
tóu zī huán jìnɡ
  • investment environment
  1. 加入WTO后企业信用缺失,将从根本上破坏我国的投资环境和国际竞争力。

    After joining the World Trade Organization , credit absence will destroy investment environment and international competitiveness utterly .

  2. 西部地区应该加快体制改革的步伐,改善投资环境,吸引FDI,进而通过FDI带动西部地区制度变迁的进程,最终形成FDI和制度变迁相互推动、相互促进的良性循环。

    Western area should speed up institution innovation , improve investment environment , attract FDI , further put forward institutional change in western areas by FDI , form mutually effected circulation at last .

  3. 这一观点假设富裕的社会会投资环境治理。

    This view assumes that rich societies will invest in environmental care .

  4. 这些研究采用的方法可以划分为两大类:区位模型分析和问卷调查分析。前者运用各种数学模型,如多元线性和非线性回归模型,采用经济统计数据,分析影响FDI的关键投资环境因素。

    We can divide these papers into two groups : one is using linear or nonlinear models and economical statistic data ;

  5. 但随着我国经济的不断发展,投资环境的不断改善,尤其是我国加入WTO以后,越来越多的跨国公司以并购的形式进入中国市场。

    However , with the domestic environment improving and some restricting factors gradually eliminating , particularly since China joining WTO , more and more foreign corporations enter China market by transnational MA .

  6. 加快我国BOT的法律制定和实施,营造良好的投资环境,是保证BOT成功的关键。

    Speeding up the operation of BOT Law and its implementation , creating good invested surroundings are the key to the success of BOT .

  7. 笔者通过对欧洲北部区域挪威、丹麦、瑞典、德国、芬兰及冰岛六个国家投资环境分析,筛选ES分公司的最适合选址。

    The author through the Europe region in Norway , Denmark , Sweden , Germany , Finland , and Iceland six investment environment analysis , filter ES branch the most appropriate location .

  8. 区域政策改善了落后地区的投资环境,吸引了FDI,但是投资环境的其他方面,例如区位优势、市场容量、市场化程度等因素对FDI有更重要的影响。

    Although regional policies help to improve the investment environment in hinterland and to attract FDI , other aspects of investment environment , such as geographic advantages , market capacity , degree of marketization , will also exert indispensable influences .

  9. 本文研究的出发点在于考察国际税收竞争对FDI流动的影响。这对于我国准确把握国际直接投资环境,制定合理的税收政策具有十分重要的现实意义。

    The starting point of the paper is to study the impact of international tax competition on FDI flows , which has important practical significance for our government to judge accurately the international direct investment environment and to establish a reasonable tax policy .

  10. 以此为依据,本文结合实际提出了对TBT项目的投标风险、财务风险、建设风险、市场风险、投资环境风险进行有效管理的若干措施。

    Based on the point of view , the paper put forward a certain measures which can manage TBT project risks include bid risk , financing risk , construction risk , market risk , investment environment risk , etc. .

  11. 最后,结合越南的投资环境与项目风险形势,有针对性地为中国投资者在越南投资TOT项目提供全面的风险管理策略与相关建议。

    Finally , combined the investment environment and risk situation of Vietnam projects , the thesis offers overall risk management tactics as well as concerned advises for those Chinese investors who will invest in Vietnam by TOT mode .

  12. 接着以顾客满意理论为指导,借鉴美国顾客满意度指数(ACSI)模型,结合开发区投资环境各因素及投资者行为特征分析,构建出投资者满意度指数模型。

    Secondly taking American Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) model for reference , investor satisfaction index model is designed based on the analysis of investor behavior features and factors of investment environment .

  13. 浅谈我省投资环境存在的问题及对策

    On the Problem and Countermeasure of Investment Circumstance of Gansu Province

  14. 基于灰色系统理论的房地产投资环境分析方法

    Real Property Investment Environment Analysis Methods Based on Gray System Theory

  15. 我国典型紧缺矿产资源跨国经营投资环境评价

    Evaluation on Transnational Investment Environment for China Typical Scarce Mineral Resources

  16. 中国矿业外资投资环境研究

    Studies on the Foreign Capital Investment Environment of Chinese Mining Industry

  17. 据介绍,武汉市将进一步改善投资环境。

    According to presentations , Wuhan will further improve the investing environment .

  18. 加快国内基础设施建设步伐,改善投资环境;

    Speeds up the domestic infrastructure construction step , Improvement investment environment ;

  19. 第二部分:旅游投资环境评价的理论及方法基础。

    Part ⅱ: the theory and methodology of the IE of tourism .

  20. 以服务业知识化为主线优化南京投资环境

    Optimizing Investment Circumstance in Nanjing mainly through Intellectualizing Service Industry

  21. 制度创新不足,投资环境的优势正在弱化等。

    The system innovation and the investing environment are weakened .

  22. 银川市房地产业投资环境评价

    The Assessment on Investment Environment of Real Estate in Yinchuan

  23. 同时港口也是国家吸引外资、发展外向型经济的主要条件和投资环境。

    At the time she attracts investment from foreign country .

  24. 进一步转变政府职能,改善投资环境。

    The government 's further change in functions and improve investment environment .

  25. 近代外商在华投资环境分析

    The Macro Analysis of Environments of Investment in Modern China

  26. 房地产项目投资环境模糊综合评价

    The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation for the investing environment of real estate project

  27. 职业体育俱乐部投资环境分析

    Analysis on Environment of Investments Professional Sports Club in China

  28. 二是创造优越的投资环境,广泛吸引外商前来投资;

    Their efforts to create better investment environment to lure foreign investment ;

  29. 改善投资环境存在的问题及其对策研究

    The Study of the Existing Questions & Countermeasures about Improving Investment Climate

  30. 城市化进程中投资环境的评价

    Evaluation on City Investment Environment during the Process of Urbanization