
  • 网络Mobile Download;Brew
  1. 《糖果粉碎传奇》最初在Facebook上发布,但现在可以通过智能手机下载。

    The game started life on Facebook but has become available via smartphones .

  2. 顾客可以通过Android手机下载客户端,实现无线订餐。

    People can download the client into their android mobile and make a wireless order .

  3. WAPPush技术在手机下载中的应用

    WAP PUSH Applications in Mobile Phone

  4. 许多运营商(以及希望高价售出新设备的供应商)已经在吹捧4G技术能够解决目前面临的数据超载问题。目前,消费者使用手机下载应用软件和进行复杂计算花费的时间都越来越多。

    Many operators ( and the vendors that hope to sell them expensive new gear ) are already touting 4G as the solution to issues of data overload they are now facing as consumers spend a growing amount of time downloading applications and doing heavy-duty computing on their mobile devices .

  5. 向智能手机下载应用软件的人期望软件的升级能够更快速,更便捷。

    People who download apps to smartphones have expect quick and easy software updates .

  6. 这就是为什么如果你今天用智能手机下载它的话,还仍然可以玩。

    That is why it still works today if you download it on a smartphone .

  7. 查看最酷的手机下载!

    View the coolest mobile downloads !

  8. 布伦德里特说,“我认识的所有人都给他们的手机下载了一款地震应用程序。”

    Now brundrett says , " everybody I know has an earthquake app loaded on his cellphone . "

  9. 然而,只有他们预先为手机下载一个特殊软件,才能实现这个功能。

    It only worked , though , if they first downloaded an extra piece of software to their handsets .

  10. 在日本,粉丝们已经可以为他们的手机下载这首歌了,有很多人已经认识了这首歌了。

    In Japan , fans have already been able to download it for their phones , so many already know it well .

  11. 舱内将会配备4个显示屏,在观光过程中为游客提供伦敦标志性建筑的介绍。与此同时,技术人员正在测试800位乘客同时用手机下载音乐和多语言音频解说的可行性。

    Technicians are also testing the feasibility of up to800 passengers at a time being able to download music and multilingual audio commentary to mobile phones and other devices .

  12. 基于WAP的手机铃声下载方案研究

    Scheme research of downloading cell rings based on WAP

  13. 缅甸缺少国际信用卡,也只能有限地接入iTunes和GooglePlay。这让智能手机难以下载各种应用,或是购买附加功能。

    The lack of international credit cards and limited access to iTunes and Google Play makes it difficult to download apps and pay for additional features .

  14. 通过分析WAP的协议和网络结构,探讨了多层结构下基于WAP的手机铃声下载实施方案。

    WAP protocol and network architecture are analyzed , and schemes of downloading cell rings based on WAP are studied in the multi-tier architecture .

  15. 大多数航空公司有自己的app,你可以在智能手机上下载,若航班延误或取消,它甚至会在你赶往机场之前就提醒你。

    Most carriers have apps you can download on your smartphone that will alert you if your flight is delayed or canceled , even before you leave for the airport .

  16. 在iPhone手机上下载免费的B4YouBoard应用程序,可以在这几个航站楼里的五家合作餐馆里订餐,送到你的登机口。

    Download the free B4 You Board iPhone app to order a meal from one of five participating restaurants throughout the terminals to have a meal delivered to your gate .

  17. 比如,我会使用像www.Babbel.com这样的语言学习网站,我还在我的苹果手机上下载了像PimsleurGerman这样的学习应用。

    For example , I use websites for language learning ( likewww . Babbel . com ) and I also use apps on my iPhone ( like Pimsleur German ) .

  18. 中国移动音乐网站(网址,简称12530网站)是集手机彩铃下载、全曲MP3试听等功能的无线音乐综合网站。

    China mobile musical website ( website : www.12530 . com , referred to as " 12530 website ") is a wireless musical comprehensive website which contains downloading coloring ring back tone , mp3 audition , and so on .

  19. 统一码联盟称,emoji通常要在1月份通过审批,然后在9月份才可以在手机上下载。这就意味着苹果和安卓手机用户在2021年看不到新款emoji了。

    Emojis are typically approved in January before they 're available across devices in September , the Consortium said , which means iPhone and Android users won 't see new emojis in 2021 .

  20. 而对于诺基亚来说,他们的服务得到了手机节点下载和电脑网络下载的双重支持。

    Nokia 's service supports both cellular and PC Internet downloads .

  21. 你也能制作出手机可下载并允许使用的应用程序的主菜单。

    You can also create a master list of approved apps the phone can download .

  22. 去一些可以让你观看周围一切的地方,而不是在智能手机上下载的。

    Just go somewhere that will make you look up and around rather than down at your smartphone .

  23. 浏览网页时,你的智能手机会下载网页上的移动广告,这样会耗费大量电量。

    When browsing the web , your smartphone also burns through power when it downloads mobile ads on websites .

  24. “自拍”密码系统要求用户在其手机里下载一款应用并拍一张自拍进行注册,这样其面容就存储在系统里了。

    The ' selfie " password system involves customers downloading an app to their mobile phone and registering by taking a photo of themselves so their face is stored in the system .

  25. 中国移动抓住时机,在其博客主页顶端建立链接,宣告徐独唱的《梦醒照进现实》可以作为手机铃声下载。

    China Mobile seized the occasion , adding a link at the top of her blog 's home page to announce that the theme song of " Dreams May Come " sung by Xu herself could be downloaded for cell phone rings .

  26. 目前,安装了iOS和Windows操作系统的手机可免费下载该APP。

    The app is free to download for iOS and Windows Phones users right now .

  27. LTE可以通过手机网络快速下载,与之前网络连接相比会有很大的不同。

    What LTE does is it enables really fast downloads over your cellular network . You will notice a big difference compared to previous network connectivity .

  28. 目前,安装了iOS和Windows操作系统的手机可免费下载该APP。安卓版的要2015年才有。

    The app is free to download for iOS and Windows Phones users right now . The app is coming to Android sometime in 2015 , though there 's no firm release date for it just yet .

  29. 手机固件通用下载工具的研究和实现

    Research on Universal Download Tool for Mobile Handset and its Implementation

  30. 你所要做的就是用手指触摸手机屏幕,下载一些应用程序,有了它们你学习过程就会变得愈加轻松高效。

    All you have to do is swipe your fingers on your phone screen and download some apps , which can make your study more fun and efficient .