
  • 网络Disuse Syndrome
  1. 三梯杠康复练功器治疗脑血管病关节废用综合征

    Three step bars rehabilitation training instrument in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease joints disability syndrome

  2. 防止并发症的出现,避免了废用综合征和误用综合征,提高生活自理能力和生活质量。

    Complication was prevented , disuse syntrome and misapply syntrome were avoided , life ability and quality was improved .

  3. 结果:两组比较差异显著,尤其是防止和减轻误用、废用综合征、肩手综合征方面。

    Result : The result showed that the difference between two groups was significance , especially in relieving and preventing disused syndrome .

  4. 结果:实验组患者在知识、态度、信念、行为及满意度方面明显高于对照组,患者在肺部感染、褥疮、泌尿系感染、废用综合征等并发症的发生上明显低于对照组。

    Result : Experimental group show superior to control in knowledge attitude practice and satisfactory degree , rare in pulmonary infection , bed sore , urinary infection , disuse syndrom .