
  • 网络Market Alliance;aaal;Multimedia PC Marketing Council;Mart Union
  1. 基于市场联盟的公司企业家精神对绩效的影响研究(英文)

    The Effect of Corporate Entrepreneurship on Firm Performance Through Market Alliance ;

  2. 功能联盟的类型包括生产联盟、市场联盟、资本联盟和研发联盟。

    Types of functional alliances include production alliance , marketing alliances , financial alliance , and R & D alliances .

  3. 市场联盟是指两个或者两个以上的企业共享市场服务或专门技术。

    Marketing Alliances . A marketing alliance is a functional alliance in which two or more firms share marketing services or expertise .

  4. 如与欧洲电影市场联盟的柏林电影节合作产品市场,它为国际合作产品提供了广阔的市场;

    Such as the Berlinale Co-Production Market , which , associated to the European Film Market , provides fruitful territory for international co-productions ;

  5. 在煤炭市场联盟交易特征的背景下,研究与之相适应的合理价格机制&竞标交易与双边交易组合机制。

    On the background of coalition deal in coal market , the reasonable price mechanism & combined mechanism of comprehensive bidding and bilateral transaction , which suits to the coalition deal , is studied .

  6. 国际铁矿石市场主从联盟的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Leader-Follower Alliance on International Iron Ore Market

  7. 企业与市场的联盟组织机制:文献综述及其引申

    Mechanism of Alliance Organizations between Enterprises and Market : a Literature Review and Extension

  8. 在进口方面,阿根廷受限于南美共同市场关税联盟而不能增加关税。

    On the import side , Argentinacannot raise tariffs on its own because it belongs to the Mercosur customs union .

  9. 组合市场中消费者联盟形成及多方博弈的研究

    Analysis methodology of customer coalition formation and multilateral Game in combinatorial electronic marketplaces

  10. 令人亢奋的东盟市场东南亚国家联盟

    Exciting Market of Association of Southeast Asian Nations

  11. 如何迅速建立灵活的动态组织结构,集成企业内外部资源,快速响应市场是动态联盟企业的重要问题。

    Building dynamic organization quickly and integrating the resource in or out enterprise is the important problem in dynamic alliance .

  12. 同时指出迎合市场的战略联盟也是提升国内手机企业市场竞争力的重要途径。

    Also pointed out that the strategic alliance to meet the market also enhance the market competitiveness of the domestic mobile phone enterprises an important way .

  13. 因此,联盟应应用经济刺激和法制约束来干预市场以确保联盟竞争性平衡和长期稳定。

    Therefore , the Union should use economic incentives and legal constraints to intervene in markets to ensure that the Alliance of competitive balance and long-term stability .

  14. 最近十年来,国际集装箱班轮运输市场上战略联盟的迅猛发展对航运市场产生了深刻而广泛的影响。

    In the last decade , the great development of the strategic alliances in the international container liner shipping has a deep and extensive impact on shipping market .

  15. 地区主义有多种表现形式,如:建立自由贸易区、关税同盟、共同市场、经济联盟和优惠贸易等。

    There are many expressive forms of regionalism , for example , establishment of the free trade zones , tariff customs unions , common markets , economic unions and preferential trade , etc.

  16. 技术联盟强调通过技术竞争与合作来开拓市场,在联盟伙伴间以知识纽带为基础,以知识的学习和创造为特征,以知识的创造、传播与利用为主要内容,是一种动态知识联盟。

    Technology Alliance explores the market by technology competition and cooperation , it is connected by knowledge bond among partners , takes knowledge learning and creating as its traits , knowledge innovation , dissemination and utilization as the main contents , it is a dynamic knowledge alliance .

  17. 单一市场结构下专利联盟的市场绩效分析

    Analysis of the Market Performance of Patent Pool in Single-Market

  18. 电子市场中组合客户联盟模型及遗传算法设计

    A Genetic Algorithm for Combinatorial Customer Coalition in Electronic Markets

  19. 市场类型与战略联盟形式的选择

    Choice of Market Types and Strategic Coalition Forms

  20. 物流联盟成员企业只有建立在相互信任的基础上,才能在资源共享、优势互补、共担风险的合作方式下,把握市场脉搏,实现联盟企业共同的目标。

    Only when enterprises of an alliance trust each other , can they share resources and achieve the common goal of the alliance .

  21. 影响合作伙伴资源投入的因素很多,如利益分配形式、市场回报率、联盟类型、监督成本等等。

    Partners ′ resource commitment is affected by many factors , such as profit-sharing arrangements , marketing reward , alliance types , supervising cost .

  22. 另外,本文也试图通过对目前国际航空市场上的战略联盟模式的分析,为中国的民航改革提供一定的参考。

    We try to analyze the popular model of the alliances between the international airlines , hoping to give some advice to the Chinese aviation .

  23. 动态联盟组建的一般内容包括市场机遇识别、联盟组成结构确定、伙伴选择和组织系统设计等。

    In general , building a Virtual Enteprrise includes recognition of market opportunity , decision of composition structure , selection of companion and design of organization system .

  24. 与此同时,力图向世界另一最活跃的航空市场扩张的星空联盟计划周四圈定其第一家印度成员。

    Meanwhile , Star , seeking to expand into another one of the world 's most-dynamic aviation markets , plans to select its first Indian member airline today .

  25. 其中主要发展战略有拓展物流市场、发展物流联盟,加快人才培养、提供物流增值服务、打造物流品牌。

    Main strategies are : expanding logistics market , setting up logistics alliance , accelerates logistics talent training , providing value-added logistics services , building brand on logistics services .

  26. 研究表明,航空联盟能够带来额外的利润,在产品差异化较大的情形下,消费者剩余和社会福利是增加的,政府需要对产品差异化较小市场中的航空联盟行为进行必要的规制。

    The results show that airline alliance can bring about additional profits and the consumer surplus and social welfare are also improved in the condition of big product differentiated degree .

  27. 本文第二章将合作博弈论应用于班轮运输市场,从组建联盟的潜在动机和原因以及联盟企业的最优化经济行为两个方面分析班轮运输航运联盟。

    In chapter two the author applies the cooperative game theory to analyze the shipping alliance , the conduct of liner shipping company , in the potential motive of it and its members ' optimization economic behavior .

  28. 目前,对于虚拟企业的理解可分为狭义和广义之分,狭义概念比较强调信息技术工具,广义概念强调合作和外部资源整合,强调市场反应速度和联盟的动态性。

    Currently , the virtual enterprise can be divided into narrow and broad understanding , " narrow " concept emphasizes information technology tools , " extended " concept emphasizes cooperation , integration of external resources , market reaction speed and dynamic alliance .

  29. 第三章描述了市场营销的新发展,如大市场营销,战略联盟,网络营销和关系营销在国际市场营销中的应用。

    The third chapter discusses the new outcome in marketing theory like 6P 's , strategic alliance , internet marketing and relationship marketing and their usage in international marketing .

  30. 其中分别考虑了电子市场下的两个典型的合同:固定费用合同和收益共享合同;并且检验了有无广告对电子市场合作联盟协调的影响。

    We consider two typical contracts respectively : fixed-fee contract and revenue-sharing contract , and then examine whether advertisements have influences on the behavior of the alliance .