
yì xiànɡ pài
  • imagist
  1. 从符号学的角度看意象派诗

    Understanding Images : Read Imagist Poetry from the Approach of Semiology

  2. 诗人是客观现实,而意象派诗人的浪漫。

    Objectivist poets are realistic , while Imagist poets are romantic .

  3. 异质文化中的艺术借鉴&英美意象派诗歌与中国古典诗歌比较

    Artistic Absorption of the Anglo-American Imagist Poetry From Chinese Classical Poetry

  4. 谈谈英美诗中的象征主义与意象派

    About Symbolism and School of Imagery in British and American Poetry

  5. 中国古典诗歌与美国意象派诗歌中意象的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Images in Imagist Poetry and Chinese Classical Poetry

  6. 美国意象派诗歌形成于二十世纪初。

    American imagist poetry is formed in the early twentieth century .

  7. 意象派三原则成为意象主义作家创作的基本准则。

    These principles provide some basic writing rules for the Imagist writers .

  8. 本论文以美国意象派诗歌的创作思想作为研究对象。

    The object of study is the poetic ideas of American imagism .

  9. 论英语诗歌的意象派运动及自由诗革命的生成背景

    Imagism Movement and Free Verse Movement of English Poetry : Their Background

  10. 英美意象派诗歌在20世纪30年代中国的译介

    China 's Translation of British and American Imagist Poetry in the 1930s

  11. 中国文化元素参与下的意象派诗歌教学模式

    The Imagism Poesy Teaching Mode under Chinese Cultural Element Participated

  12. 中国古典诗歌及诗论对英美意象派诗歌之影响

    On the Influence of Chinese Classic Poetry and Poetics upon Imagist Poetry

  13. 美国意象派新诗借鉴中国文化之管窥

    The humble opinion about American Imagism influenced by Chinese culture

  14. 中国古典诗歌对庞德的意象派诗歌影响原因之探究

    The cause for chinese classical influence on Ezra Pound

  15. 从庞德意象派诗歌看中西诗学的审美交汇

    Ezra Pound 's Imagist Poetry from the Chinese and Western Poetics Aesthetic Intersection

  16. 意象派诗歌在英美的渊源与终结

    The Origin and the End of the Imagist Poetry in Britain and America

  17. 西方意象派之意象观并非是对浪漫主义意象观的彻底否定,而是新古典主义和浪漫主义艺术观的折中妥协。

    It is instead an artistic compromise between Neo - classicism and Romanticism .

  18. 庞德(1885-1972),意象派运动主要发起人。

    The pound ( 1885-1972 ), the image sends the movement main initiator .

  19. 英美意象派与中国意境说

    The English and American Imagist School and the Theory of World in China

  20. 再谈意象派与中国诗

    The Misread of Image Group to Chinese Poetry

  21. 解读庞德:意象派和东方诗学

    Reading Ezra Pound : Imagist and Oriental Poetics

  22. 意象派的诞生和理论开始了庞德对现代派诗歌的征途。

    The creation of imagist represents the beginning of Pound 's research on modern poetry .

  23. 艾兹拉·庞德是美国著名的诗人、诗歌评论家和意象派诗歌的主要代表。1912年,他在美国东方研究专家厄内斯特?

    Ezra Pound is the famous American poet , poem critic and vanguard of Imagism .

  24. 论庞德意象派诗歌的渊源

    Origins of Ezra Pound 's Imagist Poetry

  25. 试论意象派发展的辩证性

    On the Dialectical Development of Imagism

  26. 第二,庞德提出的意象派诗歌创作三原则进一步发展了他的翻译思想。

    Secondly , three Imagism poetic principles Pound lays down help to develop his translation principles .

  27. 由于深受意象派的影响,T。

    Greatly influenced by imagists , T.

  28. 意象派和东方诗学的创立充分体现了庞德的现代性,并对美国现代主义诗歌有着深远的影响。

    Pound 's initiatives on imagist and Oriental poetics show us the modernity in his poems .

  29. 意境意象派诗歌难以企及的境界中国古典诗歌与意象派诗歌的审美比较

    Yijing An Unattainable Aesthetic Realm for Imagist Poetry A Comparison Between Classic Chinese Verse and Imagist Poetry

  30. 异域的牡丹&对意象派和中国古典诗词的简单比较

    The Peony on Foreign Land & A Comparison of Classical Chinese poems of the school of imagery