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  • manage
把总 [bǎ zǒng]
  • (1) [manage]∶总领;总管

  • 又令陶宗旺把总监工,掘港汊、修水路、开河道。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [(in old China)a company officer]∶明清两代镇守某地的武官,职位次于千总

  • 带兵的也还是先前的老把总。--鲁迅《阿Q正传》

  1. 如需取得每日售磬数据,把总售磬除以天数(30日)即可。

    If you want the daily sell-through you can divide by30 days .

  2. 超过六百万的流动人员更是把总人数增加至两千万。

    More than six million temporary migrants raise the total population to20 million .

  3. 你把总成本强加给我们。

    You 're passing the whole cost onto us .

  4. 并把总摩尔数拿出来。

    And take the total number of moles out .

  5. 通过构造经济学中常用的效用函数,把总的吸引力归结为这两部分加权作用的结果。

    We uae the utility function in economics to synthesize the two aspects by weight .

  6. 他出去度假前一定要把总电源切断。

    Make sure the current is switched off at the mains before you leave on holiday .

  7. 沃尔德曼说,解决的办法是,把总想得到最好东西的念头置之度外。

    The answer , says Waldman , is to forget about always trying to get the best .

  8. 把总压强画在这个图上,在y轴上。

    I going to plot the total pressure on this axis here , on the y axis .

  9. 打开后盖之前,一定要把总电源切断。

    Make sure you disconnect , the television from the mains supply before you open up the back .

  10. 那个工人的工具把总水管碰裂了,水喷得满街都是。

    The workman 's tool burst the water main , and water spurted out all over the street .

  11. 应当通过加大社会保障支出等措施降低居民支出预期,有效拉动居民消费,或者通过政府消费水平的调整,把总消费率保持在一个适度的水平上。

    Otherwise , government consumption level should be adjusted to keep the total consumption rate at a proper level .

  12. 客务服务经理需在客人到达前,把总经理或前厅经理及房务总监发出的欢迎信放在房间里。

    GSM prepared the welcome letter from General Manager or Director of Rooms in the room prior to the guest arrival .

  13. 首先把总变分和各向异性扩散方程的有机结合构造出新的边缘停止函数;

    Firstly , a new edge stopping function was constructed by combing the total variation miniature with the anisotropic diffusion equation .

  14. 并将各个阶段的升温速率进行实数编码,把总的燃气消耗作为适应度函数的指标,进行遗传操作。

    The heating rate of every stages be real-coded , the total gas consumption be an indicator of fitness function then begin genetic operation .

  15. 格里芬在2014年2月被提升为总经理,那年夏天詹姆斯决定重返骑士队,把总冠军带回家乡。

    Griffin was promoted to general manager in February 2014 and that summer James decided to rejoin the Cavs to bring a title home .

  16. 作为姚明的队友,我知道他是多么希望打进季后赛,然后把总冠军奖杯带回中国。

    As Yao 's teammates , we know how badly that he wants to have playoff success and ultimately bring back the championship trophy to China .

  17. 据悉,故宫博物院将对外开放更大范围,到2025年,要把总面积16万平米的古建筑开放到85%。

    The Palace Museum is dedicated to open wider to the public , and 85 per cent of the museum 's 160000-square-meter area will be open by 2025 .

  18. 人们可把总收入增长率减去人口增长率,作为每人平均收入增长率的一个粗略近似值。

    As a rough approximation of the rate of income growth per capita , one can subtract the rate of increase in population from the rate of growth in total income .

  19. 根据成品油经销企业在油价跌势时期的经营情况,把总存货成本划分为存储费用、风险成本、资金成本、缺货成本和订货费用5项。

    Based on the operation of refined oil companies during the oil price declining period , the total stock cost is divided into storage cost , risk cost , capital cost , OOS cost and ordering cost .

  20. 该模型中,根据不同的目的,把总容量划分为几个独立的部分,并把各个部分分配在具有不同风险偏好的不同心理账户中各自单独决策。

    In the model , the total generation capacity is split into several independent parts based on the different purposes , and these parts are allocated into different independent mental accounts with different risk tolerance and different profit goal respectively .

  21. ,我尝试把总压强用分压写出来,用一种我知道怎么写的方式写出来,我希望我能得到,某些有用的结果。

    PA I 'm trying mix up the partial pressures and the total pressure in all ways that I know how to write it And then hope that something 's going to come out that 's going to be helpful .

  22. 大家盲目地把总冠军戒指作为生涯目标,认为这是进入名人堂的标准。没有好帮手、没能夺冠的伟大球员因此被忽视。

    Counting rings had become a fetishized part of sports that entirely made or broke otherwise Hall of Fame careers . Great players are unregarded because they didn 't have great teammates and never won a title in the zero sum game of one champion per season .

  23. 通过把总出行时间分解为组团内部的出行时间与组团之间的出行时间,推导出指标的函数表达式,并建立了一定经济、土地、人口约束下,总出行时间最小的城市土地利用优化模型。

    By dividing the total travel time into aggregative inter-group travel time and intra-group travel time , authors deduce the function of total travel time and establish an urban land-use optimum model , which can maximize the transportation efficiency and macro-accessibility under certain restrictions of economy , land and population .

  24. 我将把我总经理的职位让给迈克。

    I will hand over the position of chief manager to Mike .

  25. 然后他把海底总动员和许多鱼类的一个大罐。

    Then he put Nemo and many fish to a big tank .

  26. 把钥匙总放在同一个地方。

    Always put keys in the same place .

  27. 雨可能下不下来,不过带把伞总没有坏处。

    The rain may hold off , but It'won 't hurt to take an umbrella with you .

  28. 可采用修正的办法,要不就把每个总压管的顶端做成偏平的。

    An allowance may be made for this , or the total head tubes may each be flattened at the tip .

  29. 在12月,他在对阵富勒姆时打进了这个世纪他的第一个联赛进球,把他的总进球数提高到了4个。

    In December he scored his first league goal of the century against Fulham , taking his overall tally to four .

  30. 从加索尔职业生涯不断到达巅峰到超人霍华德的横空出世,再到尼尔深的伤愈归队,我们都试图想把这次总决赛的焦点分散到其他球员身上。

    From Pau Gasol 's career climb to the emergence of Dwight Howard to the return of injured guard Jameer Nelson , we will try to make this NBA Finals about something else .