
  • 网络Nursing management;Nursing Administration
  1. 把CI战略导入医院护理管理的初步设想

    Tentative Idea of the Introduction of CI Strategy Into the Hospital Nursing Administration

  2. 坐标式护理管理模式在精神科的应用

    Application of the Coordinate-style Model of Nursing Administration in Psychiatric Section

  3. 8例HIV感染合并开放性骨折患者的护理管理

    Nursing management for 8 HIV infected patients complicated with open fracture

  4. 奖金ABC制在护理管理中的应用

    Applying of " Bonus ABC Ranks System " in Nursing Management

  5. ISO9000标准在军队医院护理管理中的应用研究

    A Study on Applying ISO9000 in Nursing Management of Military Hospitals

  6. 结论:在护理管理中有效的QC小组活动可以提高护理管理工作的效能。

    Conclusion : Effective QC group could increase the efficiency of nursing management .

  7. 目的:总结前列腺增生症(BPH)行TURP术前术后的护理管理经验。

    Objective To conclude the experience of nursing the patients of benign prostatic hypertrophy ( BPH ) who were treated with TURP .

  8. 2002年本院顺利通过ISO9000质量体系认证审核。结论实施满意工程作为一项护理管理措施,对树立护理服务品牌、提升病人对医院品牌的信任度起到积极的促进作用。

    Conclusion Implementing the satisfactory project is becoming one of the important methods of the management in prompting the forming of the service brand of nursing and increasing the patients ' confidence in the hospital .

  9. 方法在护理管理系统中确定具有代表意义的质量指标,应用Fuzzy-Grey评判方法对护理单位进行综合质量评判。

    Methods The representative quality indexes were determined in nursing management system and fuzzy-grey 's sump pass judgement was adopted to synthetically evaluate the quality of a nursing unit .

  10. 岗位职绩工资制在护理管理中的应用与效果

    Practice and Effect of Salary of Position System in Nursing Management

  11. 护理管理在创建舒适护理模式中的作用

    Role of Nursing Management in the Establishment of Comfortable Nursing Mode

  12. 急诊护理管理中团队精神的培养

    Training of Teamwork Spirit in the Management of Emergency Nursing Care

  13. 将绩效评价纳入护理管理是科学的管理模式。

    Performance evaluation will be incorporated into scientific nursing management mode .

  14. 救治84例烧伤病人的护理管理体会

    The experience of nursing management on rescuing 84 patients with burning

  15. 行为原则在护理管理中的运用;

    The using of the behavior principles in the nursing management .

  16. 2005~2010年护理管理者培训必要性的调查研究

    The study of training necessity of nurse managers in 2005 ~ 2010

  17. 蓝牙无线护理管理系统设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of Bluetooth wireless management and monitoring system

  18. 群体学生伤寒病治疗的护理管理

    Nursing Management to Treat Groups of Students Infected Typhoid Disease

  19. 有效的护理管理可明显降低医院感染率

    Effective Nursing Management Decreasing the Rate of Hospital Acquired Infection

  20. 服务营销策略在产科护理管理中的应用

    The application of services marketing concepts in nursing management of obstetrics department

  21. 专病专护研究促进了护理管理质量的提高

    Researches on nursing specialty improved the quality of nursing care

  22. 社区护理管理的指导意见(试行)

    The Guidelines on Community Nursing Management ( Probationary Edition )

  23. 防范医疗事故及纠纷的护理管理对策

    Nursing management and strategies to prevent medical disputes and mistakes

  24. 目的提高护理管理水平和服务质量。

    Objective To enhance level of nursing management and quality of service .

  25. 人本管理思想在现代医院护理管理中的应用

    Application of humanistic management to nursing administration in modern hospitals

  26. 成批烧伤患者救治的护理管理

    Management of Nursing Care in the Treatment of Burn Patients in Batches

  27. 医院护理管理者素质测评研究现状与展望

    Status quo and prospect on quality evaluation study of hospital nursing administrators

  28. 持续质量改进提高护理管理水平

    To improve quality continuously and to enhance nursing management level

  29. 新形势下手术室护理管理者面对的挑战与对策

    Challenges to administrator of operation room under new condition and their countermeasures

  30. 目的探讨严重创伤患者的急救护理管理模式。

    Objective To study first aid nursing management pattern of severely injured patients .