
  • 网络Extrusion Equipment
  1. 秸秆瓦热挤压设备自动控制系统的设计

    The Automatic Control System Design of Straw Tiles Hot Extrusion Equipment

  2. 米糠挤压设备的虚拟设计

    Virtual design on rice bran extrusion equipment

  3. 煤料热压成型过程中挤压设备改进途径的探讨

    Study of the way to improve squeezer for hot briquetting process

  4. 静液挤压设备增加一反压装置。

    The hydrostatic extruder has one increased reverse extruding unit .

  5. 挤压设备系一台带加热系统的试验性单螺杆挤压机。

    A single screw extruder with heating system was employed in the system .

  6. 静液挤压设备的研究

    A research on the hydrostatic extrusion press

  7. 包括了毛坯制备,挤压力计算,挤压设备选择。

    It includes rough preparation , extrusion force calculation as well as extrusion equipment selection .

  8. 日本挤压设备的进展

    Development of Extrusion Facilities in Japan

  9. 基于Pro/Mechanica的生物质挤压设备平模成型孔结构分析及仿真

    The Flat-die Hole Structure Analysis and Simulation of Biomass Briquetting Equipment Based on Pro / Mechanica

  10. 对煤料的热压成型过程进行了分析,提出了改进挤压设备的途径。

    This paper analyses the process of coal hot briquetting and points out the way to improve squeeer .

  11. 闭心式静液压转向系内高压和等径角挤压设备液压系统原理设计

    Design of the principles in the hydraulic system of internal high-pressure forming and equal channel angular processing equipment

  12. 目前,连续挤压设备生产的铜扁线表面缺陷的检测工作是依靠人的肉眼检查。

    Currently the examination work of the copper flat line surface blemish depends on a person with a naked eye .

  13. 介绍了大型铝型材短行程挤压设备的概念;分别介绍了后上料和前上料两种不同结构形式的大型铝型材短行程挤压设备;

    The concept of large-size compact Al profile extrusion press has been introduced , with two different structures of front loading and back loading .

  14. 重点分析了短行程前上料挤压设备的优点,介绍了短行程前上料挤压工艺的关键技术;

    The advantages of front loading compact extrusion press have been analysed emphatically . The key technology of front loading compact extrusion press has been introduced .

  15. 介绍了冷挤压设备的技术现状,重点阐述了肘杆式冷挤压力机的类型和各自的特点与使用场合。

    The present conditions of cold-squeezing equipments and technology have been introduced with the emphasis on the characteristics and the usage situation in the cold-squeezing press of elbow-pole type .

  16. 结果表明:控制碳化物不均匀性在三级以内及合理的纤维流线分布,可显著提高引进冷挤压设备上的模具寿命。

    The results shown that controling heterogeneity of carbides within three class and the reasonable distribution of lines of fiber can improve obviously the service life of cold extrusion dies .

  17. 长串高压硅堆的电压分布与不等值均压分析内高压和等径角挤压设备液压系统原理设计

    Analysis of Voltage Distribution Along Series Silicon Stacks and Voltage Sharing by Unequal Parameter Method Design of the principles in the hydraulic system of internal high-pressure forming and equal channel angular processing equipment

  18. 铜扁线是电机变压器制造等工业必不可少的材料,用连续挤压设备生产铜扁线是近几年才出现的新工艺。

    Copper flat wire is an essential material of the motor transformer manufacturing industry . Production of copper flat wire by continuous extrusion equipment is the emergence of new technology in recent years .

  19. CONFORM连续挤压包覆设备

    CONFORM Continuous Extrusion and Cladding Machine

  20. 她积极自觉地工作,给我们作出了榜样。这对挤压加工设备的选用有积极作用。

    She set an example to us by her conscientious work .

  21. 大型熔融挤压成形设备的研究与开发

    Research and development of the large-scaled melted extrusion manufacturing system

  22. 三种挤压粉磨设备粉磨稳定性比较

    Comparison on Grinding Stability of Three Kinds of Extrusion Grinder

  23. 料层挤压粉碎设备的技术特性分析

    The Analysis of the Technical Properties of Material Layer Pressing Grinding Equipments

  24. 高效钢筋挤压连接设备的研究和设计

    Research And Design of High Efficiency Squeeze Splicing Machine for the Reinforcing Bars

  25. 聚乙烯装置改扩建挤压造粒设备布置的优化

    Equipment layout optimization in pelleting unit of PE plant

  26. 铜材连续挤压生产设备的监测、控制系统研制

    Development of display and control system to continuous extrusion production line for copper strips

  27. 并通过部分实验加以讨论,提出了挤出制备微孔泡沫塑料的较佳工艺条件。这对挤压加工设备的选用有积极作用。

    Therefore , good processing conditions for manufacturing microcellular plastics are discussed by experiments .

  28. 压射系统是挤压铸造设备的核心部件,主要包括冲头与压室。

    Injection system is the core component of the equipment , including punch and chamber .

  29. 然后,运用实验模态分析方法对现有熔融挤压成形设备的振动性能进行深入研究。

    Then , the Experimental Modal Analysis method was applied to the study of vibration performance of current MEM system .

  30. 内高压和等径角挤压两用设备控制系统研究及设计

    The Research and Design of a Control System Which is Used for Internal High-Pressure Forming and Equal Channel Angular Pressing Equipment