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  • 网络Engineering Systems Engineering;project systems engineering;systems engineering for projects
  1. 基于软件工程和系统工程的设计思想,利用可视化计算机编程语言MATLAB开发出热分析与热分析动力学检索与应用软件系统。

    Based on the theory of the software engineer and system engineer , the software was designed by using the MATLAB lan-guage .

  2. 卫生装备系统工程是系统工程的一个专业分支。

    System engineering of medical equipment is a specialist branch of system engineering .

  3. 工程工程系统工程系统论与工程科学体系

    Engineering , Engineering System , Engineering System Theory , and System of Engineering Science

  4. 矿山岩体工程的系统工程论矿山环境岩土工程

    System engineering for mine rock engineering

  5. 由包装工程和系统工程的内涵分析入手,提出了当代经济发展中包装系统工程的新概念。

    This work begins with the connotation of packaging engineering and system engineering by describing the new idea of packaging systematic engineering .

  6. 运用知识工程和系统工程层次分析法,建立了一个基于网络的品种资源信息管理系统。

    In this study , Variety resources Information Network-based management system was developed by the use of knowledge engineering and system engineering .

  7. 现代防雷措施是必须采取全方位的防护,层层设防,综合治理,提出防雷工程是系统工程。

    The measures of lightning protection should be all round , setting up defenses in depth and tackling in a comprehensive way .

  8. 主要阐述了城市地铁车站和区间土建工程、系统工程的主要构成、功能和作用。

    This article mainly explains the principal composition , function and purpose of station and section civil works , and system engineering of urban subways .

  9. 如果你们观察过工程系统,工程系统的性能就是,它的设计和构造的功能。

    So , if you look at any engineering system , the performance of that engineering system is a function of its design and its construction .

  10. 运用环境工程、系统工程和数学规划的原理和方法,进行了高校中水系统规划的优化研究。

    Use the principle and method of environmental engineering , system engineering and mathematics planning , the research of optimum water recycling system in the university is conducted .

  11. 我相信我们构建复杂系统的时候遇到的很多问题都是因为没有把软件工程、系统工程和认知工程结合起来。

    I believe that many of the problems arising in our attempts to build complex systems are rooted in the lack of integration of software engineering , system engineering , and cognitive engineering .

  12. 本文运用环境工程、系统工程和数学规划的原理和方法,将中水系统纳入城市给排水系统进行综合优化,对所涉及到的有关问题进行了详细的研究。

    Applying the environment engineering , system engineering and mathematical programming , this paper makes a detailed research into the related problem of the water reuse system planning integrated with water supply and drainage system .

  13. 提高教育教学质量是学校的全员工程、系统工程,要通过树立现代教育教学理念,形成科学质量观;

    The improvement of the educational quality is a systematic project for the whole teaching staff members in the school . It calls to form a scientific idea of quality by setting a modern education perception ;

  14. 针对网络化制造模式下中小型企业协同管理的需求,并基于企业协同工程和系统工程适用性,提出了一个基于协同管理中心的企业协同管理平台的系统解决方案。

    Based on the applicability of collaborative engineering and system engineering , a collaborative management platform based on collaborative management center was put forward , which was applied to solve collaborative management questions for small and medium-sized enterprises .

  15. 本论文基于管理工程、系统工程和人工智能等领域的最新研究成果,在精益供应链管理环境中,对当前国内外供应链管理研究领域的前沿课题进行全面系统的探索性研究。

    In the environment of lean supply chain management , based on the newest research results of the field of artificial intelligence , this thesis conducted systematic and extensive studies on a supply chain management theories and applications .

  16. 摘要运用交通工程、系统工程的理论方法,开发《上海公路网交通分析评价系统》软件,作分析和应用上海市公路网交通调查数据的主要成果形式。

    By applying the theories of traffic engineering and systematic engineering , a software of traffic analysis and evaluation system of Shanghai highway net will be developed as a main achievement in traffic survey of Shanghai highway net data .

  17. 在理论方面,涉及到坦克的运动学、动力学分析,建模理论及方法,自动控制理论,计算机系统及其应用技术,接口和多媒体应用技术,软件工程、系统工程及多传感器信息融合技术等。

    It refers the kinematics and dynamics analysis of tank , the theory and methods of modeling , the theory of automation , the application of the computer system , the application of multimedia , the software engineering , systems engineering and the technology of multi-sensor amalgamation .

  18. 在1985年,JSC工程仿真设施系统工程仿真器得到了扩充,以支持与轨道飞行器有关的空间站设计活动,例如:轨道飞行器的对接方案,利用轨道飞行器远程操纵系统停靠空间站的方案。

    Operations of the JSC engineering simulation facility , the Systems Engineering Simulator , were expanded in 1985 to support Orbiter-related Space Station design activities such as Orbiter docking scenarios and the use of the Orbiter remote manipulator system in Space Station berthing scenarios .

  19. 工程硕士过程系统工程课程建设与探索

    Reconstruction and Reformation of Process System Engineering for Master of Engineering

  20. 地下工程防水是系统工程,需要多方配合才能确保质量。

    Waterproofing of underground works is a systematical engineering .

  21. 系统工程科学:系统工程学科体系新构建

    Science of systems engineering : a new construction of discipline system of systems engineering

  22. 基于知识的工程系统是知识工程在各个领域的应用。

    The knowledge based engineering system is the specific concretion of knowledge engineering in many respects .

  23. 成本工程是从系统工程的角度构建的一种现代成本管理模式。

    Cost Project is a modern cost management model which is established in a sense of system project .

  24. 高效精确的辅助工程计算系统在工程设计过程中十分关键。

    Efficient and accurate computer aided engineering computing system plays a key role in the process of engineering design .

  25. 工程系统组将工程实务扩展到不只包含每次挑战的情况,同时也将科技进步情形一起纳入范围内。

    ESD broadens engineering practice to include the context of each challenge as well as the consequences of technological advancement .

  26. 同时,商业银行破产是一个系统工程,这个系统工程的运行需要相关配套设施的运用。

    At the same time , the commercial bank insolvency is project of a system , this system works required for the operation of related facilities use .

  27. 热风炉是高炉的重要附属设施,热风炉砌筑工程是高炉系统工程中的重点项目。

    The hot-blast stove is an important auxiliary facility of the blast furnace and its building and lining engineering is a key item in the blast furnace system engineering .

  28. 洪水地区组成是大中型水利水电工程、防洪系统工程设计洪水计算的重要内容,它对流域梯级开发和工程规模的确定具有较大的影响。

    Flood region composition was one of the most important content of design flood estimation in large-and-middle-scale hydro-power project and flood control system project . It has great influence on basin cascade development and determination of the project scale .

  29. 多级递阶工程系统是复杂工程项目的主要工程结构依照功能逻辑关系所构成的多层次分支结构体系,表征了常见复杂项目的一般性分布。

    The multilevel hierarchical engineering system is defined as a multilevel branching structural series , that consists of main engineering structures in a complex engineering project by functionally logical relations . It indicates the general distribution of the common complex projects .

  30. 农业机械化是一项系统工程,应用系统工程的方法对其进行系统分析,对于制订农业机械化发展战略具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    The mechanization of agriculture is an item of systems engineering , the application system project method carries on the system analysis to it , has the important theory significance and the practical significance regarding the making mechanization of agriculture developmental strategy .