
bào shuì
  • Tax declaration;declare dutiable goods;declare to Customs;make a statement of dutiable goods;report tax returns
报税 [bào shuì]
  • [declare to Customs;make a statement of dutiable goods] 向税务部门申报并办理有关纳税手续

报税[bào shuì]
  1. 怎样才能学会报税呢,小规模纳税要报哪几种税呢?

    How does ability learn to declare dutiable goods , which a few kinds of duty should miniature pay taxes sign up for ?

  2. 到税务机关开通企业的报税系统。

    Declare dutiable goods to what the tax authority opens an industry system .

  3. CT电话报税系统设计

    Telephone Tax Declaration System Design Based on CT Technology

  4. 基于J2EE架构的电子报税系统的设计研究

    Study of the design of J2EE based electronic tax system

  5. 基于SVM的报税欺诈检测

    Fraud Detection in Tax Declaration Based on SVM

  6. PKI技术在网上报税系统中的应用

    The research on application of PKI technology in Internet taxpaying system security

  7. 基于EJB分布组件的电子报税系统设计

    Design of Electron Tax-declaring System Based on EJB

  8. 网上报税中PKI互操作性的研究

    Research on Interoperability of PKI in E-government Services

  9. 地税网上报税系统Petri网建模及安全访问控制模型研究

    Research on Petri Net Modeling and Security Access Control Model under Pay Tax System by Internet in Local Tax Bureau

  10. 此系统通过与PKI技术结合,利用电子签章技术解决了报税信息在传输过程中以及存储时的安全问题。

    The system combined with PKT resolves security questions on transmitting tax information by using digital signature .

  11. 网上报税系统是数字签名技术应用的一个很好的例子,网上报税系统是由纳税人通过Web方式向税务机关进行纳税申报的综合税务信息处理系统。

    The electronic tax system is a good illustration at the application of the digital signature . This system is a integrate tax information system that the taxpayer could declare taxes to the revenue office by Web .

  12. 单在报税领域,它就面临来自传统报税公司如H&RBlock公司和JacksonHewitt公司的激烈竞争。

    In the tax arena the company faces stiff competition from traditional tax preparers like H & R block and Jackson Hewitt .

  13. 每年Intuit公司为电子报税者处理的退税额高达几十亿美元。

    Intuit processes billions in refunds for electronic tax filers every year .

  14. 借助CT技术和计算机辅助技术,在电子政务框架下,基于IVR系统对税务电话报税系统进行了初步探讨。

    By dint of the CT and computer assistant technology , based on IVR system , this paper discusses telephone tax declaration system in the frame of E-government .

  15. EdwardLee&Company,CPA-本港会计师事务所,提供高效专业服务,包括成立公司,簿记,核数,报税及公司秘书,并为小型企业推荐会计软件。

    A local audit firm provides efficient professional services on company formation , book-keeping , audit , tax planning , secretarial services and accounting software for small businesses .

  16. 对J2EE体系结构进行了分析,介绍J2EE在电子报税系统应用的优越性,以营业税报税过程为例介绍了J2EE在电子报税应用中的设计和实现。

    This paper gives an analysis of J2EE , and shows the advantages of J2EE application on electronic tax system . Sales tax was chosen as a case to introduce the system design and implementation with J2EE .

  17. 终端管理系统设计:成功实现了嵌入式系统的网络接入,建立起基于Internet的网络管理系统,满足税务部门税务征收和稽查的功能,率先实现网络报税,实现真正的税收电子化。

    Design of terminal management system : Internet access of embedded system has been achieved . Network management based on Internet is realized . All the taxation steps such as tax collection , tax check and invoice preparation can completely meet the needs of administration of Taxation .

  18. 探讨了EJB的体系结构及其编程接口,提出了基于EJB的电子报税系统的模型框架,设计并实现了一个运行在J2EE服务器上的N层分布电子报税系统。

    Programming interface are probed into at first , then the EJB-based model framework of the electron tax-declaring system is provided , and at last , an electron tax-declaring system with multi-tier distributed architecture is designed and implemented for the J2EE application server .

  19. 探讨了税务系统中PKI的体系结构和应用模型,分析了一个应用实例,即网上报税系统,说明了PKI技术的应用是构建安全的税务系统信息化体系的有效手段。

    Discuss the system structure and application model , then analyse an example & ' tax-declare online system ' . Make out the application of PKI technology is a effective means on constructing the secure system of taxation system .

  20. 最后,oDesk公司还代理所有的付款和报税,可获得每笔薪水10%作为佣金。

    Finally , oDesk handles all payments and tax reporting in exchange for a10 % commission on every paycheck .

  21. 文章对网上报税系统的安全问题进行了讨论,运用PKI技术,主要包括身份认证、SSL协议以及加密和数字签名,实现了网上报税系统的保密性、真实性、完整性和不可否认性。

    This article discusses the security of Internet taxpaying system . Using PKI technology that includes certification authority , SSL protocol , encryption and digital signature , It realizes the data privacy , authenticity , integrality and non-repudiation in Internet taxpaying system .

  22. 本文首先对PKI智能卡原理进行概要说明,接着分析了传统网上报税的业务流程,最后提出了基于PKI智能卡的网上报税系统的实现。

    This paper first outlines the theory of PKI Smart Card , then analyses the traditional business flow of the declaring-tax system on Internet . At last , it presents an implementation of the declaring-tax system on Internet with PKI Smart Card .

  23. 在网上报税过程中,申报文件需达到ISO制定的OSI安全体系标准,从而实现网络信息传输的机密性、真实性、完整性、不可否认性等安全机制。

    In the Taxpaying , the security of the tax files need to reach the OSI security standards , which is instituted by ISO . It is necessary to realize the effective security mechanisms including access control , authenticity , integrality and non-repudiation in the Internet .

  24. 税控收款机后台报税系统设计模式探讨

    The Application of Design Patterns in Fiscal Cash Registers Management System

  25. 这是我第一次填写报税表格。

    This is my first time to filling in BE Form .

  26. 我替公司报税、做帐。

    I already do the taxes . I do the billing .

  27. 你有注册会计师为你报税吗?

    Do you have a CPA to prepare your income tax ?

  28. 狄克和茱蒂还可以以居民身份申报2003年的联合或单独报税。

    Dick and Judy can file joint or separate returns for2003 .

  29. 如果我的药头可以报税,那我也可以

    If my pot dealer can file , I can file .

  30. 就跟其他人一样,来报税呗。

    Oh , I just filed my taxes like everyone else .