
  1. 义人的光必喜乐;恶人的灯却要熄灭。

    The light of the righteous rejoices , but the lamp of the wicked goes out .

  2. 14你必喜乐欢腾,有许多人因他出生,也必欢乐。

    And you will have joy and exultation , and many will rejoice at his birth .

  3. 你们若爱我,因我到父那里去,就必喜乐,因为父是比我大的。

    If ye loved me , ye would rejoice , because I said , I go unto the Father : for my Father is greater than I.

  4. 忧愁强如喜笑,因为面带愁容,终必使心喜乐。

    Sorrow is better than joy ; when the face is sad the mind gets better .

  5. 悲痛胜过欢笑,因为脸上愁容终必使心喜乐。

    Sorrow is better than laughter ; for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better .

  6. 也必使你心里喜乐。

    They will give delight to your heart .

  7. 神使我喜笑,凡听见的必与我一同喜笑。

    God has brought me laughter , and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me .

  8. 管教你的儿子,他就使你得安息,也必使你心里喜乐。

    Give your son training , and he will give you rest ; he will give delight to your soul .

  9. 埋没才能就是浪费才能。不论天赋高低,善用才能必为天神所喜。

    No matter how much we are given-whatever by genetics , parentage , circumstance , or whatever-god is pleased when we use our gifts to their fullest .

  10. 耶和华你的神,是施行拯救,大有能力的主,他在你中间必因你欢欣喜乐,默然爱你,且因你喜乐而欢呼。

    The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty ; he will save , he will rejoice over thee with joy ; he will rest in his love , he will joy over thee with singing .

  11. 他们的儿女必看见而快活。他们的心必因耶和华喜乐。

    And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man , and their heart shall rejoice as through wine : yea , their children shall see it , and be glad ; their heart shall rejoice in the LORD .

  12. 你必欢喜快乐;有许多人因他出世,也必喜乐。

    And thou shalt have joy and gladness ; and many shall rejoice at his birth .

  13. 24义人的父亲必大得快乐;人生智慧的儿子,必因他喜乐。

    The father of the righteous man will greatly exult , And he who begets a wise child will rejoice in him .

  14. 你必欢喜快乐,有许多人因他出世,也必喜乐,他在主面前将要为大。

    You will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth , for he will be great in the sight of the Lord .