
  • 网络Market Attractive;Market attractiveness;marketing attractiveness
  1. 严格控制没有市场吸引力的旅游景区和项目建设;

    Planning must control the construction projects which lack market attractiveness in the scenic area ;

  2. 基于这样的背景,文章提取了外商直接投资海外决策上的几个基本方面进行论述,例如,产品多样化、国际经验、文化因素、市场吸引力等等。

    Based on this background , it extracted the essential determinants in making FDI outwards option , such as product diversification , international experience , culture , market attractiveness and et al .

  3. 尽管有消息称苹果正在研发尺寸更小的平板电脑,但该公司对小于其9.7英寸iPad的产品会具有市场吸引力一直存有异议。

    Apple has generally disputed the appeal of devices smaller than its 9.7-inch iPad , despite reports the company is developing a smaller model .

  4. 根据一个基于当前及预期市盈率和股息增长的估值体系,lombardodier的策略师对全球市场吸引力进行了排名。

    Strategists from Lombard Odier rank the attractions of global markets according to a valuation system based on present and expected price-to-earnings ratios and dividend growth .

  5. 而且本田最近推出的创新产品,比如本田歌诗图(Crosstour)和讴歌ZDX掀背车,都是甫一上市就饱受诟病,也没能形成市场吸引力。

    Meanwhile , recent product innovations , like the Honda crosstour and Acura zdx hatchbacks , were widely panned upon introduction and failed to gain traction in the marketplace .

  6. 福利说,获胜的车型必须具有真正的市场吸引力。

    Donald Foley says the winning car must have real market appeal .

  7. 中国的市场吸引力强。

    And the powerful attraction of China 's market .

  8. 市场吸引力&承载力矩阵模型被采纳对遗产旅游资源进行评估。

    Market appeal & carrying capacity matrix is adopted here to assess heritage assets .

  9. 第三章对社会记忆与旅游市场吸引力的相关关系进行分析。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the relationship between social memory and attractiveness of the tourist market .

  10. 专家的理论根据是:一、华文的使用者多;二、中国的市场吸引力强。

    Their reasons : the huge number of Chinese-speakers , and the powerful attraction of China 's market .

  11. 这种思路突破了传统多元化理论过分关注外部市场吸引力而导致企业过度多元化的狭隘视角。

    This idea breaks through the traditional viewpoint attending excessively attraction of external market and lead to excess diversification ?

  12. 通过研究民用航空细分市场吸引力与公司内部竞争力,确定集团公司的愿景、使命与战略目标,分析了民航市场价值链切分中集团公司所做的业务组合选择。

    After a study of civil aviation market partition and internal competence the selection of business portfolio is then decided .

  13. 后者以市场吸引力、进入壁垒、退出壁垒及竞争支付预测为主要分析基础。

    The latter is mainly based on analysis of market attraction , entering ramparts , quiting ramparts and competition cost .

  14. 作为一种新型的可再生能源,风力发电产业技术成熟、具有优越的经济性和巨大的市场吸引力,风力发电技术受到世界各国的高度关注。

    As a new type of renewable energy , wind power , has mature technology , excellent economy and huge market appeal .

  15. 尽管它可以随时使用语音控制功能,电池续航也可以支持一整天,但它自始至终没什么市场吸引力,而且好像总是在降价。

    Despite always-on voice commands and an all-day battery , the phone never gained traction , and always seemed to be on sale .

  16. 如何最大程度地满足顾客需求,持续地设计开发出有市场吸引力的产品成为竞争中取胜的关键。

    How best to meet customer needs , continuous design and development of products that have market appeal as the key to winning the competition .

  17. 创意不仅直接决定了广告宣传活动的品位以及由此而形成的市场吸引力,而且间接影响着企业形象的塑造。

    It not only determines directly the taste of an advertising activity and the market attraction formed thereby , but also can influence indirectly the reputation of an enterprise .

