
  1. 加入WTO,给我国市场中介组织带来了更大的发展机遇。

    China 's entry into WTO has brought more developing opportunities to China ' market intermediary organiza-tions .

  2. 规范市场中介组织首先要规范政府

    Regulation of Government is Prerequisite to that of Market Intermediary Organizations

  3. 如果需要,需要怎样的市场中介组织?

    If need , what kind of intermediate organizations is needed ?

  4. 关于我国市场中介组织发展问题的讨论综述

    A Summarization On Developing the Intermediate Organization of Market in China

  5. 论市场中介组织的《反垄断法》规制

    On the Market Intermediary Organizations " Anti-monopoly Law " Regulation

  6. 论市场中介组织的经济法调整

    On Regulation by Economic Law Concerning the Market Medium Organization

  7. 经济转型期农村市场中介组织的有效性探讨

    The Efficiency of Rural Intermediary Organization During Economic Transformation Peroid

  8. 第四章为国外农村市场中介组织发展模式及启示。

    The fourth part is about farmer intermediary organization abroad .

  9. 论市场中介组织的培育和发展

    On Cultivation and Development of the Intermediary Agency of Market

  10. 市场中介组织:涵义及类别的探讨

    The Discussion about Concept and Category of Market Intermediary Organization

  11. 论经济法视野下的市场中介组织

    Countermeasure of implementing the economic law and adjusting to the market intermediary

  12. 专业化分工与市场中介组织的形成及演进机理分析

    The Study on Specialized Division of Labor and Evolution of Market Intermediary Organizations

  13. 市场中介组织的法律地位与政府管理

    On the Status of Marketing Medium-organization and Government Administration

  14. 中国社会转型期市场中介组织培育问题研究

    A Research on Fostering Market Intermediary Organizations in China 's Social Transformation Period

  15. 市场中介组织服务收费问题研究

    On the Service Fee Charged by Medium Agencies

  16. 市场中介组织对我国宏观经济的影响

    The Effect of Agencies on China 's Macro-Economy

  17. 我国市场中介组织存在的问题与解决的对策

    The Problems in Intermediary Organizations in the Market and the Counter measures to Them

  18. 行业协会作为市场中介组织,在当今世界各国发挥着重要作用。

    Trade association as a market intermediary organization plays an important role in the world .

  19. 对劳动力市场中介组织做了研究探讨。

    Research the agency of labor market .

  20. 延边市场中介组织发展研究

    Research of Development for Yanbian Intermediary Organization

  21. 同时,培育建立相关的市场中介组织和服务机构。

    In the meantime , related market intermediaries and service institutions must be developed and established .

  22. 因此,研究花卉市场中介组织对于农户的作用和影响具有重要意义,也直接影响到花卉流通市场的运转效率。

    So it is important to study the influence of flower market intermediary organization to farmers .

  23. 对市场中介组织的研究

    Study on the Market Medium Organizations

  24. 劳动力市场中介组织的发展与就业促进

    Labor Market Intermediaries and Employment Promotion

  25. 地勘行业管理的对象是地勘企业和专业市场中介组织。

    The object of management in geological prospecting industry is geological prospecting enterprise and medium of specialized market .

  26. 保险公估作为一种保险中介组织,与其它市场中介组织一样,是市场经济与社会分工的产物。

    Insurance assessor is the product of market economy and social distribution , just like other market media organization .

  27. 但要真正规范市场中介组织,首先要规范政府的管理行为。

    However , the regulation of the administrative behaviors from government is prerequisite to that of the market intermediary firms .

  28. 在第三方私人履约中,契约私人裁决的第三方主要是指市场中介组织;

    While in implementing by the third private party , the third party mainly refers to the intermediary organs in market .

  29. ⑵针对市场中介组织存在的问题,从经济法角度提出调整的对策。

    ⑵ To the question that the market intermediary exists , propose the countermeasure of adjustment in terms of economic law .

  30. 文章拟解决的主要问题有:⑴市场中介组织发展存在的问题的主要症结解析;

    The subject problem that the article plans to solve is as follows ,⑴ the market intermediary develops the existing problem ;