
dǎ léi
  • thunder
打雷 [dǎ léi]
  • [thunder] 地球表面大气层中两块带异性电的云相接近放电时发出巨大声响

打雷[dǎ léi]
  1. 天色阴沉,一丝风也没有。或许马上就要打雷。

    The day was heavy and still . It would probably thunder later .

  2. 这小女孩非常害怕打雷。

    The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder .

  3. 打雷了。

    It is thunder .

  4. 冬天打雷在这儿可是稀有的事。

    Thunder in winter is rather unusual around here .

  5. 远处在打雷。

    It 's thundering in the distance .

  6. 有一天,天空突然暗了下来,又是刮风,又是打雷,又是下雨,真龙飞到了叶公的家里。

    One day , the sky suddenly darkened , and then came wind , thunder and rain . The real dragon flew to Ye Gong 's home .

  7. 打雷或下雨时不要使用是外天线。

    Don 't put antenna outside in thundering and raining days .

  8. 打雷的时候出去有欠考虑。

    It is thoughtless to go out when it is thundering .

  9. 我不怕打雷,可是闪电使我畏惧。

    I don 't mind thunder , but lightning frightens me .

  10. 打雷闪电并不是由于神发怒引起。

    Thunder and lightening are not caused by gods being angry .

  11. 有的人怕打雷,有的人怕蛇。

    Some people are frightened of thunder , others of snakes .

  12. 好吧,这坨云彩要开始打雷了!

    Well , this cloud is about to bring the thunder !

  13. 我小的时候害怕打雷。

    I was frightened of thunder when I was young .

  14. 我的小狗一听到打雷就藏到床底下。

    My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders .

  15. 我希望不是!我害怕打雷!

    I hope not ! I 'm scared of thunder !

  16. 天色灰暗,开始打雷了。

    The sky grew dark and it started to thunder .

  17. 在暴风雨期间她被打雷的隆隆声惊醒。

    She was awakened during the storm by the rumbles of thunder .

  18. 天上打雷一般就会下雨。

    Where there 's thunder , there 's usually rain .

  19. 最喜欢打雷,因为你会把我抱的好紧。

    I love thunder most because you will hold me tightly then .

  20. 爱情来的时候和打雷一样,或者像个小偷?

    Love comes like thunder , or like a thief ?

  21. 打雷时会感到振动,下雨时能感到水雾。

    When it rains you 'll feel the mist . '

  22. 我们听到天空中很大的噪音。正在打雷。

    We hear a loud noise from the sky . It is thunder .

  23. 我想会有打雷闪电。

    I think there 'll be lightening and thunderstorms .

  24. 我们发现打雷使得收音机咔咔作响。

    We found the thunder set the radio crackling .

  25. 你晚上听见打雷了吗?

    Did you hear the thunder in the night ?

  26. 我刚洗车天空就打雷了。我刚走出饭店就遇见了我的朋友。

    Scarcely had I washed the car before the sky rumbled with thunder .

  27. 等到打雷了却躲到壁橱里去了。

    And hide in the closet when thunder rumbles .

  28. 今年夏天经常打雷。

    We had a lot of thunder this summer .

  29. 我杰出的祖父知道打雷的标准。

    My outstanding grandfather understands the standard of thunder .

  30. 亲爱的,你爸爸不止是吹号,是打雷。

    My dear , your father does not just trumpet ; he thunders .