
dài zhuànɡ fēn bù
  • zonal distribution
  1. DSP与DMP-1免疫荧光染色,提示在靠近矿化基质的成牙本质样细胞表达阳性,呈带状分布。

    DSP and DMP-1 immunofluorescence staining showed mineralization in the matrix near the odontoblast-like cells positive zonal distribution . 3 .

  2. 热储形态简单,呈带状分布,埋深浅且规模大。

    The shape of heat store is simple with zonal distribution , shallow burial and large size .

  3. 这种相互作用与凯尔盖朗海台区ACC的带状分布和非纬向性特征有关。

    This kind of interaction is aresult of the non-zonation of ACC in the region of Kerguelen Plateau .

  4. 缓效钾、有效铜用线性模型拟合。(4)大尺度砂粒、粘粒成块状,中/细粉粒、粗粉粒成条带状分布,中坡位pH较高。

    The S-avaiable K and Available Cu were fitting by lineal model . ( 4 ) In Macroscale , sand , clay distributed as blocks , and the Med . and fine silt and Coar .

  5. EOF展开方法表明江淮梅雨前三个特征向量累积方差贡献比例为88.9%,其主要特征是三个特征向量场呈现纬向带状分布;

    EOF analysis shows that the ratio of the front 3 eigenvectors with total square error is 88.9 % , and the front 3 eigenvector fields present string distribution .

  6. 笔者通过研究,在工作区内发现几处Cu-Au及Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu异常区,并且初步证实存在带状分布的矿化体,找矿前景良好。

    The authors have found several Cu-Au and Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu anomaly zones in the study area and preliminarily conformed that there are zonal mineralized orebodies and good ore prospects in the area .

  7. CR39固体径迹探测器作为离子记录介质,离子径迹在记录面呈现抛物线带状分布,研究了由抛物线带状分布回推离子能谱的数据处理方法。

    CR39 solid-state nuclear track detector is suggested for recording ions , and an efficient ion-track-density-based technique is developed for deriving energy spectrum from the parabolic track pattern .

  8. 森林水文生态效应及在川西亚高山针叶林群落中的研究麦吊杉群落在贡嘎山东坡海拔2200~2800m之间呈带状分布。

    Picea brachytyla community , one of the main representative types of the subalpine dark coniferous forests in southwest China , zonally distributes on the east-facing slope of the Gongga Mountains at the altitude of 2200 ~ 2800m .

  9. 这个环形构造主要由外环带的环形断陷火山含煤盆地,中心区的断焰火山含煤盆地和火山机构,以及呈现环带状分布的花岗岩成因系列等部分组成,其形态呈现圆形,直径270km。

    This circular structure is mainly composed of circular faulted coal-bearing volcanic basins in margin belt , faulted coal-bearing volcanic basins and edifices in centre , and genetic series of granite distributed circularly . This structure occurs as the shape of a circle and has a diameter of 270 km .

  10. 断层在煤(岩)层中的带状分布规律

    Band distribution rules of fault in coal ( rock ) seam

  11. 矿床受基底断裂控制,呈带状分布。

    The deposits are controlled by foundation faults , distributed in belts .

  12. 这种带状分布的伪珠光体组织可以通过热处理予以消除。

    This pseudopearlitic banded structure can be eliminated by means of heat treatment .

  13. 叶方位角在空间上呈带状分布,该区域关于植株对称。

    Angle between stem and leaf form zoster symmetry distribution about plant stem .

  14. 另有杨梅、竹林等经济树种,成块状或带状分布于山麓地带。

    There were another economic species such as bayberry , bamboo in blocks or striped foothills .

  15. 全球海洋高频波动主振荡周期的纬向带状分布特征

    The zonal distribution features of high frequency oscillations in the oceans derived from satellite altimeter data

  16. 相邻呈现断续条状分布的硫化物颗粒在热轧状态诱导伪珠光体析出并呈带状分布。

    In hot rolled state the granular linea sulfide was induced to precipitation of banded pseudopearlite .

  17. 冬季气候平均温度大致呈东西向带状分布,由低纬到高纬温度逐渐递减;

    The winter temperature distribution was like belt , which decreased from low latitude to high latitude ;

  18. 不同季节沉积物样品的组成基本一致,且粒度基本呈现沿岸带状分布。

    Composition of sediment is the same in different season , and shows zonal distribution along the seacoast .

  19. 相应地,沙四上亚段主要发育扇三角洲、膏盐湖及湖泊等(亚)相沉积,并基本呈环带状分布。

    The deposits were mainly fan-delta , gypsum-salt lake and lacustrine facies , which generally distributed in annuluses .

  20. 在一个简单的盐盒中,分离作用表现为盐类矿物呈带状分布。

    In a simple " salt pan " the segregation is expressed by the zonation of saline minerals .

  21. 在空间分布上,场地地下岩溶主要呈带状分布,地表岩溶呈线状排列。

    On the spatial distribution , the underground karst spread zonally and the surface karst is in linear arrangement .

  22. 基于几何模型的视点相关多分辨率地形简化算法及其在数据呈带状分布情况下的扩展算法;

    The simplified algorithm of view-point related multi-resolution terrain and the extended algorithm while its data are distributed like a band ;

  23. 遥感数据资料显示其上升流区域呈条带状分布,同时在夏季至少持续半时间。

    The remote sensing data show a strip of upwelling in the region , which occurs more than half a summer .

  24. 它们紧密共生,呈狭长的带状分布于辽宁北部晚前寒武纪造山带内。

    The rocks coexist closely , distributing in a narrow and long belt in the Late Precambrian orogenic belt in northern Liaoning .

  25. 前人研究认为,高程是导致盐沼植物在较大尺度上呈带状分布的综合因素。

    Some previous studies considered elevation as the main factor that resulted in zonal distribution of salt marsh species at large scale .

  26. 小波变换可以建立信号的多分辨分析,这使经过小波变换后的信号分量间的相关性降低,且其自相关矩阵呈现特殊的稀疏带状分布。

    Multi-dimensional analysis reduces the correlation among the signal components after wavelet transform , and the auto-correlative matrix represents sparse ribbon-shaped distribution .

  27. 受结构变异和随机变异共同作用,斥水性空间格局沿耕作方向呈条带状分布趋势,在垂直于耕作方向上变异最为强烈。

    Under the joint function of structural and random variations , spatially the SWR was distributed in band following the direction of ploughing .

  28. 断裂作用和古岩溶作用是控制储层形成分布的主要因素,有利的储层分布区域主要以条带状分布。

    The rifting and paleokarst are the main factors that controlled the distribution of reservoir , the favored areas of reservoir are banding .

  29. 其中沿最大湖岸线带状分布的富62井&富13井一带的滨浅湖砂质滩坝规模较大。

    The distribution of zonary shore-shallow lacustine sandy beach-bars along the maximum lacustine bank line in the area of Fu62 well-Fu13 well is bigger .

  30. 细等轴晶沿凝固停顿线生长,主要在熔合线附近形成,在焊缝内部呈带状分布。

    The fine equiaxed smooth grains mainly existed near the fusion boundaries and grew into a band along the solidification-pause lines in the welds .