  18. 一个知名品牌传递给消费者的往往是质量的保证,但是知名品牌从创立到拥有强大的市场吸引力和号召力往往需要投入大量的人力和物力。

    A well-known brand means the guarantee of quality , but the well-known brands need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources from creation to have powerful market attraction and appeal .

  19. 并从发展规模与等级、产品类型、市场吸引力与实际造访率,及功能定位四方面分析了青浦在上海乡村旅游整体发展中的地位。

    Besides , on the basis of comparing with Shanghai regarding scale and ranking , category of product , market attractiveness , visiting rate , and functional localization , the status of rural tourism development of Qingpu is analyzed .

  20. 本文通过文献分析法、多学科综合分析法,实地调查法,指出社会记忆与个人记忆、历史记忆的区别,分析社会记忆与旅游市场吸引力之间的关系。

    Through the methods of documentary analysis , multidisciplinary analysis and field survey , the paper points out the difference of social memory between personal memory and historical memory , analyzes the relationship between social memory and the attractiveness of the tourism market .

  21. 南阳应当把本地的文化旅游资源整合起来,实施区域一体化战略,发挥文化旅游资源的整体优势,增强南阳文化旅游的市场吸引力和核心竞争力。

    Nanyang also should be to integrate the local cultural tourism resources , implement the strategy of regional integration , to play the whole advantages of the cultural tourism resources , to enhance the attraction to market and the core competitive power of the Nanyang cultural tourism .

  22. 民间文学艺术的特定表达,特别是浸润厚重文化底蕴的民族歌舞和民间手工艺品不仅是一种文化现象,也是一种可以产生市场吸引力和竞争力的经济资源,能使当地的地理名称成为地理标志。

    The specific expression of folklore , especially the folk singing and dancing and folk handicraft containing massive culture background , is not merely a culture phenomenon , but an economic resource which can produce marketable attraction and competition , and make the local place name become geographical indications .

  23. 而现在,鉴于中国监管机构正着手理顺ipo定价法律,使其更接近国际惯例,跻身中国证券市场的吸引力似乎更大。

    And now that the regulator is tidying up IPO pricing laws , bringing them closer to international norms , being part of the securities market seems all the more desirable .

  24. 纽约第五大道上的知名品牌蒂芙尼(TiffanyCo.,TIF)打算提升在海外、尤其是亚洲市场的吸引力。亚洲消费者对黄金和珠宝的需求似乎源源不断。

    A well-known fixture on New York 's Fifth Avenue , U.S. jewelry giant Tiffany Co. is aiming to improve its luster overseas and particularly in Asia , where demand for gold and gems appears to be insatiable .

  25. 纽约第五大道上的知名品牌蒂芙尼(Tiffany&Co.,TIF)打算提升在海外、尤其是亚洲市场的吸引力。亚洲消费者对黄金和珠宝的需求似乎源源不断。

    A well-known fixture on New York 's Fifth Avenue , U.S. jewelry giant Tiffany & Co. is aiming to improve its luster overseas and particularly in Asia , where demand for gold and gems appears to be insatiable .

  26. 总部位于威奇托的豪客比奇的执行副总裁维克(ShawnVick)前不久在上海举行新闻发布会时说,该公司已与四家企业开会讨论了关于在华成立合资企业一事。劳动力成本也是中国市场的吸引力之一。

    Shawn Vick , an executive vice president at Wichita-based Hawker Beechcraft , said at a recent news briefing in Shanghai that his company had " entertained discussions with four separate entities for joint-venture activities inside China . " Labor costs also are part of China 's lure .

  27. 金融危机削弱了公开市场的吸引力。

    The financial crisis has undermined the lure of open markets .

  28. 中国市场的吸引力毋庸置疑。

    The attractiveness of the China market is not in doubt .

  29. 他们大概高估了增长缓慢的西方市场的吸引力。

    They probably over-estimate the appeal of slow-growing Western markets .

  30. 如此看来,日本显得比其它市场更有吸引力吗?

    With this in mind , does Japan look attractive relative to other markets ?