
  • 网络work shoes;Work Boots
  1. 主要产品:运动鞋,工作鞋,登山鞋,休闲鞋。

    Main Products : sport shoes , work shoes , climbing shoes , leisure shoes .

  2. 但是,通过快速检查24岁的建筑师史蒂夫的工作鞋,他就没有那么幸运了。

    But a quick inspection of the24-year-old architect 's work shoes of choice do not make podiatrist Steve Pribut happy .

  3. 穿橡胶工作鞋或运动鞋。

    Wear rubber bottom shoes or sneakers .

  4. 用途:主要用于安全鞋,工作鞋,劳保鞋等。

    Usage : mainly used in safety shoes , work footwear and labor shoes and so on .

  5. 可提供的条件:生产防火鞋的各项技术及拥有大量工作鞋订单。

    Condition available : The company has the technology to produce fireproof footwear and a large number of work footwear orders .

  6. 老妈拗不过,只好还是买了工作鞋。嘿,还是皮的呢。

    My mom eventually gave up and bought me a pair of working shoes . Hey , they are leather shoes too !

  7. 用于马鞋、运动鞋、工作鞋、休?鞋、海绵鞋、婴儿鞋、高级皮革鞋类缝制。

    For boots shoes , work shoes , leisure shoes , foam rubber sole pads , babies shoes and high quality leather shoes .

  8. 我厂生产的各类工作鞋、便鞋,耐穿、耐洗,价格便宜,批量进货,价格再打八折。

    All the work and casual shoes produced By our factory stand wear and wash . Our prices are low , and 20 96 discount offered for wholesale .

  9. “老妈不干,非要买运动鞋。我说,”班上同学都说大家一起穿工作鞋,我要是穿运抵鞋多别扭呀。

    " However , my mom disagreed , she must buy me a pair of athletic shoes . I said : " Everybody in my class wears working shoes , it will be very weird if I wear a pair of athletic shoes .

  10. 单体支柱工作面柱鞋破坏机理分析

    Destruction Mechanics Analysis on the Post-base in the Single-support Working Face

  11. 科学家们研究了那些日常工作穿高跟鞋的女性受到的影响。

    Scientists examined the effect of the footwear on women who don high heels regularly for work .

  12. 通常情况下,应穿戴适当的工作服和工作鞋。

    In general , wear appropriate work clothing and footwear .

  13. 电工在工作中穿着绝缘鞋。

    The electrician wears rubber shoes on the job .

  14. 穿戴日常必需的劳保用品:工作服、安全鞋、安全头盔、防护眼镜和耳塞。

    Apparel usual necessary personal protective equipment : work clothes , protective shoes , crash helmet , protective glasses , and earplug .

  15. 但切记,当你使用它的时候,或许你可以让人们穿上工作服和运动鞋,因此你将需要容易变干的经过铺砌的区域和坐椅。

    But remember , you will probably have people wearing suits and smart shoes using it , so you 'll need paved areas and seating that dries easily .

  16. 级:头发和胡须要覆盖,要穿戴一般工作服和合适的工作鞋或鞋套。

    Grade D : Hair and , where relevant , beard should be covered . A general protective suit and appropriate shoes or overshoes should be worn .

  17. 莫妮卡工作的餐厅要求员工工作时穿溜冰鞋;

    The diner where Monica works puts their staff on roller-skates ;

  18. 我们的所有工作人员,有丰富的工作经验,在鞋和服装。

    All our staff members have rich work experience in shoes and apparels .