
zǒnɡ tǐ zhàn
  • Total War;general war;total warfare
  1. 南北的将领们在这里上演了夏洛、维克斯堡、查塔努加、亚特兰大等一幕幕永载史册的经典战役。最后,从军事思想方面来看,总体战的兴起与发展无疑引领了时代的潮流。

    The north and south generals performed classical battles such as Shiloh , Vicksburg , Chattanooga , Atlanta . Finally , from aspec of the military thinking , with the general war being on the rise developing the tidal current having guided times .

  2. 有的人对敌人的所谓总体战和特务活动丧失警惕;

    Some slackened their vigilance over the enemy 's so-called total warfare and espionage ;

  3. 总体战体制论:当今日本史坛值得关注的理论

    Theory of Total War System : A Theory Worthy of Study

  4. 蒋百里认为,政治体制的选择对总体战有着不可估量的影响。

    Jiang believed that political system exercised an invaluable influence on the total war .

  5. 第三部分阐述国防经济是总体战的基础和保障。

    The third part analyzed that the national defense economy is the foundation and security .

  6. 结语中,对总体战战略做了简单的思考。

    In the closing remarks , I give a simple reflection on the strategy total war .

  7. 战争后期,以格兰特为代表的总体战战略帮助北方最终赢得了战争。

    Finally , the strategy of total war stood by Grant help the North win the war .

  8. 在发动侵华战争、构筑总体战体制以后,日本金融体制发生了急剧变化,主要表现为资本市场日趋衰微,以向银行借贷为主的间接金融体制开始形成。

    The capital market declined gradually and the indirect financial system which continued after World War II formed .

  9. 第一部分论述了总体战体制论以挑战传统史观为目的的立论宗旨,以横向和纵向比较为特征的立论方法,以考察总体战和战后体制的关联为线索的基本内容;

    Firstly , it clarified the purpose of the theory to challenge the traditional viewpoint , its method of comparison had special features .

  10. 本文对强调日本战时和战后体制存在连续性的总体战体制论,做了系统扼要的阐述和分析。

    This paper makes a brief but systematic analysis of Theory of Total War System that the war-time-system is the prototype of contemporary system .

  11. 起源于北美殖民地时期的志愿兵役制因其固有的弱点,无法应付大规模的总体战;

    Because the voluntary enlistment which originated from colonial times had the inherent shortcomings , so it failed to cope with the large total war ;

  12. 在纳粹德国,尽管有很多关于“总体战”的计划和谈论,但是全国人力、物力都远远没有全面组织起来。

    Despite all the plans and all the talk in Nazi Germany concerning " total war " the resources of the country had been far from " totally " organized .

  13. 战时形成的总体战体制的核心要素一直延续至战后,构成了战后日本经济体制的原型,并在日本经济高速增长时期发挥了重要作用。

    The essence of the total war system survived into the post-war period , providing a prototype for Japan 's post-war economic system and playing an important role in its rapid economic growth .

  14. 本文指出,在南北方的战争进入总体战模式之后,军事动员和军事后勤的作用就超过了其他军事因素。

    This article pointed out that when the American Civil War proceed under the mode of total war , the military mobilization and the military logistics is more important than the other military factors .

  15. 广安市在水土保持工作中,克服过去水保部门单打一的做法,把与生态环境建设相关的项目全部纳入长治工程大示范区建设范围,打好总体战。

    Avoiding the practice of " single-way " conducted in the past by soil and water conservation departments , Guang'an City puts all ecological environment related projects into establishing a big pilot area of " the Yangtze River Management " Project .