
  • 网络GEVP;the generalized eigenvalue problem
  1. 大规模并行处理系统(MPP)和PC机群为并行求解矩阵广义特征值问题提供了分布式存储环境。

    Massively Parallel Processing system ( MPP ) and PC cluster provide distributed-memory environments for parallel solving the generalized eigenvalue problem .

  2. 用Lanczos方法解高阶稀疏矩阵广义特征值问题的某些经验

    Some experience in using lanczos ' method to solve the high order sparse matrix generalized eigenvalue problem

  3. 数值模式匹配法中广义特征值问题A、B阵元素的递推算法用新型模式匹配法计算地球物理中的电磁场

    Recursive algorithm ror computation elements of matrices A and B in generalized eigenvalue problem for the numerical model-matching method

  4. 复对称广义特征值问题的广义Jacobi算法

    A generalized Jacobi method for complex symmetric generalized eigenvalue problem

  5. 求解广义特征值问题的多重Ritz向量法

    The multi-ritz-vector method in generalized eigenvalue problems

  6. 对重新开始的Lanczos算法做了改进和推广,有效地改善了广义特征值问题的计算精度。

    Restart Lanczos methods are generalized , which improves the computing efficiency of generalized eigenvalues .

  7. 广义特征值问题的并行EBE向量迭代法

    Parallel EBE vector iteration methods for generalized eigenproblems

  8. 计算非对称矩阵广义特征值问题的组合QZ法

    The Combination QZ Algorithm for the Nonsymmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

  9. 本文对修正的Ritz矢量直接叠加法(MRVDS方法)求解广义特征值问题的收敛性及漏根问题进行了分析,并建议了简便实用避免漏根的改进方法。

    In this paper , the convergence and the root-missing problem of the Modified Ritz Vectors Direct superposition method in solving generalized eigenproblems are analyzed .

  10. 提供两个高效而实用的FORTRAN程序(例行子程序形式),用于对称三对角矩阵的两个计算问题(其一是线性代数方程组的求解,其二是广义特征值问题的计算)。

    This paper provides two FORTRAN subroutines for the two computational problems of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix ( solution of the system of liner algebraic equations , and computation of the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors ) .

  11. 提出了一种基于ESPRIT矩阵束法的UWB雷达目标特征提取方法,该方法把提取信号极点问题转化为求解矩阵束的广义特征值问题。

    A new method , ESPRIT matrix pencil algorithm , is introduced for extracting UWB radar target feature . The problem of extracting signal poles is translated into the problem of calculating general eigenvalues of matrix pencil using this method .

  12. 该算法是M.C.矩阵束的典则形及定广义特征值问题的收缩算法

    The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C. CANONICAL FORM OF MATRIX PENCIL AND DEFLATION METHOD FOR THE DEFINITE GENERALIZED EIGENVALUE PROBLEM

  13. 根据Mindlin板理论,建立了板的等参数有限元模型,将板的自由振动问题归结为求解广义特征值问题。

    According to the Mindlin plate theory , the parametric FEM model of the plate is established . Then the problem of free vibration of the elastic plate is converted to the problem of solving the general eigenvalues .

  14. LDI算法通过求解广义特征值问题得到一个在增强类内流形结构紧致性的同时减少不同类流形间交叠的最优线性子空间。

    LDI algorithm finds the optimal linear subspace through solving a generalized eigenvalue problem , which can enhance the compactness of within class manifold and at the same time reduce overlaps between different classes .

  15. 本文利用EBE策略和PCG法,将广义特征值问题Lanczos法中各步的计算都单元化,从而避免了总刚度矩阵的组集而大大节省了存储量。

    In this paper , by way of EBE strategy and PCG method , we have developed an EBE-Lanczos method for generalized eigenproblems , in which all of computations of Lanczos method are performed on the element level .

  16. 首先,引入状态反馈控制器以保证闭系统的鲁棒稳定性,并且获得了系统鲁棒稳定的条件;为了获得重复控制器的带宽,将低通滤波器的设计问题转化为基于LMI约束的广义特征值问题。

    First , a state feedback controller is employed to robustly stabilize the closed-loop system and the robust stability condition of the system is derived . Next , the design problem is transformed into a generalized eigenvalue minimization problem for calculating the bandwidth for the repetitive controler .

  17. 本文共分四章,组织如下:第一章介绍了求解广义特征值问题的Krylov子空间方法的研究背景、研究现状及相关预备知识,同时介绍了本文的主要研究内容。

    This dissertation includes four chapters . which is organized as follows : Firstly , the research background and research status of Krylov subspace for generalized eigenvalue problems are given , as well as the preliminary knowledge . Furthermore , the main contents of this paper are briefed .

  18. 另一方面,将鲁棒指数稳定性问题转化为一个广义特征值问题(GEVP),除了可以判断网络是否指数稳定,还可以方便的估计最大指数收敛率,克服了以往方法中存在的不足。

    Especially , the criteria for robust exponential stability are formulated as a generalized eigenvalue problem ( GEVP ), which establish an estimation of the exponential convergence rate and improve the previous results .

  19. 大型广义特征值问题的动力降阶迭代法

    A dynamic reducing iterative method for solving large generalized eigenvalue problems

  20. 非对称广义特征值问题并行处理的一些进展

    Some progress of the parallel processing for nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue problem

  21. 矩阵广义特征值问题是当前迅速发展的计算机科学和数值代数中的一个非常活跃的研究课题。

    Generalized eigenvalue problem of matrix pair is an active research task .

  22. 具有附加质量矩阵的广义特征值问题的近似解法

    Simplified method for generalized eigenvalue problem with additional mass matrix

  23. 求广义特征值问题的残余函数切线法

    A Tangent Method of Residual Function to Solve Problems of General Eigenvalue

  24. 桨叶耦合振动广义特征值问题的直接迭代法

    Direct algorithm method of the generalized feature value for the blade coupling vibration

  25. 广义特征值问题是结构动力分析计算的关键之一。

    The generalized eigenvalue problem is a crucial problem for structural dynamic calculations .

  26. 挠性结构广义特征值问题的简化处理

    A simplified generalized eigenvalue problem of flexible structure

  27. 求解对称带状广义特征值问题的扩展分治算法

    An Extended Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Solving Real Symmetric Band Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

  28. 求解对称带状矩阵广义特征值问题的保域行列式查找法

    Region-Preserving Determinant Search Method for Solving the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem of Band Symmetric Matrices

  29. 线性广义特征值问题的摄动迭代法

    Perturbational iteration method of linear generalized eigenvalue problem

  30. 广义特征值问题的分块子空间迭代法及其在有限元振动计算中的应用

    Block subspace iteration for generalized Eigenproblem and its application to finite element calculations of vibration