
kòu zi
  • button;buckle;knot;ouch
扣子 [kòu zi]
  • (1) [button]∶纽扣

  • 衣服上掉了一个扣子

  • (2) [knot]∶指缠绕、圈结、弯曲、拴系的结子

  • 打了扣子的细绳子

  • (3) [buckle]∶皮带上的扣环

扣子[kòu zi]
  1. 你能给我钉个扣子吗?

    Can you sew a button on for me ?

  2. 我的上衣掉了一个扣子。

    A button has come off my coat .

  3. 我把夹克的拉链拉上,系好扣子。

    I zipped and buttoned my jacket .

  4. 他解开衬衣扣子。

    He unbuttoned his shirt .

  5. 她开始解衬衣扣子。

    She had begun to unbutton her blouse .

  6. 玛丽系好扣子。

    Mari did up the buttons

  7. 他扣上了衬衫的扣子。

    He had his shirt buttoned

  8. 你把扣子扣错了。

    You 've done your buttons up the wrong way .

  9. 我衣服最上面的那颗扣子掉了。

    My top button has fallen off .

  10. 扣子扣不上。

    The button won 't clasp .

  11. 老师只好再帮她拉下拉口,解开扣子,将外套脱了下来

    The teacher is forced to help her pull next pulling again mouth , unlock button , doffed jacket .

  12. HPLC结合API-MS/MS研究扣子七的人参皂甙

    Analysis of ginsenosides in Kou Zi Qi using HPLC and api-ms / ms

  13. n.黄铜;黄铜制品他的夹克上有黄铜扣子。

    brass He has brass buttons on his jackets .

  14. n.针;针状物妈妈用针和线把扣子缝在我的大衣上。

    needle Mother sewed the button on my coat with needle and thread .

  15. GameGolf售价249美元,包括一个别在腰带上的小盒子,重约一盎司(约28克),以及多个用螺丝固定在球杆上的扣子&每只球杆一个。

    For $ 249 , the Game Golf kit comes with a belt clip-on device that weighs about an ounce , and multiple tags that screw onto your clubs & one for each club .

  16. vt.缝合你介意帮我把这颗扣子缝到我的外套上吗?

    Would you mind sewing this button on my jacket for me ?

  17. GameGolf售价249美元,包括一个别在腰带上的“小盒子”,重约一盎司(约28克),以及多个用螺丝固定在球杆上的“扣子”——每只球杆一个。

    For $ 249 , the Game Golf kit comes with a belt clip-on device that weighs about an ounce , and multiple " tags " that screw onto your clubs - one for each club .

  18. 扣子七中人参皂苷的HPLC-MS-MS方法研究

    Research of ginsenosides in Kou zi qi using HPLC-MS-MS

  19. 莲娜丽姿(NinaRicci)后背大开、足以看到腹带的无吊带晚礼服呢?这并非扣子坏了,而是故意要露出内衣。

    And that strapless evening dress at Nina Ricci with the back gaping open to reveal the corset beneath ? Not a broken closure but a deliberate exposure of the undergarment .

  20. 另一个队员帮他把扣子缝在衬衣上。

    Another one helped to sew the button onto his shirt .

  21. 我们可以根据您的需要,为您定制所需的各种扣子。

    We provide any kinds of buttons you are looking for .

  22. 别动,你的头发钩在扣子上了。

    Keep still , your hair 's hooked on a button .

  23. 本杰明:恐怕这里掉了颗扣子。

    Benjamin : I 'm afraid that a button is missing .

  24. 衬衣扣子都解开了,领结也散落下来。

    Shirts had come untucked . Tie knots were at half-mast .

  25. 同时政府还建议男士穿衬衣不需系扣子。

    The government also suggested that men wear their shirts untucked .

  26. 是开衫的我得扣上扣子

    It 's a cardigan . I have to button it .

  27. 我认为这双有扣子的可爱鞋子比较好。

    I think the cute pair with the buckles is better .

  28. 孩子,现在我常忘了扣扣子、鞋带。

    Children , I often forget to factor son expelled .

  29. 您能解开上衣的扣子让我们检查一下吗?

    Would you like to unbutton your jacket for checking ?

  30. 请你把上衣的扣子解开好吗?

    Could you unbutton your shirt for me , please ?