
  • 网络Yi language;Yi script
  1. 在各地现存的大量彝文典籍中,可以明显地感到一种追寻万物根源的探根与先民足迹的指路现象。

    You could obviously feel one phenomenon of probing into the cause of all things and indicating the footprints of ancestors through a large number ancient Yi script books .

  2. 在这个史学理论体系指导下,产生了大量彝文历史著述,丰富了中国古代史学的内容。

    There were a large number Yi script historical writings emerged by guidance of this theory system .

  3. 尝试就Linux系统中彝文输入方面的问题进行探讨分析,并给出一些解决思路。

    This paper focuses on an analysis and discussion of the problem : inputting and dynamic linking of Linux and Yi characters . Some solutions are suggested .

  4. 本文将综合边缘和纹理特征以准确反映彝文古籍图像中文本特点。然后,对于文本和非文本像素的分类问题,本文采用基于GBDT(GradientBoostDescentTree)学习理论设计分类器。

    We will combine edge and texture features to reflect the characteristics of text in Ancient Yi character documents accurately . Secondly , we adopt the Gradient Boost Descent Tree learning theory to design a classifier to classify text and non-text pixels .

  5. 彝汉双语电子商务平台系统的设计是采用彝文信息处理平台、ASP对象技术、VBSCRIPT脚本语言、HTML标识语言及MySQL数据库技术综合开发出来的系统平台。

    The design of Yi-Chinese bilingual electronic business platform is a system to adopt Yi language information processing platform , ASP object technique , VBSCRIPT script language , HTML marking language and MySQL database techniques to synthesize the development of design .

  6. 从彝文古籍探索西南农业文明的起源

    Agricultural Civilization Origin of the Southwest from Ancient Books of Yi Group

  7. 古彝文及其造字规律新探

    An Exploration of Character Invention Law of Ancient Yi Language

  8. 计算机彝文操作系统的研制

    Development of computer operating system of the Yi language

  9. 古彝文的符号特征与发展规律浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis to Symbolic Feature and Development Law of Ancient Yi Character

  10. 本文所提出方法能准确提取彝文古籍中文本。

    And our solution can extract text from Ancient Yi character documents accurately .

  11. 彝语文现代化彝文信息处理

    Yi language modernization and Yi language information processing

  12. 基于连通域的彝文文字切分算法的设计与实现

    Design and Realization on Character Segmentation Method for Yi Language Based on Connected Components

  13. 其次,彝文金石内容的含盖面很广,是古代彝族的一部百科全书。

    Secondly , they are an encyclopaedia of the ancient Yis for their wide coverage .

  14. 彝文规范的前景

    The Prospect of Standardization of Yi Writing

  15. 彝族有悠久的历史、古老的彝文典籍与严谨的治史传统。

    Yi people has long-standing history , ancient script books and meticulous scholarship of history .

  16. 第二章为滇川黔桂四省区彝文同义比较研究。

    The second chapter is Study on the Yi Characters Synonymy Comparison of Four Provinces .

  17. GB13134-1991信息交换用彝文编码字符集

    Yi coded character set for information interchange

  18. 认清形势抓住重点促进彝文系稳健协调发展

    Figuring out the Situation and Gripping the Emphases to Promote the Steady Development of Yi-language Department

  19. 从彝文古籍中准确提取文本是对其进行识别的重要前提。

    Extracting text from Ancient Yi character documents accurately is a important precondition to recognize them .

  20. 古汉字与滇川黔桂彝文同义比较研究

    Study on the Synonymy Comparison of Ancient Chinese and Yi Characters of Dian 、 Chuan 、 Qian 、 Gui

  21. 彝文是中国民族古文字中较为古老的文字之一。

    The written language of Yi People is one of the most ancient one among Chinese ancient written languages .

  22. 彝文文献长诗的音律,也是押的音节,是对一般诗歌押音节模式的灵活运用。

    The metrics of the Yi 's documentary long poems represents the flexible application of syllable patterns of common poetry .

  23. 从彝文古籍记载看中华远古文明的老根子

    Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language

  24. 本文介绍了50年代以来,彝文翻译工作取得的成绩,并指出今后彝文翻译工作的发展方向。

    The success made in Yi language translation since the1950s is introduced and its progressive tendency is also pointed out .

  25. 彝文是一种原生的古老文字,它不是借用和摹仿汉字的产物。

    Yi Character is primary and ancient , and it is not a product of borrowing and copy of Chinese Character .

  26. 该书是丁文江先生1930年在大方收集的第一部彝文文献。

    The book is the first one in old Yi language among the works collected by Ding Wenjiang in Dafang area in1930 .

  27. 彝文造字法新探浅谈借代思维在造字中的运用

    A New Understanding of the Word Formation in Yi People 's Language The Usage of Metonymy Thinking in the Process of Making Chinese Characters

  28. 这种传统不仅表现在卷帙浩繁的彝文典籍中,而且深深积淀在彝族人民的心灵里。

    This tradition is not only embodied in the vast classics in Yi Language , but also deeply rooted in Yi people 's mind .

  29. 彝文与国内外其他已经消亡的古文字相比,表现出了强大的生命力,它至今还活着,还被使用着。

    Comparing with other died ancient characters , Yi characters express strong vitality and they are still alive , they have been using up to now .

  30. 彝文古籍承载了彝族的古老文明,生存现状艰难,急需采用数字化手段对其保护和利用。

    Ancient Yi character documents load the ancient civilization of Yi , but they survive in a very difficult situation and need to be protected by digital methods urgently .