
  • 网络sexual right
  1. 中国已婚育龄妇女性权利现状与评价

    Evaluation on Sexual Rights of Chinese Married Women of Childbearing Age

  2. 第二章研究中国性权利的历史演化。

    Chapter 2 discusses the historical evolution of sexual rights in China .

  3. 性权利的产生是一个漫长的过程。

    The appearance of the sex right is a lengthy process .

  4. 分析保险消费者应当享有的权益,包括基础权利和辅助性权利两部分。

    Analysis of the interests of the insurance consumers should enjoy .

  5. 男性性权利与生育权保护

    Protection of the Sexual Right and Procreation Right of Males

  6. 其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。

    Its content includes procedural right and substantive right .

  7. 第一章探讨性权利的起源。

    Chapter 1 discusses the origin of sexual rights .

  8. 从一则案例看纳税人程序性权利的保障&兼论经济法、行政法中的刑事司法介入

    Discuss the Taxpayer Procedural Right Protection from One Case

  9. 男性性权利的刑法保护和立法完善

    Probe into criminal protection of men 's sex rights and it 's legislation

  10. 妇女性权利的法律保护

    On The Legal Protection of Woman 's Sexual Right

  11. 男性性权利的刑法保护

    The Criminal Law to the Masculine Sexual Right Protection

  12. 以公共利益为视角探讨行政相对人程序性权利

    The Perspective of the Public Interest to Investigate the Relative Administrative Procedural Rights

  13. 合同解除的是合同中的原始性权利义务,不涉及救济性权利义务。

    The object of canceling a contract is the original rights and obligations .

  14. 强化犯罪嫌疑人和辩护人的保障性权利;

    Enhancing guarantee right of criminal suspect and defender ;

  15. 受害国的实质性权利以性别分列的贫穷和易受伤害性指标

    Substantive rights of the injured state gender disaggregated indicators of poverty and vulnerability

  16. 刑事程序性权利的价值可区分为程序性权利的工具价值和内在价值。

    The value of criminal procedure rights consists of instrumental value and intrinsic value .

  17. 结语主要讲以性权利促进性和谐。

    The concluding part chiefly discusses the promotion of sexual harmony by sexual rights .

  18. 第五,缔约双方的程序性权利义务各有哪些。

    Procedural rights and obligations of both parties .

  19. 性权利是历史的产物。

    Sexual rights is the production of history .

  20. 证人在刑事诉讼中享有程序性权利和实体性权利。

    The witness enjoys procedural and substantive rights .

  21. 优先权是一项独立的实体性权利,是一项法定担保物权。

    Priority is a substantive right which has the attribute of real right guaranteed .

  22. 性权利若干问题研究

    Research on Several Problems of Sexual Right

  23. 男性性权利方面的意识形态

    Ideologies of male sexual entitlement ; and

  24. 略论税收程序性权利

    On the Privilege of the Tax Programme

  25. 知情权作为基础性权利,更是实现公平交易的前提条件。

    The right to know as a precondition of fair dealing is a base right .

  26. 农村宅基地使用权是关系中国亿万农民切身利益的一项基础性权利。

    Rural Usufructuary of land for building is a basic right for Millions of Chinese farmers .

  27. 公民程序性权利是公民权利的重要组成部分与基本类型。

    Citizen 's procedural rights are the important composition part and basic type of civil rights .

  28. 人格权是积极性权利,可以分割为具体人格权;

    While personal right is a positive right , which can be divided into specific rights .

  29. 股东查账权是实现自益权和共益权的工具性权利。

    Shareholders ' client query is an instrumental right to fulfill beneficial rights and procedural rights .

  30. 作为一种领土取得方式,历史性权利与通过时效及先占取得领土主权有所不同。

    As a method of obtaining territory , historic rights have differences from prescription and occupation .