
  • 网络Open space;open-space;OPEN AREA;openspace
  1. 在这份规划里,一些开放空间——运动场、高尔夫球场边缘以及小公园——将得以保留。

    Under the plan , bits of open space — fields , golf-course borders and small parks — will be preserved .

  2. 大学校园开放空间(Campusopenspace)作为校园环境的有机组成部分,是校园活动的重要载体,为师生的日常生活与学习提供必要的场所。

    Campus open space is part of university environment . It is an important place for the life and study of teachers and students .

  3. 基于Web的教学平台建构了一个虚拟的网络学习社区环境,这个环境以其时空的超越性为学习者提供了更为自由的开放空间。

    Web-based teaching platform presents a virtual Web-learning . Community situation which provides a more free and open room for learners because of its overstepping on time and space .

  4. CBD商业步行街开放空间景观设计研究

    A Research on Open Space Landscape Design of CBD Commercial Walk Street

  5. 苏州古典园林作为街区开放空间的价值评估&应用CVM价值评估法

    Evaluation for the Classical Garden of Suzhou as an Open Space in the District Using the Contingent Valuation Method

  6. 其措施包括:提高排水能力,将洪水蓄积在金融城名下的开放空间内&例如汉普特斯西斯公园(HampsteadHeath),确保新建筑物能够经受住洪水和干旱的侵袭。

    Measures include increasing drain capacity , holding flood-water in City-owned open spaces such as Hampstead Heath and ensuring new buildings can survive floods and droughts .

  7. 奥兰多的Scrum聚会提供了独特的开放空间体验,HarrisonOwen主办了一次开放空间的活动,可以说他是“开放空间技术之父”。

    The Scrum Gathering in Orlando provided a unique experience in Open Space when it hosted an Open Space event facilitated by Harrison Owen , arguably the " Father of Open Space Technology " .

  8. 本文引入一种数值吸收边界条件,将其应用于解决开放空间电磁散射问题的表面辐射条件法(OSRC)之中。

    In this paper a numerically derived absorbing boundary condition has been introduced to apply to the on-surface radiation condition ( OSRC ) method for the solution of open region scattering problems .

  9. 大学校园开放空间(Openspace)是师生们生活与学习的重要场所,是大学环境的有机组成部分。

    Campus open space is an important place for teacher-students living and learning , as well as an organic component part of the surroundings in university .

  10. 当代中国高校校园建筑开放空间研究

    The Research on Open Space of Campus Buildings in Contemporary China

  11. 现代商业建筑室内开放空间的设计探析

    Study of the indoors open space that modern business building design

  12. 住宅社区开放空间景观与新折中主义

    On landscape and new eclecticism for open space of residential community

  13. 论我国城市开放空间系统的优化

    On the optimization of Urban Opening Spatial System in Chinese cities

  14. 开放空间长阵列红外线扫描定位系统的研究

    Research of Long Array Infrared Scanning Position System in Open Space

  15. 滨水区是城市中最重要的开放空间。

    Urban waterfront is the most important open space in city .

  16. 公园开放空间是城市空间的重要类型之一,对人们的日常生活有着重要意义。

    Park open space is one of the important city spaces .

  17. 城市开放空间景观元素特色研究

    The City Opens the Space View Element Characteristic to Study

  18. 城市滨水开放空间景观的建设与保护

    Landscape Construction and Protection of the Water Front Open Space in Cities

  19. 21世纪开放空间规划中的欧式手法

    European Approaches to Open Space Planning in the 21st Century

  20. 为什么选择百分百“开放空间”的形式?

    And why did you choose to use a100 % 'Open Space'format ?

  21. 东南大学老校区校园环境中开放空间的规划设计

    Planning and Design of Open Space in Campus Environment of Southeast University

  22. 基于东北气候特点下的开放空间设计

    Open Space Design of Northeast China on the Climatic Characteristics

  23. 大型零售商业建筑公共开放空间研究

    The Research on the Public Opening Space of the Large-scale Merchandise Architecture

  24. 论商业建筑开放空间的功能意义

    Functional sense of open space in commercial build in gs

  25. 美国城市公园与开放空间的发展

    The Development of Urban Parks and Open Space in America

  26. 开封市开放空间系统的设计与营建

    Design and Construction of Open Space System in Kaifeng City

  27. 城市开放空间中儿童游戏场所规划设计探析

    Plan and Design of Children 's Play Environments in Urban Open Spaces

  28. 开封城市绿色开放空间的分析与布局优化

    The Analysis and Layout Optimization of Urban Green Open Space in Kaifeng

  29. 城市开放空间公共座椅隐私性设计构想

    Privacy Design Concept of Public Seats in Urban Open Space

  30. 景观规划设计强调开放空间。

    The view programming design emphasizes to open space .