
  • 网络corning;Corning Incorporated;corning inc
  1. 康宁公司表示,从1.6米高的位置做抗摔测试,第五代GorillaGlass的完好率超过80%。

    Corning said Gorilla Glass 5 could survive more than 80 % of drops from as high as 1.6 metres .

  2. 显示屏组合配置中还有大猩猩玻璃(GorillaGlass)。这是美国康宁公司(CorningInc.)生产的一种强化玻璃。

    The combined display package also includes Gorilla Glass , a strong glass material made by U.S. - based Corning Inc. ( GLW ) .

  3. 康宁公司推出了新一代GorillaGlass玻璃—--包括三星和苹果设备在内的超过70%的手机屏都在使用该系列玻璃。

    It has launched its next generation of Gorilla Glass - the material used in more than 70 % of smartphone screens , including on Samsung and Apple devices .

  4. 供应商必需遵守欧盟的rohs指令,并且愿意同康宁公司签订保密协议。

    All suppliers should respect the RoHS directive of the European Community and agree to sign nda 's with corning .

  5. 康宁公司(Corning)旗下GorillaGlass的高级应用工程师博·拉芬(BohRuffin)表示,标准的现成清洁产品,比如说酒精湿巾,不会降低该公司所生产这种玻璃的性能,不过他不愿意直接就其将如何影响智能手机性能做出评判。

    Boh Ruffin , a senior applications engineer at Corning Gorilla Glass , says standard off-the-shelf cleaning products , such as alcohol wipes , won 't degrade the performance of the glass , though he wouldn 't speak to smartphones ' performance directly .

  6. 成都康宁公司供应商管理策略研究

    Strategy Study of Supplier Management in CDCCS

  7. 自20世纪70年代初美国康宁公司成功地研制出世界上第一根实用化石英光纤以来,以光纤为媒介的光纤通信以及由此派生出来的光纤传输技术得到了飞速的发展。

    Since the Corning company of USA has succeed in developing the first practical silicon optical fiber in the world at the beginning of the seventies of the 20th century , the optical fiber communication taking optical fiber as media and optical fiber transmission technology has been fast developed .

  8. 成都康宁光缆公司发展战略研究

    A Study on the Developmental Strategy of Chengdu Corning Cables

  9. 作者提出了成都康宁光缆公司战略性收缩光缆主业,加强营销,积极发展集中多元化经营的战略思路。

    That is a strategical shrink on the cable business , intensify marketing means and positive development of concentric diversification strategy .

  10. “日本的历史告诉我们,当经济萎靡不振并产生危机的时候,政治不作为的后果是十分严重的”,纽约州康宁市资产管理公司WaverlyAdvisors的战略师安德鲁•巴伯说。

    " The history of Japan serves as testament to what can happen when the political response to a malaise or crisis is stalemate , " says Andrew barber , a strategist at investment adviser Waverly advisors in Corning , N.Y.