
ɡōnɡ chénɡ shè jì
  • engineering design
  1. 快速定制符合工程设计的CAD线型与图案

    Customize CAD linetype and pattern according to the engineering design quickly

  2. 工程设计资料线图数据的MATLAB程序化处理

    Programming Data of Curves in the Engineering Design Information with MATLAB

  3. 房子完全是按照我们的工程设计书建造的。

    The house has been built exactly to our specifications .

  4. 这种长途汽车是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。

    The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering .

  5. 近年来由于计算机技术在工程设计领域的广泛应用,使CAD(计算机辅助设计)技术迅速发展起来。

    As computer technique is widely used in engineering design field in recent years , CAD technique is developing faster and faster .

  6. HVAC系统设计是海上油气田开发工程设计的重要组成部分,但以前没有适用干海上处所HVAC系统设计的软件。

    HVAC is one important part of the offshore development design .

  7. 汕头LPG码头工程设计

    Shantou LPG Wharf Engineering Design

  8. 运用ANSYS有限元软件分析车辆荷载剪应力,为工程设计提供参考。

    Shear stresses resulting from the vehicle load are calculated using the ANSYS finite element software to provide reference for engineering design .

  9. VRV空调系统与工程设计

    VRV Air Conditioning System and Engineering Design

  10. 在做了合理的近似以后,应用工程设计方法设计了双闭环的PI调节器。

    After a reasonable approximation , engineering method of the double-loop control is applied to design the PI regulators . Finally , this paper designs a practical three-phase VSR system .

  11. 变配电设计是建筑电气工程设计中的重要环节,其设计通常是使用AutoCAD等辅助绘图工具完成的。

    Power transformer and distribution design is an important part of building electrical engineering design ; it is often designed with the use of some assistant drawing tools like AutoCAD .

  12. 基于上述方法,构建了钻井工程设计的基于随机分层Petri网的工作流模型,并分别分析验证了所建的主网和子网模型的有效性和合理性。

    Based on those methods above , it constructs randomly stratified Petri net based workflow models in drilling engineering design , and respectively analyses validity and rationality of main nets and subnets constructed .

  13. 随着CAD/CAM/CAE技术的日益普及和应用,有限元分析等现代结构分析方法已为工程设计人员广为认识和采用,并取得了显著的技术经济效益。

    With the popularization and application of CAD / CAM / CAE , the technology of Finite Element Analysis has been widely studied and applied by project designers , now has gained good economical benefits .

  14. 在工程设计和建设中,发现许多问题,比如NAS存储系统在调取存储视频信息时速度很慢。

    Many problems have been found in engineering design and construction , such as the low speed of NAS storage system when obtaining stored video information .

  15. 最后用有限元软件MIDAS对计算结果进行了验算。本文为工程设计、施工提供了一定的指导意义。

    Finally by using the finite element software MIDAS to check the results of calculation , providing some guiding significance for engineering design , construction .

  16. GIS能够对城市建设进行动态监测和管理,并对城市发展作出及时反应,为社会经济活动提供决策支持,指导各项社会工程设计和施工;同时GIS本身也是现代社会必不可少的信息基础设施。

    GIS can make a dynamic monitoring for the construction and management of cities , and also make a timely response to the development of cities , provide decision-support for the social and economic activities , and guide the design and construction of various social-engineering .

  17. 建立了以太网数据链路工程设计方案,设计与实现了面向特定需求的数据链路层安全协议的PCI网卡和交换机原型。

    This paper establishes an engineer scheme of Ethernet data link protocol design . We design and realize the prototype system of PCI network card and switcher of the specific requirement-oriented security protocol in data link layer . 5 .

  18. 阐述了EDA的工程设计流程,介绍了基于EDA技术的闹钟系统设计的内部原理结构图及硬件验证结果,总结了利用EDA技术进行电子设计的特点。

    The application of EDA technology is a trend in electronic design . This paper expounds the internal structure , the software and hardware tools and hardware verified results about clock system on a chip based on EDA technology , and summarizes merits of EDA based design .

  19. 住宅小区智能化系统工程设计及其关键技术问题分析

    Residential District Intelligence System Project Design and Its Key Technology Analysis

  20. 同时为同类工程设计提供了借鉴的方法。

    Provide a way for similar work to draw on simultaneity .

  21. 为工程设计人员提出了一种可行的创新设计方法。

    An operable innovative design method for engineer is present .

  22. 通信工程设计中配置蓄电池组容量的计算方法

    Methods of Figuring out Capacity of Battery String in Telecom Project Designing

  23. 农田水利工程设计:灌溉设计保证率为75%。

    Hydraulic farming engineering design : irrigation design reliability is 75 % .

  24. 工程设计集成系统CAD/CAPP/CAM的应用

    Application of Engineering Design Integrated System-CAD / CAPP / CAM

  25. 非线性本构关系的确立及其工程设计应用

    The establishment of nonlinear constitutive relationship and its application in engineering design

  26. 工程设计与施工一体化模式及工作程序

    Project Engineering & Construction Integrated Mode and Work Procedures

  27. 本文的研究成果可为高压直流输电线路工程设计和建设提供参考。

    The research results can provide some references to HVDC transmission line design .

  28. 应用本课题的研究成果对工程设计具有一定的指导意义。

    The research findings of this paper can guide the design in engineering .

  29. 传统的移动工程设计管理采用了按专业细分的模式。

    The traditional management model of mobile network design project according to specialization .

  30. 点对多点微波通信机助工程设计系统的若干技术问题

    Some Technical Problems on Design System of CAD Engineering of Point-Multipoint Microwave Communication