enthusiasm and improve their performance will directly affect the company 's further development .

  2. 方法采用工作积极性问卷(以下简称AMS)对60名聘用护士进行调查。

    Method 60 compact nurses were investigated with the working enthusiasm questionnaire .

  3. 随着时代发展,R公司同样面临着知识型人才队伍年轻化、流失率高、工作积极性不足等问题。

    With the development of the times , R Company is also facing a younger knowledge-based talent team , higher turnover rate , lack of work enthusiasm for and other issues .

  4. 本文认为,优化后的薪酬体系将更好地激发员工的工作积极性和创造性,有利于LD烟草公司的进一步发展。

    It can be believed that the redesigned salary system will motivate the employees better , and push forward the development of LD Cigarette Company .

  5. 结果ICU护士工作积极性显著提高,增加了护理团队的凝聚力,护理质量及人性化护理得到进一步提高和落实。

    Results This practice improved ICU nurses ' working enthusiasm significantly , enforced the cohesion of nursing teamwork , improved the quality of nursing and actualized the humanistic nursing .

  6. 方案的一系列调整力图使XY烟草公司的薪酬体系更加科学合理,更好的适应现状和未来的发展,最大程度的提高全体员工的工作积极性。

    The serious adjustment in the new program are aimed at a more scientific and reasonable salary system in XY tobacco companies , To better adapt to the current situation and future development , To maximize the enthusiasm of the staff work .

  7. 批评人士称,这将降低人们的工作积极性。

    Critics say this would be a disincentive to work .

  8. 企业也发现,想要调动归国人员的工作积极性也不是预料中那么容易。

    Companies find that it is not easy to motivate returning employees .

  9. 如何调动工人工作积极性

    How to transfer the workers ' enthusiasm of work

  10. 辽宁省高校体育教师工作积极性的调查与分析

    Research and Analysis of PE Teachers ' Enthusiasm for Work in Colleges and Universities

  11. 高校教师人力资源价值评估,是深入激发教师工作积极性并充分挖掘教师智力资源的重要手段。

    The assessment on human resource value of teachers of college is great importance .

  12. 精神科护士工作积极性的影响因素分析

    Factor Analysis on Work Motivation of Psychiatric Nurses

  13. 论教师工作积极性的激发

    On the Excitation of Teachers ' Enthusiasm Elementary discussion on the enthusiasm of teaching

  14. 这些极大地降低了教师的工作积极性和高校的活力。

    These reasons reduce the teacher 's working positivity and the college 's energy .

  15. 经实验验证,该评判体系能充分调动体育教师的工作积极性,促进教学质量的提高。

    Teachers with enthusiasm for their work and promote the teaching quality was built .

  16. 四是改革农技推广的关键是调动农技人员的工作积极性。

    Fourthly , key of transform about agrotechnical popularizing is to mobilize technicians , enthusiasm .

  17. 期望理论认为人的工作积极性与“效价”和“期望值”成正比。

    Expectation theory believes that people 's initiative positively correlates with their expectation and motivation .

  18. 关于激发教师工作积极性的思考

    On Kindling Teachers ' Enthusiasm for Working

  19. 影响警察工作积极性因素的研究

    A Study of Policemen 's Motivation

  20. 员工满意度会影响员工的心态和工作积极性,最终影响工作效率和工作效果。

    Employee satisfaction will affects the attitude and motivation , ultimately affects the efficiency and effectiveness .

  21. 基层医院聘用护士工作积极性及影响因素的分析及对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of the compact nurses ' working enthusiasm and influence factors in the basic-level hospitals

  22. 不科学的激励机制和不健全的管理制度,在很大程度上挫伤了青年教师的工作积极性。

    The unscientific inspiration mechanism and unsound management system discourage the young teachers to a great extent .

  23. 因此建立和完善高校行政管理人员的绩效评估评价机制,对于激发高校行政管理人员工作积极性、促进高校管理水平的提高具有积极作用。

    Therefore it is necessary for a higher education institute to enhance a mechanism of performance evaluation .

  24. 在影响教师工作积极性的诸多因素中,公平感是极为重要的因素。

    Equity Sensitivity is one of the prevalent factors that influence the motivation of on-the-job teachers in school .

  25. 合理的薪酬组成及制度可以提高员工的工作积极性及效率,避免人才的流失。

    Reasonable remuneration component and the system can increase staff motivation and work efficiency and avoid brain drain .

  26. 激励理论在调动高校教师工作积极性中的运用

    How to Apply the Theory of Motivation to Arousing Enthusiasm of the Teaching Staff in Colleges and Universities

  27. 良好的激励机制有助于提高组织成员的工作积极性,从而较易达到组织目标。

    Good incentives help to improve the work of active members , thus easier to achieve organizational goals .

  28. 思想教育在提高职工思想素质、调动职工工作积极性、增强单位凝聚力等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Ideological education plays an important role on improving worker'ideology , boosting worker'morale and increasing unit 's collectiveness .

  29. 导致以上状况的原因主要是:教师工作积极性不高;

    The main reason leading to the above conditions are : teachers are not enthusiastic about the work ;

  30. 如何充分调动医院员工的工作积极性,提高医院的核心竞争力,是各大医院管理工作中的重要问题。

    How to incentive hospital employee , improve core competence , which is important issue in every hospital .