
  • 网络Embrace Love;HAVE IT ALL
  1. 日复一日,我们逐渐成熟,并急于拥抱爱,一个真心的爱。

    Day by day , we gradually are mature , and anxious to embrace love , one wholehearted love .

  2. 他还为2008年北京奥运会创作了一首《拥抱爱的梦想》。

    He has also composed " One World One Dream " for2008 Beijing Olympics .

  3. 在宾夕法尼亚州,尚克斯维尔,副总统拜登告诉家人,随着伤痛渐渐退去,他希望能从人们的微笑得到慰藉,还有对爱的人笑,拥抱爱你的人。

    And in Shanksville , Pennsylvania , Vice President Biden told family members that as their pain recedes , he hopes they find comfort in recalling the smile , the laugh and the touch of their loved ones .

  4. 爱是拥抱,爱是接吻,爱是说不。

    Love is hugging . Love is kissing .

  5. 不要忘记:努力工作,并拥抱你爱的人。

    Don 't forget : Work hard , and hug the people you love .

  6. 今天就接受耶稣,不要反抗,拥抱?的爱,让?的爱感动你心。

    Allow the love of Jesus Christ to touch your heart this morning , right now .

  7. 当你用心拥抱你所爱之人的时候放松下来并不是难事。

    When you are in a deep heart to heart hug with someone you love , it is very difficult not to relax .

  8. 她的父亲布伦特说:你的余生都可以去教训她,但是当时你只想给她个拥抱,好好爱她因为你把她找回来了,这是最重要的。

    Her father Brent said : You have the rest of your life to punish her , and you just want to hug her and just love her because you got her back and thats whats important .

  9. 花儿会在天空里开放,我能静静的拥抱着我的爱和幸福

    Flowers bloom in the air , I am embrace my love and happiness silently

  10. 我爱聊天,拥抱,和我爱的人一起过浪漫的生活。

    I love to talk , cuddle , and spend romantic time with the woman I love .

  11. 世界上最美妙的一件事是,当你拥抱一个你爱的人,他把你抱得更紧。

    One of the best feeling in the world is when you 're hugging the person you love , and they hug you back even tighter .

  12. 没错,当你与你愿意相伴的人在一起时,得到他(她)的一个拥抱,一个爱的亲吻是甜蜜的,是感到暖暖的。

    There is no doubt that it feels sweet and warm to have a hug or a loving kiss when you are with the one who you love spending time with .

  13. 他们说,幸福很简单,就是当你用力拥抱一个你爱的人的时候,你忽然发现,他把你抱得更紧。

    Some people say that happiness is just as simple as , when you hug someone whom you love tightly , you suddenly find that , he is holding you even tighter .

  14. 今天,仰望蓝天,聆听小草在脚下生长,呼吸春天的气息,细细品尝大地的果实,然后放开双手拥抱你的所爱。

    Today , look at the blue sky , hear the grass growing beneath your feet , inhale the scent of spring , let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue , reach out and embrace those you love .

  15. 今天,仰望蓝天,聆听小草在脚下生长,呼吸春天的气息,细细品尝大地的果实,然后放开双手拥抱你的所爱。让上帝唤醒你那神圣的知觉。

    Today , look at the blue sky , hear the grass growing beneath your feet , inhale the scent of spring , let the fruits of the earth linger on your tongue , reach out and embrace those you love . Ask Spirit to awaken your awareness to the sacredness of your sensory perceptions .

  16. HugSomeone来个拥抱肢体语言很重要,拥抱会使被爱的人感到愉快。

    Physical gestures mean a huge amount , and a hug can be just what a loved one needs to put a big smile on their face .