
wēi shēng wù
  • microorganism;microbe;germ;bacterium;microform
微生物 [wēi shēng wù]
  • [microorganism;bacterium;microbe] 生物的一大类,形体微小,结构简单,繁殖很快,如细菌、病毒等

微生物[wēi shēng wù]
  1. 发布在《细胞·宿主与微生物》期刊上的一系列实验结果显示,该球状体给病毒带来了很大的优势。

    Experiments , published in the journal Cell Host and Microbe , showed the spheres gave the viruses huge advantages .

  2. 为了研究这种微生物是否会为运动员提供好处,他们给老鼠注射了一些细菌,然后让这些小型啮齿类动物奔跑。

    To see whether this microbe might provide the athletes with any benefit , they gave some to mice and then let the little rodents10 run .

  3. 海洋微生物腐烂后沉积形成磷酸盐。

    The phosphate was deposited by the decay of marine microorganisms .

  4. 这些细胞可以直接攻击和杀死微生物。

    These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms

  5. 原油受到了自然产生的分解油类物质的微生物的侵蚀。

    The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down .

  6. 沉降池中的废水中加入了消毒剂,以消灭所有有害微生物。

    Effluent from the sedimentation tank is dosed with disinfectant to kill any harmful organisms

  7. 珊瑚礁是由许多相同的微生物不断堆积而成。

    A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny , identical organisms .

  8. 最适宜该环境的微生物将会存活下来。

    Those organisms that are most suited to the environment will be those that will survive

  9. 一般的抗生素能够有效对抗这种微生物。

    Simple antibiotics are effective against this organism

  10. 微生物广泛分布于植物界。

    Microbodies are widely distributed in the plant kingdom .

  11. 但是也有极少的可能是,就在你掉落食物的地方,存在的微生物组织会使你患病,你可以非常确定虫子就在你即将放入嘴里的食物上。

    But in the rare chance that there is a micro-organism that there is a micro-organism that can make you sick on the exact spot where the food dropped , you can be fairly sure that the bug is on the food you are about to put in your mouth .

  12. 这种现象的核心是被称为浮游植物的微小海洋微生物。

    At the heart of the phenomenon lie tiny marine microorganisms called phytoplankton .

  13. 它是由蠕虫自身产生的酶还是由肠道微生物产生的酶?

    Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes ?

  14. 来自我们身体的微生物在国际空间站的表面不受控制地生长,因此宇航员每周要花几个小时清理它们。

    The microorganisms from our bodies grow uncontrollably on surfaces of the International Space Station , so astronauts spend hours cleaning them up each week .

  15. 他在《CurrentBiology》中写道,海洋微生物附着在漂浮的塑料物体上,它们的气味诱使海龟进食。

    As he writes in Current Biology , he thinks that the odour of marine6 micro-organisms which colonise floating plastic objects induces turtles to feed .

  16. 深频紫外线清理经过设备内的微生物

    Deep UV Light inside the machine sterilizes micro-organisms that pass through .

  17. 抗御微生物进入体内的第一道防线是皮肤。

    The first protector against the entry of microorganisms is the integument .

  18. 但在地下的某些地方,微生物可能会勉强生存。

    But there might be places below ground where tiny organisms could scrape an existence .

  19. 这意味着肠道微生物可能掌握着延长锻炼时间且不会精疲力竭的秘密。

    Which means that gut microbes may hold the secret to extending that workout — without getting pooped .

  20. 我们肠道中的微生物帮助我们保持健康,增强我们的免疫系统,并促进新陈代谢。

    The microbes in our intestines1 help keep us healthy , strengthening our immune systems and promoting metabolism2 .

  21. 就像生物学:一个一群微生物混杂地交换基因和特性的生态系统,进化加速了

    It 's like biology : an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits , evolution speeds up .

  22. 尤其是被微生物占领的塑料释放到空气中的二甲基硫化物,是许多海鸟用来寻找食物的。

    which are released into the air by micro-organism-colonised plastics , are those which many seabirds sniff10 to track down food .

  23. 将木头和海草碎屑分解成更简单的有机化合物的微生物无法轻易消化塑胶。

    The microorganisms that decompose ripped-up bits of wood and seaweed down into simpler organic compounds can 't easily digest plastic .

  24. 几千年前,当人类搬进室内生活时,我们越来越远离户外环境及生活在那里的各类微生物。

    As humans moved indoors many thousands of years ago , we became increasingly separated from the outdoor environment and all the organisms which live there .

  25. 洋流和盐蚀对沉船造成了损害,微生物也在侵蚀着钢铁,形成钟乳石般的锈石,从船上垂下来。

    Ocean currents and salt erosion are causing the damage as are microbes , which are eating away at the metal , creating stalactites of rust from the ship .

  26. 研究结果还显示,近半数英国人承认从未清洗过地毯,使之成为致病微生物的理想滋生地。

    Their findings also showed that almost half of Brits have admitted to never cleaning their carpets , making them an ideal breeding ground for colonies of disease-causing microbes .

  27. 去年的一项研究得出结论:制造微生物蛋白质的土地使用效率要比种植大豆高出数倍,而且用水量仅需其十分之一。

    A study last year concluded that protein from microbes was several times more efficient than soya in terms of land use and required just a tenth of the water .

  28. 四方研究所和东英吉利亚大学的微生物基因组学教授马克·帕伦建议采用一个固有的专有名词清单来重新命名,因为B.1.617.2这样的标签不好念也不好记。

    Mark Pallen , professor of microbial genomics at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia , suggested alternatives that use a pre-generated list of proper nouns because labels like B.1.617.2 are so tricky to pronounce and remember .

  29. 哈佛医学院的微生物学家亚历山大·库斯迪最初感兴趣的是,糖尿病患者的肠道微生物与没有糖尿病者的有何不同——想法是,调整微生物群可能有助于治疗糖尿病。

    Aleksandar Kostic , a microbiologist at Harvard Medical School , was initially6 interested in how the gut7 microbes of people with diabetes8 might differ from folks without the condition — the idea being that tweaking the microbiome might help to treat the disease .

  30. 微生物对酸性红B染料的脱色研究

    Study on the microbial discoloration of acid red B